My Gay Experience @ 25 Columbia Heights

by laverite 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • VampireDCLXV

    I can't say I'm surprised at the less than favourable reception, but I am disgusted at them for not maintaining a little more decorum and restraint. Their claim to being "Christian" is utterly hypocritical because that kind of behaviour is not Christian at all. Even IF one objects to a particular lifestyle or behaviour, one should "hate the sin, not the sinner" as it were. This is only further proof that JW's are not at all what they seem...


    (Disclaimer: VampireDCLXV does not profess to being a Christian or being of any related faith...)

  • laverite

    I guess there's the possibility that not everyone answers the questions on the bethel application completely honestly?

  • CuriousButterfly

    Ya think

  • snowbird

    Interesting story, La Verite.'

    Very interesting.


  • BurnTheShips

    Interesting indeed, Syl. Very interesting.


  • Cadellin

    laverite, I find this totally believable. I've been with members of my extended family (all super-JWs) when they've used pejorative terms to refer to the queer community and thought to myself they have absolutely no awareness of how intolerant and bigoted they sound. I think younger people have more understanding of hate speech b/c of being in public school but some of the older ones--who still refer to grown women as "girls" and those of Mediterranean descent as "wops"--honestly have no idea how awful they sound or how offended anyone overhearing (who wasn't a JW--ha!) would be...

  • exwhyzee

    I thought from the title of the thread that you were going to take this in another direction.

    It did remind me that when I was at Bethel, the Brooklyn Heights neighborhood was very Gay. Lots of flamboyant types in tight skimpy clothes etc. They seemed pretty harmless to me, other than being a little annoying, they didn't seem to bother anyone. I never heard any Bethelite make any comment to them directly, only later after they were out of earshot. This one time however, I was walking down the sidewalk with a friend and an obviously gay and very effeminite black guy came toward us on the sidewalk. He was wearing cut off jeans and a shirt tied up at the waist. He was smiling at us flirtatiously and walking like a hooker from a low budget movie. My friend, also black, said smilingly " Yeah....but you aint gettin any Honey" I was shocked that he would say something like that...I put it down to being something I didn't understand about the "black culture" that made it ok for him to do so. This guy has been a Circuit Overseer in the south for many years. ( my friend...not the guy on the street)

    There were two Bethelites while I was there who were rumored to have been asked to leave because they were caught doing gay things. One guy had his housekeeper find the Penthouse magazine that he kept under his matress. Another friend from Bethel that I just got back in contact with( now of the annointed) and I were talking Bethel stories and he told me that he and another guy were drinking beer up on the roof of one of the buildings one evening. Because it was dark outside, they could see down into a lighted room that still had it's curtains open and they saw a Bethelite alone in his room "taking care of business". They figured out which room it was and went over and banged on his door and told him they saw him...he was totaly embarrased.

    It happens...they are only human like the rest of us. Too bad they attach so much shame to this humaness though.

  • Dogpatch


    I'd give money to get a video like that, and scanning the faces of the Bethelites.

    Scientology and anti-scientology people do that to each other continually on camera! see

    Wish I had a video of Mr. Coffee and old "Lady Margaret" who back in the 70's always outraged Bethelites on Columbia Heights with their tirades. It was HILARIOUS.


  • brotherdan

    I'll pay money if anyone does this in front of bethel:

  • bottleofwater


    Someone should seriously set up a money prize for that!

    Oh yeah! And put it on video. Let's just say that you could plant a message in this video.

    Everyone will forward this to JWs and non-JWs alike...

    The look on the Bethelites faces would be priceless.

    Oh yeah and then they go take a tour together and some of them kiss along the tour in full view of the others.

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