by blondie 129 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    The cards are a mixture of absolutely beautiful and/or fun :)

    Zid - I loved the peace presents between the dragon and the knight!


  • ziddina

    Glad you liked it, Tammy!!!

  • only me
    only me

    Zid- I just saw this, sorry it took me so long.

    Mice are fantastic pets! We had some in an aquarium, good because they can't chew it, bad because it limits air circulation. The little plastic habitats are good as long as you check for chewing every time you clean it, but can be hard to clean all the little spaces. Metal cages with close wires are great for climbers and have good air circulation. I personally like metal cages that can be scrubbed easily.Our vet told us to use the paper bedding instead of wood shavings- it makes a huge difference to their health.

    Okay back on topic:

    There are still cards coming, they are all simply beautiful! My JW husband even had ideas for displaying them. After Christmas I was looking at some displays of cards for next year and all he said was,"You don't need those right now, you can pick some out later when you have more time to find what you want. " He was really nice about everything this year, quite a difference from other years.

  • ziddina

    Only me, I'd love to hear your ideas - and your JW hubby's ideas - as to how to display the Christmas cards...

    I'm thinking about making a big, flat, two-dimensional "tree" out of fabric, and cutting diagonal slits in it, spaced about 6" - 8" apart. That way, cards that orient vertically and horizontally will be 'evenly' displayed at an angle...

    I've already purchased 2 yards of forest green, glittery polyester felt and some strands of "Christmas" decorations to mount on the tree...

    Since the holidays are over, though, I'm just not as motivated...

    At least my Christmas cold is almost over, and hubby and I walked around our neighborhood tonight, looking at the Christmas lights displays... Saw some nice ones, too!!! (But SOME people refused to turn theirs on!!! )

    I might leave mine up until Valentine's day... Since I decorated in red and white, this year...


  • ziddina

    Oh, Ele_Lux.....

    I got your Caaaaaaaaarrrrd.....

    VERY nice!!! Lovely sentiment inside - THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!


  • AwSnap

    I agree. I got Ele_Lux's card yesterday and got a nice big smile on my face. Seems like such a sweet person. I appreciated all the cards I received that had personalized messages

  • ele_lux

    Awww! Glad you liked them ^^

    I'm actually still holding my breath because i've been out of town for a couple weeks and won't be back until like February!! So I'll get to see them all super late haha, but i'm excited!

    Same goes for Secret Santa.

  • myelaine

    I really enjoyed receiving all these cards!

    I just got one from finallysomepride down in austrailia...I hope everything is ok with him down there considering the flooding going on there right now.

    thank you for the lovely cards...you can kinda see most of them on the window ledge, if you'd like to have a peek


    love michelle

    p.s. if that link works for you...yay!!!

  • myelaine

    ok...that didn't work.

    but this should... <object width="400" height="300" ><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="movie" value="http://www.facebook.com/v/1717679457741" /><embed src="http://www.facebook.com/v/1717679457741" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="300"></embed></object>



    ...awfully fuzzy...I'll take a picure. be back later.

  • myelaine

    http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2097420&id=1110889045&l=0d2e69defd one week ago I would have never been able to do this so fast...(at all )

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