How many have you gotten out of the Borg?

by TweetieBird 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • james_woods

    I think that there were around 80 to 100 pretty regular witnesses who left eventually from Oklahoma City in the 1979 ti 1985 blowup. I could not say exactly how many I personally had a hand in, but I believe it would be safe to say from five to ten.

    There were at least four witness families involved, and a majority of them left then and have been gone for about 30 years now.

    Many others have left the JWs from OKC, of course, but I am talking about those who were close to the Ray Franz/Dunlap issues.

  • ClassickConcept

    I find it facinating that we are finding more success in releasing people from the borg then in recruiting!!! Inspires me to keep up my fighting spirit. I only know of one personally and thats my wife. I've heard i've helpped other and i hope to help more! VAA

  • BurnTheShips

    2. My brother in law and my wife.


  • Gayle

    I haven't gotten any out but I have helped 9 from going in. My 5 children, none ever baptized, they would have been 4th generation JWs.

    Now, through the ex-JW Meetup site contacts, helped one considering studying and marrying a JW, another one who had been in and out of JWs but never baptized to finally be out altogether, one who had married an inactive JW 15 yrs still stuck mentally, and one recently who had studied with JWs 2 yrs and was getting pushed for baptism. It doesn't take a lot as long as they aren't baptized yet, they usually have a "gut" 'somethin' ain't right' so just talking a bit with them and I keep handy books to loan out for them to read. They are good to go on with their life after that.


    only brother. Good a place as any to start!


  • WTWizard

    I stopped one person who was studying from getting any farther than a few boasting sessions. I suggested going to Six Screens of the Watchtower, and that person went there and refused to continue with the witlesses any farther.

  • OnTheWayOut

    So far, only one- me. That's a great start.

    Although I haven't actually yet gotten any JW's out, I am confident that I have changed the perspective of a couple.

  • wobble

    I just had a chat with a young Mormon missionary today, and arranged to see him again for a longer talk at the LDS church in town.

    I pointed him in the direction of JW facts site, and said compare your religion. I am hoping to help him free himself, it keeps me busy till I get the chance to talk to a Dub.

  • mouthy

    I have no idea.

  • Nickolas

    None, but I'm working on it.

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