Secret elders meeting in the end of 2010

by Lore 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lore

    All the elders in my circuit are driving across the state for a big elders meeting. And the Ministerial servants have to do it on Sunday. Evidentally they were all told to study certain parts of their new book before going.

    Well it's supposed to be top secret and they aren't allowed to record it and they have to bring a badge or they can't get in.

    Basically I wanted to know what they're talking about cause I'm curious like that and I like to know the secret things. Anyone have a recording or some notes?

  • skeeter1

    Is there going to be a security pat-down at the entrance?

  • Lore

    Only if they don't agree to the nekkid scanner.

  • Lore

    Nobody knows anything? Is this just a local thing?

  • NeonMadman

    Sounds like it's probably the Kingdom Ministry school where they will go over the new elders' manual.


    The Secret Elders Meeting..

    ................................ ...OUTLAW

  • cantleave

    It's the meeting where they add the handwritten, dictated notes to the Shepherding book. You know, the notes that indemnify the WTS, from anything that could end up in court.

  • skeeter1

    I heard that there was a meeting a few weeks ago in the Atlanta area and that a Bethelite came down to speak with just the elders and MS. At this meeting there were two things discussed.

    1) A JW can give a disfellowshipped family member room and board if there is an extreme emergency.

    Now, I don't know if there was any illustrations of what constituted an extreme emergency or family member.

    2) A JW can himself/herself attend college or pay for another to attend college only if the person attending AND the JW did not become spiritually weak.

    So, this allows elders to send their kids to University? But, makes the kids "keep in" the Truth to get their tuition. Loving provision with no coercion hey? Reminds me of the people who use a spouse through Law or Medical school, then gets divorced immediately afterwards. I hope some JW kids milk the hell out of their elder families. LOL.

    anyway, this was from a MS. If it was a two day school, he wouldn't have attended the elder's only portion.

  • metatron

    I don't see that number 1 is any change at all. They remove MS's and elders for that.

    As for number 2, that might be a very small change. It may be a recongnition that the battle against college is not going according to plan.


  • wasblind

    " It may be a recongnition that the battle against college is not going according to plan."

    I hear you Metatron,

    people are realizing that they can complete an education, get married,

    have children, grandchildren and have extra time to spare while waiting on the big A

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