Ex-JW Resources

by brotherdan 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • brotherdan

    Here is a discussion between Fran Sanky of Towertotruth.net and Tom McGovern regarding the occult connections that the organization has. It is interesting to see how far reaching some of their comments are. For example, by claiming to recieve new truths from the ressurected annointed ones, they are really claiming to practice necromancy.

    There are many other direct links that this organization has to the occult. I think this conversation is VERY enlightening. It's called "Darkness in the Watchtower."


  • sabastious

    Dude, dan you posted a Kirk Cameron vid. That's a foul


  • brotherdan

    I know...I considered NOT posting it...But it was about JWs so...

  • Chalam
  • sabastious
    Just watched these, good stuff :)

    I have a problem being told about mind control by someone I believe is under mind control.

    Kirk Cameron is scary weird.


  • brotherdan

    I thought they were done very well. Obviously someone that is not a Christian will not find this helpful, but I think the videos showed how twisted JW theology is from real Christianity.

  • brotherdan

    Here is a public talk given by a British Brother where he announces his DA'ing at the end. Very courageous and Christian man.


  • brotherdan

    Here is another JC hearing. Thank you to AuntBee for letting me know about this one. Kangaroo court for sure!


    I don't think you can think that these men are "Christian" after this discussion. They DO NOT CARE what the Bible says. They ONLY care about what the men in Brooklyn say. Too bad for them...

  • Joshinaz



    or call: 1-800-WHY-1914 The lady (sorry I forgot her name) is really cool and she'll send you info or just talk about the history of JW's and 1914.

  • Joshinaz

    Lots of places have meetups for EX-JW's or fading JWS check your local area under meetups for ex-jw's. Anyone is invited even if you are a JW or studying to be, or a ex JW. Its not an apostate group just a support group with some great people.

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