Do you still attend meetings?

by Sassenach 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sassenach


    Sass you click on the "Use Forum Code in your message" if you can figure out how to use it let me know. I still haven't gotten it.

    Does it work? TW, I followed the instructions in the little window. I wrote Quote enclosed by square brackets and copied the remark and then put /Quote, again with the square brackets around it.

  • DriveslikeJehu

    The last one I went to was last night. I had the #1 talk.

  • larc


    My opinions are the closest to yours than any others posted. I would call myself a Christian Agnotic. Christian because I believe that Jesus taught good principles, but I assume other religious leaders who I have not read did as well. Agnostic because I'm not dogmatic enough to be an Atheist. To a whole lot of stuff, I have to say "I don't know." Furthermore, I don't care if I can't figure it out. If there is a God I don't think he cares either. I try to do the best I can, and if there's something beyond this life it will be a nice surprise. I think it is insulting to a Diety to think we can do anything to effect his decisions. I think praying to curry his favor and running around trying to figure out just exactly is the right thing to do is a collassal waste of time and and insult to his intelligence. If he is there and if he cares, well so be it. It not, have a nice day.

    I hesitated to post this, and never thought I would go into it, but this seems like a safe place to do so.

  • thinker

    Re: Does it work?

  • waiting

    hey larc,

    Agnostic because I'm not dogmatic enough to be an Atheist.

    If you cross an agnostic with a Jehovah Witness, you get a fellow who knocks on your door for no particular reason. Blanche Knott

    And this does not refer to you - just another man.

    You are not an agnostic, Paddy. You are just a fat slob who is too lazy to go to Mass. Conor Cruise O'Brien

    Just for fun.


  • Carmel

    Hey Weighting,

    Hasn't a "fat slog" already "gone to mass"?

    carmel sittin on his physics text book

  • mgm

    Last meeting for me and my wife was during vacation somewhere in Asia last fall. Lukely, I didn't understand much...:-))
    We sent a letter to the elders of our home congregation, told them that we need a break from everything. Since then, there was no contact anymore to the local brothers..

    I study many books about evolution, dating methods, history (church history), archeology, bible critic and so on...

    Since then, my mind opened up a lot...and we feel free not to rush three times to meetings a week...


  • ZazuWitts

    Papist - ok by me. I was catholic before Mom studied with the JW's -
    there is a beautiful basillica in
    Covington, KY and a modest, but peaceful university chapel a few blocks from my home - I can sit in either one of them in off-hours, appreciate them for their quietness and solitude -
    and especially as a retreat when the weather is cold. (Plus, I think they
    smell soooo good - love that incense...
    so unlike the disinfectant odor of the KH's.)

    Larc and I went to a performance of an
    Ukranian young-male Choral group at
    the bascillica last year - it was so
    incredible. I felt so ethereal. Plus, if you are a socializer - always something going - festivals, Monte
    Carlo nights, bazzars, ya, know - fun things...and a lot of charitable work,
    despite what the WTBTS says (bet it beats their record any day!)

    Haven't been in a KH since larc's niece married several years ago - our three children all had beautiful outdoor weddings - any she wouldn't even attend them - ministers of Satan, you know!

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Thank you for opening this up. I love you.
    My husband was a Catholic. As a lifetime Witness, I have been very sheltered from any other religious ceremonies. (Although when I went to Europe I was in just about every famous cathedral there is)
    Next year I want to see what a Catholic Christmas mass is like.
    No desire to get involved with org. religion, just want to drink in the beautiful sounds sights and smells.
    btw music is incredible in a Cathedral. One of the most moving sounds of music I ever heard was in an Austrian cathedral. I stood there with tears running down my cheeks. It was a young boys choir if I recall.

  • larc

    I remember the first time I was in a Catholic Church. I had never been outside of a Kingdom Hall, with all its beauty.:) I was newly married to what's her name and we went to the wedding of her cousin. It was beautiful inside and the music was glorious. I will never forget the contrast between the Kingdom Hall and the Cathedral.

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