Theocratic Oddities

by picosito 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • David Gladden
    David Gladden

    Hey Terafera... how 'bout you do a little dance for us?! Wiggle your little tushey.

  • terafera

    ok David.. this is for you!

    woohooo!!! you like?

    Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a
    garage makes you a mechanic.

  • Beans

    To this day every time I put a tie on I get a deep dark feeling that I am going to the meeting,I can`t explain how uncomfortable I feel when I do this.

    The Watchtower,I can`t exactly remember but one of my buddies had a theory on studying the Sunday edition,I think it was underline every third line and then put up your hand!

  • terafera

    LOL Bean! You are quickly becoming one of my favorite posters

    I remember how easy it was to find the answers. It's like it was written for retards.

    Here would be the paragraph:

    paragraph 1: Adam and Eve lived in a Paradise setting called Eden. They were perfect but not for long. Satan, acting as a serpent tricked Eve into eating forbidden fruit.

    Question #1: Adam and who lived in a Paradise setting?
    2: They were perfect but not for what?
    3: Satan acted as a what?

    I mean... HELLO!!!! Even when I put on my high heels I am reminded of all those days wearing dresses every other night. I dont think I was ever 'proper' enough..

  • SYN

    Please, that's not Britney - Britney wishes her hair looked that good!

    "I see no good reasons why the views given in this volume should shock the religious sensibilities of anyone." -- Charles Darwin, The Origin Of Species, 1869.

  • TMS

    interesting, Terafera:

    ". Looking at the back of my Watchtower..' what paragraph are we on? Okay, and there is 18 paragraphs.. so it will be over in 15 minutes!! WOOHOOOOOOOOO!'"

    I developed certain techniques as a kid that I used for 40+ years. Frequently, I kept a running total of the percentage of paragraphs already covered. For example, in a 20 paragraph article, each was worth 5 percentage points. After finishing par. 12, you were at the 60% completion point.

    Sometimes I would run a line from the top of the Watchtower down a page between words, using the shortest possible route. Or pick a word and start at the top of the page looking for each individual letter. Then, pick another word and see which words is lettered first.

    During Bible flipping, no teaching style Public Talks, I tended to get lost in the context. Or go to the concordance in the back looking for a more interesting subject. Of course, if I were the chairman, I had to be alert if the speaker was winding down, so I could thank him for his wonderful information.

    Sorry, guess I'm taking this thread off on a tangent.

    Britney Spears?


  • terafera

    Oh boy TMS, you sound like my exact twin at the meetings!!!

    I used to do those same kind of things.. alot of times during a boring talk, I would go to the scripture mentioned. Then I would be like, hmm.. thats interesting.. and just read the whole book. Or I would try to look up dirty words (like one day *poof* there would be cuss words in the Bible!!) I would look up masturbation, sex, beastiality... whatever. My friends and I would point out different scriptures trying to diss each other. I would give him one that said his loins 'were enflamed like a horses' and he would give me one that talked about my 'bosoms' or whatnot... it sounds dorky but believe me, it made the time pass!

    TMS, I sure couldve used you at my meetings... I wasnt too good at percentages, but I was always trying to figure out how fast the Watchtower would go!! I HATED the &^%$* elder who would see a chapter in parenthesis and decide to READ it!! He would always let some kid read it, taking another 15 minutes. GRRRRRRRRR.....

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