Mind Control on Dr. Phil

by brotherdan 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Markfromcali

    I've been meaning to read The Sociopath Next Door, glad for the reminder.

    I have to say though that the perceived legitimacy of authority is really an indirect way of addressing this. I've no doubt that real education would have an influence, but a lot of what passes for education is a process of conditioning on some level. Rather than just limit unquestioning obedience, why have it at all in the first place? Why isn't the default no special authority until proven otherwise? It should be a simple matter of being clear about the psychology involved, so if anything being educated in terms of having a degree of psychological awareness perhaps, which is not necessarily a given even if one holds a formal or advanced degree.

  • undercover

    So Dr. Phil was on Dr. Phil...

    Daytime TV sure has gotten racy...

  • brotherdan

    It was actually a Dr Phil show that got through to me and empowered me enough to stop going to meetings !

    I remember the show about Fawn too.

    What is funny about THIS show is that my wife tivo'd it for me without me asking. We watched it together and I noticed her looking over at me periodically in an unusual way. I said...NOTHING. I wasn't going to start an argument. I just hope she got out of it what I did.

    In that show he had Steve Hassan on and links to his books . That is were I found a link to Freeminds and ultimately to JWD ....

    I don't remember that!!! That was before I knew who Hassan was! I've gotta try to look it up or find that episode. Fawn was in the Mormon split off sect that did polygamy, right?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Obedience to authority starts at birth with dependence upon, and obedience to, parents. Then for 12 years or more there is obedience to school teachers and other school personnel. Every social club a kid joins has a hierarchy. Sports teams have the coach and the team captain. Authority is everywhere one looks in western society and society seems to like it that way.

    I think people fear anarchy as much because they fear being responsible as because of any perceived physical danger.

    People WANT others to be in charge. That way they don't have to be.

    I think a society where authority is earned (you and I are equal until proven otherwise rather than you're in charge of me because of your uniform/title/etc.) might be possible had it evolved that way but I don't see the western world being able to go there for hundreds of years, if not more.

  • brotherdan

    You are a dork, Undercover. But a funny dork... :-)

  • blondie

    It would be illegal to do the Milgram study today; they are more ethical in considering the long-term effect to the participants.

    Here's another eerie test from 1968 and school children.

  • brotherdan

    *A Witness goes to heaven and stands before God in judgement*

    God: Paul...I need to talk to you about your life course on earth

    Paul: Yes, Lord. I am surprised, but happy to be here

    God: Well Paul, we have alot to talk about. First of all I want to let you know that I noticed how zealous you were in your beliefs. You really held firm to what you believed was right. But I have to tell you something...

    Paul: Lord, I want to hear what you have to say. You know that I have worship only you in my life. I only wanted to do what was right.

    God: Yes Paul. But the fact is...you were wrong. You followed a group of men that, although they claimed to be, they were NOT my representatives!

    Paul: Lord...I had no idea.

    God: Well Paul, that is why I want to talk to you. You believed that my Son came in 1914 to rule in an invisible way, even when I told you in my Word that EVERY EYE would see Him. Why did you believe this?

    Paul: Well Lord, Your Faithful and Discreet Slave told me that this was the date in which he arrived.

    God: Why were you convinced of this?

    Paul: Well I did the calculation that they gave me...

    God: Did I give you that calculation?

    Paul: No Lord. But they were your representatives...It was their responsibility

    God: No, Paul. It was yours. You cannot blame others. Also, Paul, did you feed the hungry, help the sick, and support the poor?

    Paul: Well Lord, I suppose I did. I contributed to the Watchtower's World Wide Work © . They told me that they were supporting the weak.

    God: Paul, did you know that they were using that money to pay off abuse victims so that they wouldn't sue? Did you know that they were paying for their Governing Body members to stay in 5 star hotels and eat at the finest restaurants while others were suffering around the world?

    Paul: No lord.

    God: But Paul, I tried to show you. I made this news known in a most public way. Every convention you went to. All over the internet. Even in psychological publications.

    Paul: But Lord, those publications were worldly.

    God: Then you are calling ME worldly. I am in charge. I always was. I gave you my word and education on how to recognize false prophets and false teachers. Yet, you followed them. You didn't listen to Jesus when he said they would say "The Time is at Hand". I even allowed them to release a book called, "The Time is at Hand." But Paul, you didn't listen. I love you and have loved you. But contrary to my warnings...you didn't come to me. You chose a man-made organization over my son. I need to take you somewhere now. I am taking you to the place that YOU chose. I never wanted this for you. But like many of my human children, you have rejected me. I only wish you would have come to me...

    Paul: But Lord! LORD! Did I not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons, and perform many powerful works in your name?!?

    God: I am sorry...but I never knew you. Get away from me, you evildoer.

  • Markfromcali

    Oh it's not just the West, actually it's true to a great extent in the East just in a different form.

    Where this gets ridiculous is when someone is not even in charge of themselves, which is of course a very real possibility and happens to a great extent very often - not that people are necessarily aware of this or pay it any mind even if they are. Of course, if that was the attitude then you can't exactly just blame others because you choose to ignore taking responsibility for yourself.

  • Snoozy

    Blondie I find that hard to believe.
    We have a place here , a medical facility, that will pay people to undergo all kinds of medical experiments. People are willing to do a lot to make money when they are desperate. I am sure all kinds of studies are being done we don't know about till they are over.

    All the people have to do in the medical experiments are sign that they are willing participants. Some may be signing their life away and not know it.

    They pay to up in the thousands so you know they are/can be pretty dangerous experiments.

    I should stand outside and get interviews from the people that go in there...and write a book.

    Snoozy, who is almost finished with her Christmas shopping...

  • Markfromcali

    There's no reason why experiments has to be done in a lab either. If you wanted to know how something works in the real world it may just make sense to make it happen there.

    Blondie did you mean to include a link? There is nothing after the second sentence where you mention a test.

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