help needed now for letter to diss

by serein 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • serein

    id take it to his door but he lives in middle of nowere and has big dogs,

  • serein

    im now in bed cant sleep cos my minds a mush again,

    if i just keep tellig them when they come to get lost they gona keep coming,

    and they gona diss me anyways soon cos im doin xmas and theyl see my tree lol,but cos my minds brain washings not out yet still feel guilty about doing it,

    also feel i cant do xmas untill i know they know im not coming back.

  • moshe

    Maybe the elders can get the point when they see this sign! I am assuming you don't care how you get them to leave you alone.

    This would work, too.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    not sure why they didn't take it but mail it to someone or leave it at the KH. don't loose sleep. it is over! OVER!

  • GrandmaJones

    Try to sleep. Tomorrow is another day. You can handle this tomorrow.

  • serein

    sent it in post just hope they get it,

  • DagothUr

    I wrote in my DA letter something like this: Starting from this day, I abdicate from respecting and believing the principles and doctrines emanated from the Flaky and Deranged Slavedriver. And personally gave it to an elder. He was surprised, wanted to talk me into not doing the DA-ing, but I was pretty aggressive and cut his speech. Later that day he called me and said the elders want to meet with me and discuss the problem. I told him we have nothing to speak of, my will was clearly expressed on that piece of paper so goodbye forever. That was saturday. The announcement was given to the congo tuesday evening. I was dead, buried and I have risen from the dead on the 3rd day! And behold, I am alive!

    Can anyone tell if I was DA-d on my own will or did the elders have the meeting without me and DF me for apostasy? What is the usual practice?

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