a reasonable question to any elder/members

by bigmac 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigmac

    the question is this;

    because you are members of this apostate site, yet are still willing to serve the WT soc as elders,

    do you still hope to

    1: survive armageddon


    2: (if you snuff it beforehand,) do you hope for a resurrection?

    oh, i forgot, i've been told not to ask questions

    sorry , i forgot.

  • Ding

    Very similar questions can be asked of any posters (whether elders or not) who vigorously defend the WTBTS and its teachings on this forum.

  • bigmac

    @ ding;

    very true

    but i was directing my question to any elders who are actively posting in favour of this site.

    i mean those who ( thankfully) DO NOT defend WATBITS

  • yknot


    Dude what up with you man?

    Number one..... most Elders who are 'active' on the site are awake or waking up.

    Most end up stepping down unless they are in a place in their lives where they just roll with it because they are just too far in to get out this late in the game......

    Lurking Elders fall into 3 catagories

    1: elders looking for someone in their congregation

    2. bored elders who think they are entitled or can 'handle it'

    3 elders who just aren't ready yet to commit to posting yet

    Now.... let me make this clear if it were not for theses men who are serving (most only for a little while longer) many great 'leaks' would not be possible.

    So please discern why most of us as non-titled posters value their imput while they are able to provide.


    Most of us still 'in' have varying opinions now on Armageddon and resurrection..... they range from still agreeing with WTS interpretation to atheist.

  • steve2

    bigmac ease up will you? Give credit where it's due: The fact that this is an internet site means people can pretty much claim to be anyone they like. So, a few posters claim to be "active" elders; perhaps they really are but who knows? Besides, even if they are, isn't it a promising sign that they're sniffing around here when they know they shouldn't? Why rub it in? Most of us went through a lot of ambivalence before we finally quit. This site gives them the chance to work out where they "really' stand.

  • little witch
    little witch

    Any "elder" who continues to be such and posts publicly that he is in grave doubt needs to step down as a first step as a matter of honesty and to PROTECT his family. Soon or later the fellow will be outed and his family put to judicial as to what they knew when, not a pretty picture....Turn yourself in and have life as you know it blown to hell? No..but step down as an 'elder'.

    How can he in good conscience stand in judgement of a congregation member(he is required to do this) in a judicial matter? He will be placed in the situation to punish/disipline a member who may be doing something much less 'sinfull"(tm) than the one who is standing as judge.

    He could remain a member in good standing and thereby delay his ousting just as well as a R and F member to accomplish his goals of wanting to rescue his family...

    I do not have to walk a mile in another persons moccossins to know that this is wrong, pure and simple. Having said that, It is not my job to be the boss of anybody, or criticize for the sake of antagonizing someone. It simply is hypocritical, it makes no sense, and some folks will be greatly annoyed by it for all the obvious reasons.


  • bigmac

    I typed a reply but touched a wrong key & it vanished--divine intervention? no, clumsey me

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Any "elder" who continues to be such and posts publicly that he is in grave doubt needs to step down as a first step as a matter of honesty and to PROTECT his family.

    Protect them from what? Once you wake up you realize the Borg has no power over you or your immediate family. Sometimes staying IN for a time is an important part of getting your family OUT.

    I woke up around 8 months before my wife. I have no regrets about maintaining the status quo until the time was right. I did nothing wrong.

    I also don't see how serving on a committee while knowing the truth about the Borg should be a problem. You have insights the other two guys do not have. And you KNOW that although the view of the congregation is that DFing is a punishment that it is really a ticket to freedom from oppression. Certainly an awakened elder is able to impart some of this wisdom to the victim in a merciful way.

  • bigmac

    my point is this: surely an elder who remains " in position" in his congregation and yet posts regularly on this site is trying to follow 2 entirely opposite paths--& it just cant work!

    to say these "inside information" posts are of value--to who?--folks who still need it?

    think of the impact it would make if these apostate elders simply resigned-- it would make others think a bit deeper surely?

    i'm not suggesting they resign from the religion--i understand the implications of that--

    its just this "middle -management" for the WT soc--i cannot get that.

  • pirata

    bigmac. If an elder is on this site it is likely they no longer believe in the WT version/criteria for Armageddon/Resurrection. Most are biding their time until they figure out what direction they want to go in with their family and their life.

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