What do you think the WT's ultimate irony is?

by sabastious 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ding

    1. The WT's charge that CHRISTENDOM keeps its people in line through fear.

    2. The WT's insistence that it alone understands "the deep things of God" while making more doctrinal flip-flops and false prophecies than any other religion in the last 135 years.

    3. The WT's denunciation of Roman Catholicism and other churches of Christendom for having an authority structure that cannot be questioned.

    4. The WT's insistence that everyone ELSE should examine THEIR religion's teachings and practices and have the integrity to get out if they find error and hypocrisy, while they brand as rebellious apostates any JW who dares to do the same.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Many good answers here.

    They claim spirit-direction, yet they are "not inspired." WHAT's REALLY THE DIFFERENCE? Nothing.

    They are a prophet as a group according to their literature, but nothing they prophecied ever came true, YET they are not a false prophet because they never claimed anything in God's name despite the literature loaded with "Jehovah's promises" or similar words.

    For the ultimate irony, I am going with the WT calling their religion "the truth" when it is really the furthest thing from truth.

  • VampireDCLXV

    It's ironic that the Borg claim that they are the happiest people on earth but they are the ones with the highest incidences of mental illness...


  • unshackled

    Ah yes, knew I forgot something...thanks Sab.


  • pirata

    The policy of keeping the congregation clean by DF'ing and shunning creates undercover apostates in the congregations.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    It's ironic that if crime goes up... the Bible predicted lawlessness in these Last Days. If crime goes down... they'll cry "peace and security" in the Last Days.

    Regardless of economic ups/downs, war/peace, anything, even exact opposites, are somehow an indication that the end is very near. How ironic, and idiotic.

    As mentioned, their "incorrect predictions" aren't considered "false prophecy". They think it's good to make false predictions because it shows that they are eager for God's Kingdumb.

  • sabastious
    It's ironic that if crime goes up... the Bible predicted lawlessness in these Last Days. If crime goes down... they'll cry "peace and security" in the Last Days.

    This is a great point!


  • sabastious
    They claim spirit-direction, yet they are "not inspired." WHAT's REALLY THE DIFFERENCE? Nothing.

    The difference isn't really the point, it's the fact that they successfully use it to invalidate any claims of "false prophecy" from outsiders. At least it's good enough for the people on the inside.


  • sabastious
    It's ironic that the Borg claim that they are the happiest people on earth but they are the ones with the highest incidences of mental illness...

    This is a tragedy that affects so many :(


  • tec

    That they condemn themselves with their own literature, and don't even notice it :(


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