
by AGuest 138 Replies latest jw friends


    Hey Shelby..

    Check your PM`s..

    ............... ...OUTLAW

  • AGuest

    Yessir... and I've responded. Twice.

    Peace to you, my dear OUTLAW!

    Your servant, friend, and a slave of Christ,


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    The Lord has made a request, and as his servant he has asked me to point out to glaring errors that you make, dear sister Shelby, lest others listening to you start believing in any special powers you claim to possess, yet have not.

    First, dear sister, "spelt" is a legitimate English word. Maybe people in "da South" do not use the Queen's English, but those who do speak slightly different to those whom you are accustomed to hearing.

    Secondly... yes, Lord, I know you can't stop laughing, as can't I..... anyone who reads my posts would be able to tell you that I am a female.... yes, Lord, I hear ya.... Shelby, our Lord asks that you start to listen to Him, and not your own ego, lest you start making more mistakes in His name.

    While it is easy to rely on our own understanding, the Lord Mishula Jeshushuajah asks that you stop listening to those fake voices in your head, and act more like a Christian like you claim to be. If you really were listening to the words of our Lord, you would not make these simple mistakes, as well as getting defensive whenever an innocent bystander asks questions which you cannot answer. Such actions are those of a charlatan, and that is not what you would want people to call you, dear Shelby. I know deep inside you are scared and unsure where you stand in the eyes of the Lord, yet he loves you and wishes to take him into his arms like hen with her chickens.

    Be true to yourself Shelby, and positive results will come to you. The Lord loves you, and wishes you to speak in truth. Encourage each other to read His Word, and not rely on our own thoughts, which can be mistaken as voices from above.

  • transhuman68

    BP, go out and get laid.

  • watersprout

    BP go back to your vomit and leave pure hearted people like Shelby alone...You are just making yourself look stupid...If you like looking stupid then carry on!

    Peace to you BP cause i think you are really going to need it with all this putrid blasphemy that keeps spilling forth from you.

    Shelby thats wonderful about you gig! I'm glad you are feeling better.

    Peace my sister

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Trans, are you offering?

  • thenoblelodge

    It amazes me how many posters disappear off a thread when the bullying starts. Doesn't that tell you something BP ..... other posters do not agree with the bullying and so they take a step back. I will and have defended Shelby and others who have felt the wrath of posters such as yourself. I truly do not see the need for such cruel and vicious attacks.

    I don't think it helps newbies that come on here looking for help, solace, comfort, peace or answers to witness behaviour such as we have seen on this thread.

    To all my dear sisters/brothers in Christ may you all have the peace and strength that only our Lord can give.

    (Sheesh I've been away from the forum due to a family crisis and nothing has changed. Bullies need to get a heart... one that beats and doesn't sit in their chest like a stone.)

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Dearest NobleLodge,

    (and may you have piece of cake),

    Please advise how I have been "cruel and vicious" towards our sister. I am only forwarding the messages that the dear Lord has spoken, and the Lord loves those who listen to his counsel.

    Peace and love and butterflies to you,


  • tec

    And yet another version : Mishula Jeshushuajah

    You are lying and you are bullying by continuing this farce. You might think you're justified by defending Check, but I think you were angry on behalf of yourself first.

    If you don't believe in Christ or God, then I suppose 'grieving the holy spirit' means nothing to you, and so it isn't as dark as someone who does believe, and yet decides to lie about it anyway. Others who do believe find it very upsetting, however, both on his behalf and also on your own. So the continued lying (and therefore bullying despite requests that you stop) shows something of your nature.

    Please stop lying.


  • ProdigalSon

    BP, Godly intuition comes from within, not from up in the sky somewhere.


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