Question about JWs and Higher Education (part 2)

by AjaxMan 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • AjaxMan

    Hey All!
    A couple of days ago, I posted a thread about JWs and Higher Education. That question was regarding JWs who finished high school.

    Now, my question is this for both JWs and xJWs alike: Are there any JWs who before converting did have a College Education (4 year bachelors, Master or PhD) that you know or met?

    If there are, my next question is: Isn't that like a double standard that a person with a Higher Education can convert while a young active JW cannot obtain a higher education? In other words, there we have the JWs with Higher Education because they converted and there we also have the JWs, who were born/grew as one, don't have a Higher Education. That seems to be an unfair disparity, don't you think?

    What do you all think?


  • freeman

    You miss the point Ajax. It matters not what our station in life is. The most important thing is that when we realize what is at stake, we must put our needs and wants on hold for the sake of the Kingdom. Better to make it into God’s Kingdom as a janitor, then into Gahanna as a PHD. Remember, the time is so very short; any day now Ajax, any day now! ;-)

    Sorry, just my crude attempt at humor. It is indeed as you point out a double standard. It’s always a shame when for lack of an education a person is stuck on the lower end of the pay scale with little chance of advancement.

    But with the false hope of it getting better “any day now” being drummed into their heads, you can’t blame parents too much. After all, they are victims of the false and unfulfilled promises of the WTBTS too.


  • AjaxMan
    Remember, the time is so very short; any day now Ajax, any day now!

    Freeman, it seems to me that you are an active JW. Right?


  • teenyuck


    There is a suburb of Columbus, Ohio called GahAnna. Did you mean GahEnna of the bible fame? Note the spelling...

    When my mother heard I was moving to GAHANNA, OH, she thought that there were biblical implications....perhaps it is the devils outpost!! Honest...

    Aman, I knew of one man who joined the JW with a college degree. He was an attorney. His wife joined first and he followed. Of course. He did not last long. He is the only one I can remember having any college when they joined.

  • freeman

    Ajax, No I’m not active, only active in the sense of trying to get my family out of this cult.

    Fuff, Looks like I will need to run what I right ha ha (write) through a spell checker next time. LOL


  • AjaxMan

    Freeman - That's OK. For one minute, you got me there.

    puffsrule - That's interesting.

    Speaking of Attorneys, I wonder if the WTS attorneys are JWs per se or some "worldly" firm contracted outside of the WTBS.


  • badwillie

    Higher education is just like everything else someone might do pre-witness - dating, drugs, premarital sex, sports..the list goes on. growing up in the borg puts you at an economic/social disadvantage if you have parents that follow it fanatically.
    just my 2 cents.

  • teenyuck

    Regarding attorneys-

    I would think that there are not that many JW attorneys...unless the WTBTS puts them through law school. And we know the stance on higher ed!

    It would make sense to get outside counsel. It is priviledged. No matter what they find out, they cannot tell. So, regarding issues like child molestation, the attorneys cannot run to the authorities unless they know a crime is going to be committed. This would be unlikely. The law firm would be sued for malpractice.

    I am a paralegal. If there is money on the table, an attorney will work for anyone, doing anything. Beliefs or disagreements with the philosophy of the org do not seem to matter.

    Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have film.

  • AjaxMan

    I guess people who has a Higher Education are not very highly-regarded even if they convert?


  • teenyuck

    Well, the JW's who knew Bro X, the attorney, thought he was great. Legal advice at a reduced rate! Too bad he was a raging alcoholic. (my mother dated him for awhile ...she dated just about everyone tho..) Once they figured out that the Will he drew up was not legal (too many errors) they stopped coming around so much. This was due to his drinking though.

    They seemed to want what the person had to offer, but were afraid that the educated one might rub off...what if my child/spouse/friend wants to do that? They would have to go to college.

    I know when I went to the community college for my first two years, I got many snide comments. Going to the university was the death knoll.

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