Ground Zero Mosque

by minimus 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • badseed

    Americans are hypocrites. They bomb the hell out of Iraq, then set up shop in one of Saddam's palaces. What do you think the average Iraqis thought of that?

    The USA is a free country. They have a right to build whatever they want wherever they want as long as they have a permit, which I'm sure they do.

  • cyberjesus

    First of all, how do you know is a mosque? let me guess the news? or are you sure is in ground zero? or you heard it on the news? well is not a mosque is a community center and is not at ground zero is several blocks away

    Believe me I am against religion, I am against islam and christianism and judaism (eventhough I am a teacher at a jewish university) but I am also against religious intolerance, ignorance, racism and discrimination.

    Africans didn't fly two planes into the World Trade Center Towers..... No comparison can be made

    Americans flew thousands of planes over iraq, no comparison can be made. you are right.

  • AGuest

    Africans didn't fly two planes into the World Trade Center Towers

    Sigh. Mohammed Atta, the number one man in the tragedy... was Egyptian. Contrary to the believe and pushings of the anglo-american world... Egypt... is not a continent - it is a country. In Africa. Northern Africa, true (vs. sub-Saharan Africa)... but Africa, nonetheless.

    Nigerians... are Africans. Because Nigeria... is in Africa. Sudanese... are Africans. Because the Sudan... is in Africa. Morrocans... are Africans. Because Morroco... is in African. Somalians, Ethiopians... and Libyans... are Africans. Because Somalia, Ethiopia, and Libya... are all in... wait for it... Africa. Africa... is a CONTINENT... NOT a country.

    Thus, Mr. Atta was... African. All of the others, excluding one from Lebanon, one from United Arab Emirates, and four (4) others whose nationalities are unknown... were from Saudi Arabia. Not Aghanistan. Not Pakistan. Not Iran. Not Iraq. Not Syria. Saudi Arabia. You know, the country where the Bushes are very good... heck... "best" friends...

    I do realize that not all did well in geography (and for some, since "Bethel" was the goal, there may not even been more than a chapter on the subject), but as one poster put it... sometimes the ignorance on this board is... astounding.


    A slave of Christ,


  • Farkel

    :Could I not make the claim that ALL Christians who follow the Bible believe in the genocide of non-Christians based on selective use of imflammatory scriptures and the example of extremist Christians?

    Sure, and you would be right. Except that, in modern times, it is the Muslims who are bent on world domination, not waiting for God to bring it about, but taking the matter into their own hands.

    It's one thing for a Nazi-God to go ahead and wipe out those of mankind whom He doesn't like. Nothing we can do about that. It's quite another thing for a group of one billion humans who are bent on doing the same thing and are demonstrating their determination to do it. We CAN do something about that.

    Therein lies the big difference.


  • AGuest
    It's one thing for a Nazi-God to go ahead and wipe out those of mankind whom He doesn't like.

    No offense, but you mean, like the Crusades, dear Daddy-O (the greatest of love and peace to you!)... or perhaps the conquest of the New World? The rape, pillage, and plunging of the Dark Continent?

    Nothing we can do about that.

    Sure there was: be the "christians"... "we" said "we" were. Or at least own up to the TRUTH that "God" hadn't told "us" to do a doggone thing of this nature...

    It's quite another thing for a group of one billion humans who are bent on doing the same thing and are demonstrating their determination to do it. We CAN do something about that.

    Hmmm... methinks that's what George W said, what, almost 10 years ago? How's that working for him... and "us"... so far?

    Seriously, D... no offense. Just "discussing" with 'ya!

    Peace to you... and may JAH bless!

    Your servant, friend, and a slave of Christ,


  • beksbks

    I'm a hell of a lot more concerned about the takeover of America by the Chinese.

  • Ding

    How's this analogy?

    After the WTS destroyed your family because of their religious fanaticism, how would you like a KH being built next door to you?

    Would you feel any differently 6 years from now? 10?

  • ProdigalSon

    Good Lord! Muslims had nothing to do with 911!!! Wake up!!!

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    How's this analogy?

    After the WTS destroyed your family because of their religious fanaticism, how would you like a KH being built next door to you?

    Would you feel any differently 6 years from now? 10?

    How is it for an analogy? Lousy. Because EVERY KH has the exactly the same fanatical beliefs, while only SOME Muslims share the same fanatical beliefs.

    So you analogy fails, and the time issue is irrelevant.

  • beksbks
    After the WTS destroyed your family because of their religious fanaticism, how would you like a KH being built next door to you?
    Would you feel any differently 6 years from now? 10?

    Yea, I've been out for 25 years. There IS a KH down the street from me, I pass it every day, always have to look. Don't like it. So what.

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