Gossip: Crit and Kelly Van Tuyl DFd

by obiefernandez 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlanF

    No, the crit focus is much nicer.


  • ISP

    There is focus and Focus.....and Danielle


  • Focus

    AlanF wrote:

    No, the crit focus is much nicer.

    Now, I do not attack or take negative stances on people very easily. But I find many of the detractors are older single sisters (rather like AlanF in some ways) that are stubborn and difficult to begin with. I do not think that these sisters would be so bold in person! In the doing of moving our houses toward a more theocratic position I was villanized and slandered and had my motives wrongly imputed by these same negative minded ones. They are very vocal about their stance and will spend large amounts of energy to promote their opinion. They take differing opinions as a threat. But see what has been encountered, even uncovered here, passed on by one who was focusing (I have changed some names to protect the Elder involved) :

    To: All Members of the [Californian location deleted] Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
    From: The Body of Elders Re: Use of Restroom Facilities and related issues
    Date: December 25, 2001

    In order to get the most out of our meetings and eliminate any unnecessary distractions, the body of elders will implement the following arrangement for the benefit of all.

    In the past, publishers were permitted to make trips to the restrooms under informal guidelines. Effective immediately, a Restroom Trip Policy (RTP) will be established to provide a consistent method of accounting for each publisher's restroom time.

    Under this policy, a 'Restroom Trip Bank' will be set up for each publisher. On the first day of each month, publishers will be given a Restroom Trip Credit of 15 minutes. However, Restroom Trip Credit cannot be carried forward from month to month except in exceptional circumstances.

    In the near future, the entrance to both restrooms will be equipped with personal identification stations and computer-linked voiceprint recognition devices (you will be required to place funds in the Collection Box so that we may acquire these). Before the end of September, each publisher must provide two copies of voice prints (one "normal", and one under stress i.e. normal for KH conditions), to be given to the Secretary.

    If a publisher's Restroom Trip Bank balance reaches zero, the doors to the restrooms will not unlock for that publishers voice until the first of the next month. In addition, all restroom stalls are being equipped with timed paper roll retractors. If the stall is occupied for more than three (3) minutes, an alarm buzzer will sound in the room. Approximately thirty seconds after the alarm sounds, the roll of paper will retract, the toilet will flush, and the stall door will open, in that order. If the motion sensor installed indicates that one minute after the door opening the stall remains occupied, your picture will be taken by the in-commode camera.

    The camera will also record any unhealthful activity within the toilet, including improper handling of genitalia or inappropriate spatter.

    The picture will then be placed on the private announcement board without any commentary. If a person's picture shows up three times, he or she will be denied any future voiceprint, and therefore restroom, privileges.

    This is done to eliminate shilly-shallying and the making of an excessive number of trips to restrooms during the course of meetings of the congregation.

    It is important to note that we shall not apply these rules (or refer to them in any way) to those studying the bible with us but not as yet in the truth as they may misunderstand the purpose of these loving requirements. Also, those outside the theocratic arrangements are to be excluded from knowledge of these necessary and helpful measures -Josh. 2:4,5; Jas. 2:25.

    We have the authorization of the faithful and discreet slave (Matt. 24) for taking these steps, which represent a healthful balance between the need for organization, discipline and Godly hygiene, as we illustrate below.

    *** rg96 9 God's Servants Must Be Clean *** Physical Cleanness: Because they represent God, Christians should keep their bodies and clothing clean. We should wash our hands after using the toilet, and we should wash them before eating meals and handling food.

    *** w72 2/1 94 Why Avoid Self-Abuse? *** Proper hygiene calls for certain handling of the sex organs, and one might feel this would be a temptation to misuse them. But because your motive is right - with the aim of avoiding sexual tension - you may well find that such care will instead help you to take a more healthful view toward these organs, keeping them in proper focus and appreciating that they were never meant to 'take you over' and rule your whole life.

    *** yy76 36-8 Masturbation and Homosexuality *** Lack of cleanliness can produce irritation of the genital organs and pull one's attention in that direction.. Proper hygiene calls for certain handling of the sex organs, and one might feel that this would be a temptation to misuse them. But because your motive is right - with the aim of avoiding sexual tension - you may well find that such care will instead help you to take a more healthful view toward these organs.. Jehovah God and his Son Jesus Christ .. will kindly and patiently help you to build up the needed strength so that you come off victorious.

