Nathan Natas - regularly exceeding expectations!

by Nathan Natas 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    One secret to success is to follow the example set by previous successful people. In neuro-linguistic programming this is called "modelling behavior."

    MINIMUS has show himself to be a person of spectacular, virtual "overnight" success, but we all know this is a result of rigorous DAILY effort and a pathologically high level of self-esteem.

    I crave the same rewards - sex, drugs, rock n' roll - that Minimus has enjoyed, and to obtain them I am willing to cast off my previously humble reserved nature and indulge in blatant self-aggrandizement. I expect no one to object, since not many people read my posts, and those who do are my friends who know that they can call on me anytime, day or night, for whatever sex, drugs, or rock n' roll is necessary to satisfy their immediate needs.

    My key philosophy is to KEEP EXPECTATIONS LOW, and then over-deliver. I will be sticking with this until it fails to deliver as planned, when I will drop this behaviour for whatever pop psychology is current. I may even drop in at the White House unexpectedly, who knows?

    That is all, continue about your affairs.

  • pirata

    Now you just need your snowbird nemesis equivalent...

  • palmtree67
  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Well forget the sex and the drugs but I'm on for the rock n' roll part

    Nathan few of the newer folks here know of the tireless work you put in over the years in exposing the WTS from behind the scenes

    oops was that a secret? Guess it isn't anymore

    You are one of those people who have worked hard but made little claim to fame for it

    So perhaps your key philosophy is working

  • Satanus

    You got more than the wt corp toad average of 10 for the month, again? Simply amaxing. Minimouse will be proud. Praised be His Name.

    Ps, thanks for the drugs and rocknroll. No thanks re sex.



  • wannaexit

    Nate! I am not popular.....but if its any consolation....I always read your posts with much interest.

  • Satanus

    I named my computer after him. It was named satan, before. Now, it's the same name, just cryptically so.


  • Nickolas

    Your thread title was catching, appearing as it did next to the name of its initiator. Kind of draws in the curious.

    Sex at my advanced age and years of marriage falls sometimes under the optional category, sometimes under the duty category, sometimes under the mental health category but never under the hot and urgent category. But thanks anyway. Single malt scotch is my drug of choice. Hope you're ok with that. Rock and Roll, you haven't caught up to me yet.

  • zoiks

    Nathan, you started this thead, so now I can just come out of this stuffy little closet and say it.
    I am your biggest fan.
    There. Done. That felt....right.

  • moshe

    If the Borg ever take over the Earth, it will be my pleasure to be connected up with you in the hive Nathan.

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