My journey to atheism

by Awakened at Gilead 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    PSac, I'm very much an atheist, but in my writings I wish to come across as reasonable as possible so as not to offend.

    I don't doubt whether God exists or not, but rather I think the question of god is irrelevant to daily living, since there is no evidence that any god exists. However, since people keep on insisting that I believe in a god, I have written about it.

    The fact that I am open to accepting that a god might exist does not make me agnostic. It just means that I am living up to what I preach - evidence based existentialism.

  • tec

    I can't read the story. Every time I click the link, my computer freezes up and then I have to force it to shut down.


  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    tec, try going to and you'll see the story featured on the home page.

  • tec

    Well, if you can believe it, my computer froze up trying to get to freeminds, too. I managed to 'unfreeze' the computer instead of having to shut the computer down.

    I can go all over the rest of the internet. I guess its just you and your story ;)


  • bohm

    tec: You might want to try google chrome.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    tec, must have been god telling you to stay away from that atheist bull shite :)

  • tec
    tec, must have been god telling you to stay away from that atheist bull shite :)

    I was waiting for you to bring that up, lol. :)

    Bohm - I have no idea what google chrome is, sorry. I just click on the safari icon on my mac, and there my internet is. *shrugs*


  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan


    Chrome (Google) = Safari (Apple) = Internet Explorer (Microsoft) = Firefox (Mozilla)

    I was also getting Safari crashed; Internet Explorer opened the page, although with some script errors...Since you are on Mac, you may want to install and have as a back up Firefox..

  • tec

    thanks Yan :)

  • PSacramento
    I just click on the safari icon on my mac

    Tammy has a Mac !!!

    Ninjas have been sent to delete all your favorite sites, install gay porn virus and change your keyboard language to Kahsikstanese !!

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