    *** w56 5/15 310 *** Just having our children with us at the meetings, however, is not adequate. Here they will be expected to pay attention and not play, draw pictures or have side attractions. They should be taught that there is a time for things other than play. It may require the rod of correction to impress the necessity for being quiet and paying attention .. Sometimes a young boy of five or six will begin to get restless in the meeting and start fussing, disturbing many. His father, sitting beside him, will try to quiet him. He continues fussing and the father starts to get up to take the boy out. The boy does not want to go - he has been outside with his daddy before and has lost every round.. Kind application may not always be soft application.

    *** w43 7/1 204-6 Righteous Requirements *** expressions of God's will by his King and through his established agency constitute his law or rule of action for the 'faithful and wise servant' and for their goodwill companions today who will dwell upon the earth for ever in the New World. The Lord breaks down our organization instructions further and makes them more practicable by further instructing us through his 'faithful and wise servant'. He says, 'Let us assign the field, the world, to special pioneers, regular pioneers and companies of Jehovah's witnesses in an orderly way, sufficient for everyone to thoroughly witness therein, and let us place upon each one the responsibility of caring for the New World interest in these respective assignments.' He says the requirements for special pioneers shall be 175 hours and 50 back-calls per month, which should develop into a reasonable number of studies; and for regular pioneers 150 hours and as many back-calls and studies as can be properly developed during that time. And for company publishers he says, 'Let us make a quota of 60 hours and 12 back-calls and at least one study a week for each publisher.' These directions come to us from the Lord through his established agency directing what is required of us; and, for those who really love the Lord and are guided by his counsel, that is a reasonable service requirement. This expression of the Lord's will should be the end of all controversy. It is for your good that these requirements are made; for thereby you are enabled to prove your integrity and magnify the Lord's name. These directions from the Lord come to us as individuals and as collective units called 'companies'. Almost everyone who is consecrated to the Lord recognizes that a company requires organization in order to function properly, but not all of these same brethren appreciate the fact that they as individuals require just as complete an organization to carry out their individual responsibilities as the company does. To illustrate: All realize that every company should have a definite assignment of territory in which to witness, but not all appreciate that each individual in that company should have his or her own personal assignment of territory in which to witness. It is just as foolish for a publisher to conclude that he can serve the Lord properly without a personal assignment as it would be for a company to decide that it could function acceptably to the Lord without a territory assignment. A company is required to have an assignment and to systematically work in it from house to house, make back-calls, conduct book studies, and generally aid the people of good-will. They are to carry on all the forms of magazine work in that assignment. They logically hold their own city and such adjacent territory as they can properly handle. It would be the height of foolishness for them to leave their own city and go to a city twenty miles away held by someone else and try to systematically witness in it. Every intelligent person will admit that that would be not only foolishness but rank unfaithfulness to the Lord. The same principle applies to the publisher who refuses to accept the responsibility for a personal assignment of territory and have that assignment as close as possible to his home. The farther away from his home that assignment is, the less time he will have to devote to it and the more difficult it will be to give proper attention to the interest in the territory. Consequently, it is a measure of unfaithfulness to the Lord to thus waste time and energy that belongs to him. The time has come when each one must bear his own burden fully before the Lord. With the provisions that the Lord has now made in supplying us with new books, question booklets which contain complete instructions for properly carrying on a study, etc., there is absolutely no excuse for anyone, man or woman, to claim to be unable to accept an individual territory assignment and assume full responsibility for it. Those who really love the Lord and are fighters for the New World will not try to excuse themselves on that or any other ground, but will hear the Word of the Lord when he says, Let us do thus and so, and always keep in mind the us includes the Lord, who will be with you in every undertaking. -Matthew 18:20. The Lord through his 'faithful and wise servant' now states to us, 'Let us cover our territory four times in six months.' That becomes our organization instructions and has the same binding force on us that his statement to the Logos had when he said, 'Let us make man in our image.' It is our duty to accept this additional instruction and obey it.

