"What will be examined in the following article?" How many of you adults shamelessly raised your hand for these questions?

by miseryloveselders 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • miseryloveselders

    Every WT magazine has at least one article that asks this question at the end of one of the study articles. Sometimes these questions are in the books such as this week's book study. They spiced it up a little bit for this book study though. They asked, "and what will be considered in the ensuing chapters?" Call me strange, but the word ensuing adds some excitement. Gets me all tingly inside, like bad girls from James Bond movies.

    What always killed me with these questions, was the ones who raised their hands for these questions, were the ones who waited until the last minute to comment. To hell with the little kids having trouble with pronunciation and reading, and their parents waiting for something simple in the lesson so they could show off their children as being raised as little spiritual gifts from God. Nope, slacker JWs would raise their hands in a heartbeat to avoid the shame of someone approaching them after the meeting saying, "I missed your comment today!" I guess the shame of not commenting at the meetings far outweights letting cute little children express their love for Jehovah.

    Any of you guilty for raising your hand for these sort of questions?

    On the flipside, its funny how some parents who think too highly of their childs developement.........let their children read scriptures, or paragraphs beyond their child's capabilities. Sometimes you can see the irritation in the conductor's face when this happens, or some of the more zealous dubs. I find it funny personally, some little 5 year old reading John 17:3, "Dis mmmmm...eeans....eating life" (parent chimes in, and you hear it in the microphone) "everlasting!" Kid repeats parent, "everlasting life. Th, th, th, their ta, ta, ta, k, kk, taking in, know you." Then the parent grabs the microphone back and finishes the verse. Half the audience goes, "awwwwww!!!" The other half including the conductor(unless its his kid) roll their eyes. Gotta love that application of Hebrews 10:25, and Romans 1:11,12.

  • MrFreeze

    I never answered that question.

  • miseryloveselders

    Be honest Mr.Freeze!!! I'll level with you, I've done it before. Don't get all spiritual on us now!

  • MrFreeze

    Not when I was an adult. Maybe when I was like 8.

  • miseryloveselders

    C'mon Mr.Freeze, we're all undercover or out in the open apostates!! I'm not gonna judge you for being in your thirties raising your hand for these questions.

    Let me ask you this though.........when one of those paragraphs came up with the question being something like, "What questions should we consider?", and it had like several different answers.........did you raise your hand and take one? We're you a ballhogger and commented on all the answers in the paragraph making it so that other potential commenters couldn't get a piece of the action?

  • MrFreeze

    I'm being 100% honest. I can't remember the last time I had done that. At that point I was usually too busy closing my book or putting my watchtower away.

  • miseryloveselders

    I'm being 100% honest. I can't remember the last time I had done that. At that point I was usually too busy closing my book or putting my watchtower away.

    Good point!!! I forgot how many people do this too!!!! Some of the feistier old timers do this suprisingly. It's like they're tired of sitting there hearing that stuff.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I preferred the meatier questions where I could use my brain.

    But I hear they don't have those types of questions anymore, nor are you allowed to express things in your own words.

  • Ding

    "We should be grateful that Jehovah has given us the faithful and discreet slave organization to provide meat in due season in the short time left before Armageddon."

    That's ALWAYS the right answer.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I did it as an adult when I switched to the Spanish congregation. I did kid answers as soon as I could understand the language well enough.

    It was FUN! I guess I joined the Spanish congregation in order to combat boredom.

    I already heard all that stuff in English and was sick of it because my mind was just dead.

    Learning a foreign language woke it up, however I learned it. Didn't matter the content.

    Had to please the family (4th and 5th generations of JW's in mine) and do what was right.

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