I love Christmas!

by Newborn 125 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    And now for some "Christmas" [WINTER SOLSTICE] cheer...

    Which is what I celebrate, anyway... The Winter Solstice has been celebrated for thousands of years BEFORE the bible was ever written...

    Naner naner boo boo!!

    Ah, Winter!!! The cold, pristine beauty!!!

  • ziddina

    In winter, every evergreen is a Christmas tree....

  • ziddina

    And then, there are real Christmas [Winter Solstice] trees....


  • ziddina

    Awwww....... Now I feel all warm and snuggly...

  • miseryloveselders

    Awwww....... Now I feel all warm and snuggly...

    Hmpph, I feel like knocking teeth out. Stupid holiday.

  • mrsjones5

    Awwww....... Now I feel all warm and snuggly...

    Me too! Now I'm jonsing for the white Christmas I used to know in Indiana!

  • ziddina

    Yeah, Josie, I know what you mean...

    Even here in Denver, we don't always get a white Christmas - in fact, I think our statistical average is once every 5 years....

    A person has to be in the mountains to actually have a white Christmas, nearly every year...

    But - we often have white Januarys, Februarys, and Marchs!!!


  • Deceived

    I have always loved Christmas since I got out of the JW religion.....everything was so drab as a JW child so I guess that why I love the tradition and the pretty trees and lights and brightly wrapped presents. The songs and the uplifted spirts of everyone. We all need a time to look forward to each other to do special things for ourselves and others.

  • ziddina

    Here is an absolutely stunning Winter Solstice song.... So hauntingly beautiful...


  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    I love it too! I remember Christmas as a child until about the age of 8 when one of my parents converted, so I have fond memories of just how magical and beautiful the season was. My other parent was the atheist 'Grinch' so I grew up with one of each! Anyhow, prep for Christmas took almost six weeks, what with Advent (lighting of 1 candle 4 weeks before Christmas, lighting of 2 candles 3 weeks before, lighting of 3 candles 2 weeks before and all 4 candles the week of), baking up a storm for friends and family, putting up of the tree, our little Advent calendar when we got to open a little window on the calendar every day from December 1 - 25 (with a little chocolate surprise behind each one). We made a lot of our gifts, so we were very busy hiding stuff and working on our creations when other family members weren't around. The excitement and prep was wonderful - we were a lot poorer then, but that didn't stop us making the most of it and enjoying it to the full.

    So after, 45+ years, it's those memories that make me love it. Can't say the same for my other half who was literally born-in (never experienced a Christmas ever) - you grinches remind me of what I face every day! HOWEVER, I've already made my fruitcake which is steeping as we speak, getting moister by the day; I still have sheets and sheets of goodies to bake, drinks to mix, and presents to wrap, but this is what gets me through December, the darkest time of year. Those pagan revellers were on to something, I say - if it's dark outside, light everything up and make merry! What could be wrong with that?

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