    *** om89 100-108 REPORTING ON THE PROGRESS OF THE MINISTRY *** From the time Jesus first told his disciples that the good news would have to be preached throughout all the earth, true Christians have been vitally concerned with knowing how this would be accomplished. -Matt. 28:19,20; Mark 13:10; Acts 1:8. Early followers of Jesus Christ took interest in reports of progress in the preaching work. (Mark 6:30) As the work prospered, statistical reports were compiled along with accounts of outstanding experiences of those having a share in preaching the good news.. In like manner, Jehovah's modern-day organization endeavors to keep precise records of the work being done in fulfillment of Matthew 24:14, which says: 'And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.' As dedicated servants of God we have an urgent work to do. Are you not personally interested in seeing to it that the ministry is accomplished thoroughly before the end comes? Of course, Jehovah will see to it that this work is completed, but will we have a share and will we receive Jehovah's smile of approval? Will we hear his pronouncement, 'Well done'? YOUR PERSONAL FIELD SERVICE REPORT .. What, exactly, are we to report? The Field Service Report slip provided by the Society indicates what information is to be included, but perhaps the following general comments, along with additional clarifications that are set out from time to time in Our Kingdom Ministry, will prove to be helpful. In the columns with the headings 'Books,' 'Booklets' and 'Individual Magazines,' list the total number of any of these items that you placed with people who are not dedicated, baptized Witnesses. Brochures are counted as booklets. Both new and renewal subscriptions obtained from unbaptized people are reported on your Field Service Report slip in the column under the heading 'Subs.' Please turn these in to the person handling subscriptions in the congregation at the very first opportunity. The congregation should promptly mail subscriptions to the Society each week to ensure the best service to subscribers. In reporting 'Return Visits' count the total number of return calls made for the purpose of further stimulating interest previously shown by people who are not dedicated, baptized Witnesses. (An exception would be where you conduct a home Bible study with an inactive brother or sister at the direction of one of the Congregation Service Committee. Also, you may report return visits for studies conducted with a newly baptized person who has not finished studying two of the Society's publications.) The return visit could be not only by a visit to someone's home but also in the form of a letter, a telephone call or the delivery of some literature, such as the latest issue of a magazine. Each time a home Bible study is conducted it should be counted as a return visit. In order to count a return visit, you would need to contact the particular individual who showed interest previously. Although Bible studies are usually conducted regularly at least once each week, they are reported only once each month. At the end of each month, please make out a Study Report slip for each home Bible study you have conducted during the month with people who are not dedicated, baptized Witnesses. (See exceptions in the following paragraph.) After filling out each slip completely and accurately, write the total number of these Bible studies in the box at the lower right-hand corner of your Field Service Report slip. The number you indicate on the Field Service Report slip and the number of Study Report slips you turn in will be the same. It is important to make an accurate report of 'Hours of Field Service.' Basically, this is the time you spend in the house-to-house ministry, engaging in street witnessing, making return visits, conducting Bible studies or otherwise witnessing informally or publicly to people who are not dedicated and baptized Witnesses. (An exception would be where you conduct a home Bible study with an inactive brother or sister at the direction of one of the Congregation Service Committee. Also, you may continue reporting a study being conducted with a newly baptized person who has not finished studying two of the Society's publications.) If a publisher works in areas or in situations where it is not wise to be alone and it is, therefore, necessary for another publisher to accompany him, both may count the time if both share in giving the witness. There are other essential activities for which time is not counted, such as getting ready for field service, attending the meeting for field service and traveling to and from the territory. Your field service time should start when you begin your witness work and end when you finish your last call in each witnessing period. Time taken for refreshments or meals during a period of field service is not to be counted. Auxiliary, regular and special pioneers, as well as missionaries, have hour requirements to meet. Congregation publishers are encouraged likewise to put Kingdom interests first and exert themselves in the ministry to accomplish all that they can in the field according to their individual circumstances. All of Jehovah's dedicated servants endeavor to be whole-souled in the ministry. (Col. 3:23) Those giving public talks may count the time spent delivering these, and a parent may count up to one hour each week when studying with his or her undedicated children. CONGREGATION'S PUBLISHER RECORD FILE .. Your individual field service report for each month is compiled and recorded on a Congregation's Publisher Record card that is kept as a part of the congregation's files. These cards are not personal property. If you should move to another congregation, you may ask the secretary of the new congregation where you will be associating to write to the secretary of the congregation