My husband's first exposure to being shunned by family ......

by troubled mind 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Friday we were in the grocery store shopping .Both of us were in a very good mood because our son was coming home for a visit ,and we were planning on some fun activities . Then around the end of the aisle comes by husbands sister in law ( she is married to his step brother that is an Elder) We nearly bump into her literally we are that close I say ," OH HI ***** !" She would not even look at us and the expression on her face gave me chills ..pure contempt .

    Now I am use to the witnesses acting this way towards me ( I am the evil one ) , but usually people are nice to my mate . This is the first time he has had to endure shunning ,and I think it hit him like a ton of bricks . The joy drained from his face in that instant . I am sure he was totally taken off guard by her behavior . I joked around with him and acted like it was no big deal ,but for him I am sure it was a big deal .

    Made me feel so sorry for him . I feel a tinge of guilt since it is because of me he is now going to suffer these kinds of humiliations .....however I continue to tell myself he is an adult and is free to make his choices .....his lack of choosing is a choice too .

    The mood was lightened up a bit a few aisles over when another JW from the hall walks by us......This time when I say 'HEllO' the JW is cheery , bubbly and returns the hello with no hesitation , as she grabs a big bottle of booze and a six pack of beer ....... her only purchases . We just turned to each other and laughed .....guess she is getting by anyway she can .

  • GrandmaJones

    My husband has always had an issue with the disfellowshipping question, the idea that people who professed to love you can do that.

    That must have been disturbing to your hubby to experience it firsthand.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I could tell it has been eating at him all weekend . It has just taken him a lot longer for it to really sink in that these people really do not love him ......

    He see's the hypocrisy and knows the witnesses can be harsh ,he just never personally had it turned towards him . He works with some JW's and at work they still at least say hello to him or deal with him on work related matters . Slowly the personal interactions have cooled off ,but never has he had someone totally shun him as if he did not exisit . Especially coming from a family member will be a huge impact on him .

  • AwSnap

    I'm sorry for you AND your hubby. Can you give us a brief description of your situation? Are you DF'd or DA'd? And he has no desire to get out of the Witnesses? You've been married so long and seem so happy.....

    I hate SHUNNING! Argh!

  • sabastious

    The real evil is on the other side. Not the person doing the shunning, but the act itself.

    For a human to act this way is INhuman. It takes a lot of concentrated effort on the part of the Watchtower high ups to create this kind of behaviour.

    It's not natural. That person probably felt horrible after the experience. But that's what the Governing Body wants, for their members to feel like martyrs.

    The walking dead are easier to control.


  • jookbeard

    dreadful behaviour, the very practice will be the downfall for this disgusting, filthy cult.

  • sabastious
    dreadful behaviour, the very practice will be the downfall for this disgusting, filthy cult.

    They have been shunning for decades. The reason why this is a significant time is because of the internet.



  • jookbeard

    Sab, the drop out rate of the WTS is mind boggling,practices like this make them fall out as each day passes, they will stand up and refuse this garbage.

  • palmtree67

    I agree it's not natural. It goes against our humanity.

    The human response when someone smiles and says "hello!" is to respond in kind.

    It takes a concentrated effort to ignore someone.

  • truthseekeriam

    I'm sorry you are having deal with the shunning I guess now your husband will know exactly what you mean when you mention how the JW's treat you.

    It's no fun!! But really the ones that looks horrible are the ones shunning.

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