anyone ever have a book burning?

by Evidently Apostate 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Evidently Apostate
    Evidently Apostate

    tossed most of the JW books i had in the burn pit the other day. it was quite relaxing

  • brotherdan

    I want to collect them to show others in the future what crap is contained inside. Don't burn em...sell em.

  • wasblind

    I'm with you Bro Dan,

    The WTS would love nothing better than to have us help them clean up and hide their mess

    that way they can call us liars.

    One sister went toe to toe with me sayin' the JW's are not prophets It's times like these you need to shut them up with their own words

    that was one time I was wishin' I had the april 72 WT

  • GrandmaJones

    Don't burn them, don't sell them....KEEP THEM! It was all our own publications that convinced me that this wasn't the truth. The old ones are rare, and without the originals, people would think the information in them wasn't true. Aren't you glad the publications (originals) are still around from the sixties and seventies? It cost me a small fortune to collect copies from the turn of the century. Go on ebay and see what even a really old Watchtower will set you back. The organization would LOVE IT if all the old stuff disappeared. The CD-Rom already doesn't contain anything earlier than 1950, and many of its other publications even after that are not available to view. Nothing could benefit the org more than than the elimination of all it's lies. In CoC, it was the copies of letters to and from the WT that convinced me that Ray was telling the truth. Maybe we might feel that our library isn't old enough to save. Others felt that way too, that's why it's hard to get copies, they all went in the trash.

    EA, please don't see this post as disrespectful to you, it's just that I know that it felt cathartic, but in the long run, I wouldn't advise others to do it. I think the reason the literature on ebay is so expensive is that the org was bidding against me! (Look at their reaction to the "Flock" postings)

  • Ding

    Someone once said, "The only way you can get light out of the Watchtower is to set it on fire!"

    That said, I think we need to keep as much of the old literature as we can.

    The WTS needs to be held accountable for everything they have published, and the only way to do that is to have irrefutable proof of what they said.

  • Nickolas

    Has anyone, for example you GrandmaJones, made an effort to scan and digitize all those rare publications? It would be very worthwhile if a body of reference something like it was made generally available to people seeking to read or research the history of the WTBTS in its own words. Is there a copyright issue?

  • Balsam

    As a symbol of freedom my son and I had a bible burning when we went camping some years ago. It felt good and a symbol of being free. I've kept some of the book, but find I do little or no research anymore.

  • wasblind

    Hey Nickolas,

    I'm thinking that, what ever is distributed freely to the public anyway, should have no problem being shown on the net

    but then again, I don't know. Just a thought.

  • Nickolas

    Wondering what a cooperative effort from this group could produce.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Not books, no, but last weekend I burned a bunch of old Awakes and Watchtowers in the burn pit, too. They don't burn well.

    (must be the deemunz)

    (or more likely the ink)

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