from which you moved and request the transfer of your record of activity. This will serve to introduce you to the elders of that congregation and they will then be in a better position to continue giving needed spiritual assistance. If you are to be away from the congregation for a short period of less than three months, please continue to send your field service reports regularly to your home congregation. When a person who has been having a home Bible study wants to go in the field service for the first time, this makes us rejoice. However, before he does so, the elders will want to make sure that the individual qualifies to be a publisher and that he or she really appreciates what it means to be publicly identified as associated with Jehovah's Witnesses. So the presiding overseer will arrange to have two elders (one being a member of the service committee) discuss this matter with the individual and with the brother or sister who is studying with him. (See page 98.) This will enable them to get better acquainted with him and to commend him warmly for the progress he is making. In this discussion the elders can mention that the secretary keeps the field service records of the congregation. He and the other elders take a keen interest in all field service reports that are turned in each month. It would be appropriate to explain to the individual that when a Bible student reports field service for the first time and qualifies as an unbaptized publisher, a Congregation's Publisher Record card is made out in his behalf and included in the congregation's file. The elders can then warmly welcome the individual as one who has a desire to become an active associate with Jehovah's Witnesses. (Rom. 15:7) Getting better acquainted with the new publisher in this way and taking a keen interest in what he has accomplished can have a fine influence on the individual. It may move him toward making even greater efforts to serve Jehovah and to turn in field service reports regularly each month. -Phil. 2:4; Heb. 13:2. WHY WE REPORT OUR FIELD SERVICE .. Do you sometimes forget to turn in your field service report? No doubt all of us need occasional reminders. But if we cultivate a proper attitude toward reporting our field ministry, and if we understand why it is important to do so, it may become easier for us to remember to make proper reports of our field service. Someone has asked: 'Since Jehovah knows what I am doing in his service, why do I need to make a report to the congregation?' True, Jehovah knows what each one is doing and he is able to judge whether our service is whole-souled or if it is just a token of what we are really able to do. Even so, the Bible reveals that Jehovah has always had a record kept of the activities of his servants. He recorded the number of days that Noah spent in the ark and the number of years the Israelites journeyed in the wilderness. God kept account of the number of those who were faithful as well as of those who disobeyed. He recorded the progressive conquest of the land of Canaan and the accomplishments of the faithful judges of Israel. Yes, he recorded many details regarding the deeds and accomplishments of his servants. He inspired this written record of what took place, making clear to us his view of making reports and keeping accurate records. There are a number of reasons why we report our field service today. Although these reports obviously do not include all that we do in serving Jehovah, what is reported serves a most practical purpose toward helping all within the organization and especially the local elders and the Society. At times reports may indicate that particular attention needs to be given to certain aspects of our ministry. The figures may show that there has been progress in some activities but that publisher increase or growth in other areas has slowed down. Encouragement may be needed or it could be that there are problems to be resolved. Responsible overseers will take note of reports and endeavor to rectify any condition that may be hindering the progress of individuals or of the congregation as a whole. Also, reports are beneficial organizationally in determining just where there is a greater need for workers in the field. What areas are more productive? Where is little progress being made? What publications are needed to help people to learn the truth? Reports enable the Society to project literature needs for different areas of the world and then keep ahead of the need so that there is not a shortage of Bibles or Bible literature for use in the preaching work. For most of us reports mean encouragement. Are we not thrilled when we hear about the work our brothers are doing in getting the good news preached worldwide? Reports of increases in numbers of publishers help us to get an overall view of the expansion of Jehovah's organization. Individual experiences warm our heart and fill us with zeal, moving us also to have a full share in the preaching work. (Acts 15:3) So our individual cooperation with the congregation in turning in field service reports is important. It shows our concern for the brothers everywhere and in this small way we demonstrate our submission to Jehovah's organizational arrangement. -Matt. 24:45-47. SETTING PERSONAL GOALS .. There is no reason for us to become competitive in making our reports, comparing our service with that of another individual. Individual circumstances vary greatly, making it unwise for us to make such comparisons. On the other hand, we can derive much benefit from setting realistic personal goals for ourselves. These can give us a valuable basis for measuring our own progress in the ministry. Also, if our personal goals are realistic and set according to our individual circumstances, attaining these goals can give us the satisfaction that comes with accomplishment.

