diss day

by serein 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • serein

    ok so i think todays the day the congregation gets to hear im dissing myself,

    i sent my letter off last week and theyl have got it on saturday,

    as i was told on a earlyer post it wont be done on sunday meeting

    im guessing its gona be today

    my ex mom inlaw dont know anything about it yet,so god knows what shes gona be like with the news

    im dreading it realy,

    do i look away from people if i see em or do i look at em and what say hi? say nothing

    and what if she goes to one of my kids houses and i go and shes there

    then what do i do ignor her and will she ignor me,

    will she even talk to my kids if iv dissed myself and they dont go now anyways

    its like scary now its today,

    from now on its blank faces all the way if i see some one i supose.

    very christian arnt they.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    just try to act normal and let them do all the work.

    If you had a job and you quit and you saw the people you used to work with even your old boss you would say hello and let them think what they may.

    It was a bold and brave move and I commend you

  • ClassickConcept

    Be prepared for anything. U did this for closure and complete seperation so try not to focus on how the Dubbs will react. You no longer one of them so it shouldnt matter. Even tho it doesnt apply to the kids a few may choose to ignore them as well so jus keep ya head high and look confident and assured in your descision. Much love your way!

  • serein

    omg, im so upset and stressed,

    guess what happend

    they came tonight with my letter and gave it back to me

    saying they care about me and want to listen and talk

    i said if u wanted to listen ud leave me alone cos iv made my dessisions and they said they wana come and chatt talk it through make sure its the right one, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bit more bla,

    then i said i dont agree with the blood and id be a hipocrit if i came back and they wont listen thinking they can get me to there way of thinking about it,

    i also mentiond about corinthian were it talks about festivitys and stuf u know celebrating religiose stuff and they then asked me if id been looking on web sites i said no but with i hadnt cos i dont like lieing but only cos i dont want them thinking im listening to other people and not my on thoughts u know like im being brain washed by u lot or sumat,

    they said they dint take the letter cos i dint sighn it in ink how stupid

    cos id done it and printed it off,

    then they said they gona come back in jan and i dont want them to

    so what do i do,

    do i send the letter back signd will it make a diff,

    will they stilol come back,

    im a wreck

    im crying

    i feel like im in a hole i cant get out off,

    i feel like im not in control of my life and they are

    and that if im not in there organisation anymore i wont live in paradise,

    i said i will cos im a good person with a good heart

    they wont listen to me i told u in my last posts about them keep coming and wont listen to me

    now when i send a letter they bring it back

    how nmany people on here have had there letters brought back,

    how many people have said they dont agree with there religiose beliefs and still got told they care and want u back,

    i care i care so much that its not the right religion anymore that i want to sdtay out of it and they wont listen to me,

    why cant they just see that some people just want to do what they thinks right and just leave em alone and not keep pushing it on em

    i know they think im wrong and gona perish or sumat, but i dont think same and they want me to talk about it and tell em the scriptures iv been looking at and show em and what ever liek i was at teh door with my jarmers on and kids goin bed and i felt uncomfortable with it all,

    jehovah dosnt push things on u force u to beleive or keep going at u till u give in he wants u to lok in to things make sure its right andn not just listen to men,

    im doing what i thinks right and if im wrong im doomed but im not.

    they wont listen said what i needed to say and there ears were death and there mouths were going and going and going i could think of scriptures that id read cos id been put on the spot and u no what its liekthey will have an answer cos they trined to have an answer to everything,,

    so what now do i sighn leter send it back send a new letter with all the scriptures in it that knocks there beleifs and sums up my own,

    then will it work will they bring that one back

    how come no one was my frr=eind wile i was there and al of a sudden every one wants me back whos everyone no ones even seen me in liek a year noe one even rings me talks to me nothing,so weres the love weres the christian love there iv not had any.i told em that and i said if i get shuned wont make a diff cos no ones my freind anyhow and they still wont listen,

    it it was truely gods people id not have any dout about it and id have a huge amount of freinds no stress no burden i could not carry.i hade a giant burdan and i could not carry it and never will cos its wrong,

    please some one help me get rid of them i need a letter thats more comvinsing than the one i sent,

    plus they think its my husband whos been talking to me like yer as if,they only think that cos i met him on a web site and they think hes corupt anyways even thoe hes the quietest mind my spellings im rubish and the kindest most humble hard working gentle person i could ever meet,

    they dont no us they dont know me they deff dont know him, cos they never botherd to try

    or is that cos we dont go on min 25 hour a day or what ever. help im pathetic and a mess and feel surounded by wolfs.

  • nelly136

    serien, check your pms hon

  • wasblind

    Serein, I was not a born in but I wrote a letter to my old church and went to join the JW's

    It upset my family but other than that nobody forced me to stay, It's ashamed that you are

    being forced to stay when you want to leave. Send another letter, signed and put up a no

    trespassing sign on your front door, that way they can't lie a say they didn't see it. I wouldn't

    waste anymore time since this is upsetting you so, because once they see that you are serious they

    will say things to make you feel even worse, don't give them that chance

  • yellow

    dear Serein

    Don`t feel pressured or intimidated by those men, you owe them nothing. When I came out I wrote a diss letter I had one elder on the phone for over an hour and another two came by the next day using all their wee tricks, emotional blackmail, intimidation the usual panned phrase "where else would you go etc. I buckled and gave in for a while.

    I wrote another diss letter 4 months later and was quite firm with what I wrote. Tell them its your final decision and for them to respect it also ask them not to call you or contact you. It worked for me I never heard from them again and refused to meet with them.

    Hope all goes well for you

  • serein

    this is what i wrote in my letter so tell me this what part of it sounds like they shouldnt listen to it and im weak minded and im pathetic and they should come back what gives them the idea that they can ignore what i wrote,

    to the bla congregation of jehovahs witnesses

    this is a letter to say we wish to dissassociate ourselfs from the

    jehovahs witness religion.we dont believe it is the true religion.

    in closing,we would like to be added to the do-not call list.we do not

    want to be visited for encouragement.we do not want to receive any

    phone calls.we would like to be left alone so we can live our life the

    way god would want us to.free from the control of any earthly

    organzatio,but only what is found in the bible.please respect our wishes

    sincerely, bla bla

    so what part of that dint they understand

    what part of that makes em think its ok to ignore me.

  • Gregor

    Just a guess, but it may be that they are being overwhelmed by "I Quit!" letters and are trying to salvage what they can. Having one of these announced every Thursday night is not good for morale.

    PS. I assume you took care to write the letter with proper spelling and grammer. Your above 'stream of consciousness' style might make them wonder if you were sober when writing it. ??

  • cameo-d


    It looks like they want to have the final say. You can't quit until THEY say so. They are still insisting on having the upper hand just to see how far they can still manipulate you.

    they said they dint take the letter cos i dint sighn it in ink how stupid

    If it were me, I would sign the damn thing in ink, cut my finger, bleed on it and tell them its my blood signature and final word and don't ever darken my doorstep again.

    I would send it certified, return receipt. Or better yet, send it to Brooklyn and let the local body get the word from Hdqtrs.

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