Why is it?

by JeffT 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    Conformity on not clinking glasses or toasting with raised glasses- makes JW's feel uncomfortable at non-JW weddings and celebrations of any kind. "I don't belong with these people." "These glass-clinkers are servants of Satan." It's all so so so silly.

  • designs

    It was Fred Franz's vision, the JW Army of God all marching in lockstep. He mentions it in the Scotland Trial manuscript and I remember seeing him march off of the podium at Dodger Stadium back to the Dugout , a real to god stiff legged German march.

    Why oh why didn't I run for the parking lot when I saw that in 1969. gads!

  • mouthy

    But did you notice,they never forbid the booze ( unless you get moderatly drunk)
    Why is that? Because I believe booze soften the brain.( o.k. no rocks)
    So when you keep boozed up,youll follow "rules"when they come from Brooklyn
    they say they got it straight from GOD? Their GOD!!!!>>>>Satan the Devil

  • notverylikely

    it can become a "cancer" that ultimately affects the groupthink.

    that is probably the bst thing I have ever seen you write, Shelby.

    She is 100% right. Everyone here was. It's easier to to manage a herd when all of the non-docile animals are gone.


    I know the obvious answer is control, but to what purpose?

    It's a divine mystery. Members are supposed to obey not question Jehovah's faithful & discreet slave, his very mouthpiece.

    You should go and stand in the corner just for asking!

  • PSacramento

    Isolate them and when they DO figure it out, they don't believe they have anywhere else to go, so they stay anyways.

    Seems to me what I have been seeing as of late with many of the people I come in contact with:

    " Yeah, we know their are issues..yeah I don't agree with that either...yeah that doesn't make any sense to me either...yeah, I have a hard time reconciling that...but you know what? NO religion is perfect so I am happy where I am".

  • Ding

    Like the Pharisees, the GB thinks the way to please God is to follow a set of rigid rules.

    They really believe God has appointed them to make and enforce these rules.

    Since they can't change people on the inside, they rely on controlling them through a carrot-and-stick punishment-and-reward system.

    If they can control people on minor matters (birthdays), they can control them on major ones (dying rather than taking a blood transfusion).

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