    If you have any further questions about this new theocratic arrangement in place, please talk to your book study conductor.

    Also, a printout from some Internet chatroom was discovered in the region of one of the toilets. I have circulated its contents among the Elders only as the contents of the printout were apostate and mocking God's people. It is important that we

    Sd: Bro. Christopher Slack for the Body of Elders [deleted] Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses

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    What follows below is the scan of the chat log. Please see if you can identify the person responsible for placing this spiritually pornographic document at the Hall, so that appropriate measures can be taken against him or her to safeguard the cleanliness of the congregation (2 Thess. 3:14,15; Titus 2:8). The web URL does not work, which is not surprising, given the deceitfulness of those who oppose God's people and try to subvert the kingdom-preaching and disciple-making work! Almost certainly everything below is a fabrication, and the people and web-locations referred to do not exist. "Be as cautious as serpents..."

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    Only Elders are authorized to read beyond this point. The author is clearly deranged or apostate.

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    ...follows text written by some demonized one:-

    here read this I found this circulating, its hilarious. "You could always clean my toilet" says JEHOVAH'S WITNESS *Admin* and he's talking about Work in the Coming Jehovah's New Order!

    Want to spend eternity with the jWs? Or even a thousand years? NO WAY!!!

    Take a peek into the Orwellian World of the Jehovah's Witlesses - God's ONLY People (they claim), the CHOSEN ONES (they claim) - and basically the ONLY ONES (hangers-on included here) who have a chance of surviving the terrible Armageddon their depraved monster of a "JehoooBAH Gawd" is going to imminently land on mankind - killing 6,000,000,000 people, including 2,000,000,000 kids while so doing (errm, they claim). These "spiritual beings" sure get their jollies from this, don't they? ;-)

    I am told you can surf on down to:


    and read the thread "What [to] do if...". It is really rich, so don't miss it. First some poor innocent jDub indulges in a bit of innocent post-slaughter speculation: "In the way the New World is depicted in our magazines, it seemed that we´re somehow bound to be animal-loving farmers. I have never ever had any wish to be a farmer and honestly I am not a great lover of animals either, I mean I have no wish to have a dog or cat or whatever".

    Predictably braindead responses th this include comments on "how to train the lion not to tease your dog" (yes, exactly that - the kooky things they believe is unbelievable. Remember "higher education" is from Satan, the Watchtower maintained, so it is not surprising..)

    "I can't imagine we'll be just farming all day long" (heh - no, you'll be cleaning toilets - read on)

    "About the gardening bit, friends, you have a 1,000 years to learn & also to get used to it. Who will make the beautiful park or garden? That other guy? Look, the first 500 years are the worst; after that - a breeze." (well - almost half a wit).

    Then a smarter one with: "You know what? Mankind can imitate anything. We can swim, we can sail, we can climb, we can breathe under water, we can fly, we can exit the atmosphere, we can communicate audibly and visually thousands of miles apart, we can do anything that another species of creature can do. Do you really think it logical that we will go backwards and not utilise these gifts from Jehovah? Yep, we may have the land and the animals and the crops...but there will be a cellular phone and video somewhere too, and Ill be flying in your new machine from Hawaii in my environmentally friendly aircraft <smiley>". (At last some common-sense and hunor - after all, if God gave us brains, were they intended to be wasted?)

    Now the response - from a JEHOVAH'S WITNESS WITNET FORUM *MODERATOR* (in other forums) to this was the viciously cruel:

    "You could always clean my toilet. I HATE doing that...LOL


    No smiley, nothing. What an unspiritual, hateful thing to say. There had been no insult given to him, or mention made of him, anywhere in the thread (or anywhere else I could find).

    "You could always clean my toilet. I HATE doing that...LOL"

    A true advertisement for GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE - hahahahahaha!!!!!

    "You could always clean my toilet. I HATE doing that...LOL"

    Fancy living for a thousand years with someone like that in authority.. must make "Paradise Earth" a lot less desirable to most thinking JDubs. Sure he'll change - sure. Just look at the demon photo. No words needed.

