...What does a McDonalds "Happy Meal" look like,after 180 Days?...

by OUTLAW 26 Replies latest social current

  • wasblind

    This world certainly goes round in circles

    make food that could make you sick

    make meds to cure 'em

    make more foods that could make you sick

    make more meds to cure 'em

    each company helps the other to get rich.

    The company that produces the patties I heard uses an gaseous ammonia process to kill all the E Coli bacteria in the bulk ground beef puree.
    It appears that no bacteria wants to eat it. Maybe the Happy Meals would make good disaster emergency rations.....Moshe

    We have good bacteria in our digestive system that keeps us healthy..

    That Crap kills everything..

    No wonder the frigg`n planet is getting sick..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • Leolaia

    BTW, the other day I opened up one of my old boxes and found a can of Coke from 1988. It was leaking; the liquid ate through the aluminum and it had a syrupy consistency.

  • mrsjones5

    Not as gross as this:

    Chicken McNugget Meat Paste! I may never eat another McNugget again.

    Here's the link, scroll to near the bottom for the story behind the pic: http://clubfritch.com/category/food-glorious-food/



    Truckers use Coke to clean Really greasy windshieds..LOL!!..


    Thats disgusting..It looks like it`s been eaten once before..Barf!..LOL!!..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    well I know that I have never found a french fry in my car that was molde.

    There was a similar test in the movie Super Size me on the DVD

  • cameo-d

    Well, I am glad I don't eat at McDonalds.

    Burker King is a lot better! The charcoal broiled smells so good when I pass by there. Yeah, I like Burger King a lot. Supersize me, baby!

  • watersprout

    This is why i refuse to eat fast food, especially Ronald Mcdonalds! Whenever Babysprout had a happy meal she was ill after....Hmmmmm i wonder why???

    Babysprout hasn't had a mcdonalds in ages and she doesn't even miss them...

    No wonder their are soo many ''sick'' people today...

    Leolaia i'm not surprised about the coke, i read an article on what fizzy pop does to your body in the first ten minutes of drinking it. Frightening...I will see if i can find the article and post it.

    MrsJones that picture has made me feel sick! Babysprout has just said ''ewww that looks like toothpaste''...



    Outlaw - put a happy meal on your lawn and see if the bears touch it.


  • snowbird

    Shameful and disgusting, disgusting and shameful.

    As Dr. Oz says, "If it doesn't rot, you don't need it."

    Or, something like that.


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