Conscious Class: Do you still go in field service?

by brotherdan 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • brotherdan

    I know there are some of the "conscious class" on the board (i.e. yknot, miseryloveselders,elderelite,etc...) Do you guys still go in the field ministry? And if so, what do you focus on? Have you had to change your message since coming to the realizations that you have now? Do you feel guilty for going out in service? Has anyone noticed your change of approach in how you preach the gospel when going door to door?

    P.S - Please don't hate on this thread. Everyone is just trying to do what seems right to them at the time.

  • Soldier77

    Well, technically, I'm still 'in', I haven't gone out in FS in...uh... shiiiiit... 9 months now... I think I've been to less than a dozen meetings in the last 6 months. I can't go out in FS and say what they want me to say, I cannot in good conscience say the canned messages to try to sucker someone into this cult. If I had a partner in crime I would be preaching the real truth about the WTS... but I have no one I could do that with here...

  • brotherdan

    That'd be an interesting way to go out. Go door to door with an elder or pioneer, and in the middle of their presentation, bring up the fact that JWs are not true Christians and have declared numerous false prophecies.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Hell no!


  • Joliette

    I havent been out in field circus in years brother dan but its pretty hard going out knowing what you what about the organization, society, etc.

    I hate the idea of handing out watchtowers and awakes

    Most of them end up on the bus seat anyways.

  • wannabefree

    I have been going but I don't expect to much longer. The amount of time I spend in the ministry has reduced drastically and approach has definately changed. I take return visits alone when possible and just pretend to ring the bell. When I do get somebody at home, I will share a scripture about the love God shows us through Jesus, I will encourage Bible reading ... the only literature I have left for months is the tract "Why You Can Trust the Bible" ... it is not preaching JW doctrine as far as I remember and it does not have a coupon to send in for more literature.

    And some have noticed. I have told them that I am trying a new approach. One who suspects things are heading to a certain conclusion and knows me well has thanked me in a roundabout way for not bringing up the subject and appreciates the time we have been spending together.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I just can't do it. Haven't for months.

  • ele_lux

    I'm struggling with that issue right now. I've only come to the realization that I'm not in the truth a little over two weeks ago. So i still handed in my october regular pioneer monthly report. Last time I went on service I was already doubting all of this, so I only conducted a study with two little kids. But I felt SO wrong. Their innocent minds being corrupted like mine was. I just couldn't do it anymore. So last sunday I didn't go, and i'm sure they were dissapointed because they love their study.... So I really don't know what to do. I have around 10 Bible students and I don't know how to go about them. I guess I'll just hand them to someone else because after all, it's their decission if they wanna become part of Jehovah's Witnesses, not mine. But I'm deffinitely not going on field service anymore.

    Has anyone been on this situation?

  • wannabefree

    Welcome ele_lux ... sure would be interested in learning a little more background to your recent awakening ... amazing and congratulations

  • brotherdan


    Congratulations on beginning to come to your senses. It is a long and hard road, but only the hard roads are worth going down. Just keep doing your research and keep your mind open. Stay true to your own conscience and don't do anything that feels wrong. Just let God's Word guide your beliefs and actions instead of what men write.

    Along with Bible reading, it was helpful for me to read "Crises of Conscience". I was not an angry book like I had expected. It was thoroughly researched and made me feel ok with the doubts that I was having.

    Also, feel free to post your story on this site and ask any number of questions. There are people with every type of belief system and values on this site that can help in many different ways. There are many Christians here that really know their Bibles well.

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