Thinking about going to HELL

by Smoky 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Smoky

    I got to thinking about death the other day, now that Holloween is here. This thought is only in reference to dying before Armeggedon.

    They Idea of heaven and hell, in the Non-JW Christian world is: If your GOOD you go to Heaven. If your BAD you go to Hell. Well i go to think about the argument a friend made about God's wants exclusive loyalty. Either your with him, or your against him. NO GRAY area. So if there is a GOD, than there is Devil. If there are Angels aiding Gods children, then there are Demons causing havoc. Then why if there is a Heaven...and no Hell in JW World? Something seems to be missing.

    So we can agree that in the JW world:
    If your GOOD, you live till 90 yro and die. Your Reward: Heaven or live forever on Earth.
    If your BAD, you live till 90 yro and die. Your Reward: Nothing.

    So when we die we supposedly are "not conscious of anything".
    That means that whether you are a GOOD or BAD, when you DIE, WE are in the same state.
    You wont know anything until the Ressurection, because you are "not conscious of anything".

    So if you are not chosen cause you were BAD... you wont know the difference cause your DEAD, and "not conscious of anything"!
    So aren't you suppose to be conscious of what is happening to know...
    "Oops I screwed up", or "Damn those JW were right", or "Stupid, you should have listened"?

    I does not make sense to me. A place like Hell, makes more sense.
    Anyone ever thought about this?


    Smoke'm if you Got'em

  • Heartbreaker

    Why are these your only options?


    Heaven is a place on earth and so is Hell. It's all in the mind!

  • Smoky

    What else is there?

  • Heartbreaker

    Asking what else there is, well it's like saying you've only experienced bananas and apples, and therefore can't imagine there being other fruit.

    Talk to someone who has been dead, and now isn't, then tell me we even are sure of heaven and hell.

    Until then, I'd prefer to think anything is possible, but it has nothing to do with Heaven and Hell, operated by people/beings/entities we've never been personally contacted by. No thanks...give me nothingness, and let me make the best of my days that I have.

    My NOW.

  • debator

    Hell only makes sense if you ignore it's original meanings in hebrew. "grave or pit"

  • isaacaustin

    no hell only makes sense if you ignore the many verses describing it

  • Smoky

    @heartbreaker: Thanks. It is useless to dwell on something that cannot be proven for or against. I dont know anyone resurrected.

    So i guess, if a innocent child is murdered by some Dude and not caught. To bad for the Kid, dude goes on consquences, no problem.

  • Heartbreaker

    Well, if a kid gets murdered, that sucks really bad. You can hate the dude, you could kill or torture the dude, you could die trying to hunt down the dude...but none of those things answer to whether there is a heaven or hell, or to where the child went to once his body was killed.

    Who really knows.

    Spend too much time trying to figure out what happens after, you miss NOW.

  • tec

    The good going to heaven and the bad going to hell makes it a system that you can 'earn' heaven. We cannot. We're all bad in areas and we're all good in areas.

    If we could earn it then there would be no point in grace, or even in Christ have come and died for us.


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