A Warning to Elders

by Darth plaugeis 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    Any hounders showing up at the door to hound publishers do so at their own risk. You could be nice enough to warn them of trouble ahead if they persist. They could get the cops called on them, or they could get sued, or both. And there are people around that would shoot them, pepper spray them, or sic a dog on them. In some places, it is in fact legal to shoot them if you have a No Trespassing sign prominently displayed and you warned them before to stay the fxxx off your property.

    While I would not recommend shooting them, some people might just do it anyways. That is why they should not be poking their damn noses where they don't belong. Additionally, even if they do drag you back into the Kingdumb Hell, do they really want someone putting in field circus time and going to the boasting sessions, recording parts of these sessions, and posting them online? Or, what about the ones they successfully drag back to the boasting sessions only to have them taking notes (seems to be the thing to do), and then posting those notes onto an apostate board? And if they do get a judicial hearing, there are now recording devices that are no bigger than a pen (and can be hidden inside a handkerchief) that record 8 hours or more of audio. What is the value of having that recording posted online or used in court when you sue the hounders?

  • Scott77

    This thread is a good warning to elders and by extension, to all JWs. I hope at least some are reading it. Alot of people have guns and it can be a risky issue if they continue to disturb those that are emotionally distraught. Iam afraid, some Elders might want to die as saints that might explain their persistence in stalking individuals sometime running into days, weeks, months and years. If the Watchtower is reading this thread, it might help them to readjust their ways of stalking people who do not want to. Iam sorry to read about those ones that are still facing constant, unwanted visits in to their homes.


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