Ordered Complexity necessitates Design

by gravedancer 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker

    AAAAAUUUUUGGGGHHHH!!!! These replies to the original question are so tiresome. People, learn about evolution before you debunk it, k? Behe? Totally discredited. Read about it. The watch example? Explained. Complexity implying something? Shown not to be needed.

    Just read and learn, and not from anti-evolutionary sources. If you want to learn about evolution, go to the source and learn from evolutionists. My god, this is the 21st-century! Let's get with the program.

    End of rant.

  • AlanF

    Sorry, Focus, I'll try to do better next time.


  • julien

    Seeker: reread freeman's post before you start ranting about the watch example.

  • Seeker

    Quite right, julien. My apologies, freeman.

  • Judith

    Some endeavor to blend belief in God with evolution, saying that God created by evolution. Maybe we "evolved" "God" along with ourselves?

  • Focus

    freeman wrote:

    It’s sad to observe that even when a creationist speaks facts

    Ummmmm - W H A C K ! !

    Correct instead is: "It's sad that freeman, who is no fool, has slipped up."

    Here, I will show you that it is YOU and not AF or myself who is guilty of carelessness in replying accusatorily.

    Now, the original poster wrote (my emphasis, and typo corrected):

    doesn't this point to design and therefore a designer (i.e.
    God)?However, the original poster DID NOT WRITE:

    doesn't this point to design and therefore a designer (e.g.

    i.e. means "that is"
    e.g. means "for example"

    So, had he/she used "e.g." instead of "i.e.", I would have had no quarrel with the statement made, as it would not have ruled out another designer - your stated "force" [sic!] of evolution.

    But gravedancer did not. So the responses to his/her question by AF and myself were appropriate. And your said criticism of us was not. Get it?

    Your joke that he misspelled "evolution" as "God" does not excuse or explain away your criticism of our responses. Stop being so eager to score points, freeman. Your intelligence is manifest. Do not misuse it... And learn some more Physics. It explains everything, in the end. Biology is but a halfway house, and Chemistry is for kiddies.

    (Encouragement Class)

  • bboyneko

    you guys got it all wrong..see god created all life..it would be foolish to think otherwise. Now the only thing left to figure out is who the heck created god...

  • freeman

    Good points focus,

    You are absolutely correct even down to catching the smallest but pivotal errors on my part. You also said “And learn some more Physics”. One can never learn enough about this complex subject. I worked for approximately 5 yeas in NASA’s Space Physics Analysis Lab in Greenbelt Maryland, but I can’t say enough ever rubbed off on me to make much of a noticeable difference. I am still quite the novice.

    PS If you want to see some pretty cool pictures from my old lab, point your browser at:



  • Focus

    freeman wrote:

    Good points focus,
    You are absolutely correct even down to catching the smallest but pivotal errors on my part. You also said “And learn some more Physics”. One can never learn enough about this complex subject

    Thank you. Note that in the 1930s, many great physicists thought that they would imminently have the whole subject pretty much wrapped up, and in another ten years or so it would be dead as a research area.

    And thank you for the URL. But it is among ones I know well, as I regularly "steal" images from it.

    See: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=20357&site=3

    (Always Learning Everything Class)

  • Moxy

    haha thx focus. 'whitewashes by omission' - thats hilarious. but scary too because i think some people actually think like that.


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