WT Society's Sly Guilt & Fear Tactics on Young People in Nov.15th WT

by flipper 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    BUNGI BILL- I'm so glad for you that your dad refused to raise you in the JW cult. He did you a HUGE favor. Many of us were not so lucky. That being said- still many of us who WERE raised in the cult have moved on from it, no longer use " cult " expressions and have formed a new life for ourselves in a happy fashion. I feel for you in not going to college - I too did not go in spite of having a high grade point average in high school. I've been somewhat successful in my self employment - however I could have been MORE successful financially pursuing a higher college education. Hang in there guy. We will make it

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to
    Nothing is EVER good enough...

    Those hammer talks based on that theme used to affect my ex so badly that one time coming back from an assembly she was trying to throw herself out of the car while I was driving Our daughter was struggling with her holding the lock down so that she couldn't. We were approaching the top of a bridge the site of many suicides. I knew that if I stopped and let her she would have been out of the car and over the side without a second thought. So it is not only the young who are affected

  • VampireDCLXV

    OMG Luo bou to! Seriously? That's hard core! Is there no end to the suffering?


  • Heaven

    The WTS creates disabled and ineffective people. This article is just more proof of that.

    How can goal setting and constant learning be against the Creator when it is He (?) who supposedly set this all up?

    One of the 4 human needs is To Learn. When the WTS stifles this in people they are creating disabled individuals.

    I tried to explain to my Dad years ago that if you only concentrate on 1 thing (in his case, Pio-sneering) then you are going to burn out. The human mind was not meant to spend most or all of its time on one topic (ie Jehovah). Out of the 4 human needs, Spirituality is not the most important. Without your Physical, Emotional, and Mental Health, you cannot have Spiritual Health ... and yet the WTS claims the very opposite.

    How many JWs have a Personal Mission Statement? Here's one from Rolfe Kerr, a friend of Stephen Covey's:

    Succeed at home.

    Seek and merit divine help.

    Never compromise with honesty.

    Remember the people involved.

    Hear both sides before judging.

    Obtain counsel of others.

    Defend those who are absent.

    Be sincere yet decisive.

    Develop one new proficiency a year.

    Plan tomorrow's work today.

    Hustle while you wait.

    Maintain a positive attitude.

    Keep a sense of humour.

    Be orderly in person and in work.

    Do no fear mistakes -- fear only the absence of creative, constructive, and corrective responses to those mistakes.

    Facilitate the success of subordinates.

    Listen twice as much as you speak.

    Concentrate all abilities and efforts on the task at hand, not worrying about the next job or promotion.

    Rolf Kerr is not a JW.

  • flipper

    Thanks for the responses. Was out of town a few days, I'll respond now.

    LOU BOU TO- Jesus , dear God man ! Your ex-wife nearly threw herself out of a car due to an assembly saying " do more, more, more " ? Man. I guess she really took that stuff seriously ! I'm glad she didn't kill herself over the WT society. They' re not worth it.

    VAMPIRE- I'm with you. Lou Bou's story blew my mind ! This cult does so much damage to people.

    HEAVEN- I agree with you that the WT society is creating and encouraging people to be disabled mentally and dysfunctional. Their mental faculties are stunted due to ONLY reading WT society information. I like your Rolf Kerr list of a " Personal Mission Statement ". Very good ideas and things important to consider

  • flipper

    Wanted to bump this up for young people or newbies who may not have seen the hypocrisy of the WT society thinking. All comments welcome

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