    "You could always clean my toilet. I HATE doing that...LOL"

    I wonder if that is what JDubs really face on their precious "Paradise Earth" (after the forces of law and order and civilization - errrm us - have all been slaughtered by dear old Jehovah)

    "You could always clean my toilet. I HATE doing that...LOL"

    Why does reading this make me think of Watchtower ex-President "Booze" Rutherford's infamous attempt to hitch the Jehovah's Witnesses to the Hitler's Nazi Party? Don't believe me? I'll quote from their own 1934 yearbook - my comments in square brackets. By this time Hitler had been in power for a few years and the Jew-baiting and Jew-beating and ghettoization policies of the Nazis were well under way. Not to mention that Hitler had published his infamous "Mein Kampf", setting out his whole racist ideology and genocidal masterplan ten years earlier, and this book had huge worldwide circulation... But this is what the Jehovah's Witnesses planned:

    "'Declaration of Facts'.. The greatest and the most oppressive empire on earth is the Anglo-American empire. By that is meant the British Empire, of which the United States of America forms a part. It has been the commercial Jews of the British-American empire that have built up and carried on Big Business as a means of exploiting and oppressing the peoples of many nations. This fact particularly applies to the cities of London and New York, the stronghold of Big Business. This fact is so manifest in America that there is a proverb concerning the city of New York which says: The Jews own it, the Irish Catholics rule it, and the Americans pay the bills.. The present [Nazi] government of Germany has declared emphatically against Big Business oppressors and in opposition to the wrongful religious influence in the political affairs of the nations. Such is exactly our position.. Instead of being against the principles advocated by the government of [Nazi] Germany, we stand squarely for such principles, and point out that Jehovah God through Christ Jesus will bring about the full realization of these principles .. [We] are fighting for the same high, ethical goals and ideals that the national [Nazi] German Reich proclaimed regarding the relationship of man to God .. there are no opposing views .. but that, to the contrary, respecting the purely religious and apolitical goals .. these are in complete harmony with .. the [Nazi] National Government of the German Reich.. A careful examination of our books and literature will disclose the fact that the very high ideals held and promulgated by the present national [Nazi] government are set forth in and endorsed and strongly emphasized in our publications and show that Jehovah God will see to it that these high ideals in due time will be attained by all persons who love righteousness.. Let us remind the government and the people of Germany, that it was the League of Nations compact that laid upon the shoulders of the German people the great unjust and unbearable burdens. That the League of Nations compact was not brought forth by the friends of Germany." {YEARBOOK OF THE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES 1934 p134-8}

    Of course the "revisionists" have done their best to explain away this highly damaging fact about the chosen Faithful and Discreet Slave.. Thirty years the Watchtower dishonestly misrepresented their position with "Shortly after the United States was plunged into World War II [December 1941], information on this Nazi plan was gleaned from seized Nazi documents.. This plan aimed at a Nazi world order that Hitler, if successful in World War II, would mercilessly enforce upon the world and mankind". What a farce. Of course the Watchtower are attempting to make out they had no clue as to what was happening in Germany in 1934 - especially to Jews, Gypsies, Mentally Ill people and intellectuals, notwithstanding 'Mein Kampf' or all the press reports or the widespread immigration of German Jews into the US or the reports from local jWs... No... The rest of the world knew that Germany was not a place to be for freedom loving people or "undesirables" - but the Watchtower offered the Nazis the assistance of Jehovah in attaining their ideals.

    Now back to:

    "You could always clean my toilet. I HATE doing that...LOL"

    Good upbuilding material (what the author is forever calling for focus upon). I am not exactly sure why I was minded of the jW-Nazi linkup. Probably because authoritarianism and uncalled-for rudeness and arrogance and obvious utter contempt for another shows so clearly with:

    "You could always clean my toilet. I HATE doing that...LOL"

    Shocking then that the perpetrator (on March 2, 2000) of this OUTRAGE never even apologized or came close to it. I waited for two whole weeks for him to do so before giving vent to this. No - far from apologize; while I waited, other outrages and demoniac transgressions followed - click on his profile (next to his 'toilet'), follow his posts and you will soon see what I mean. In his mind, his target may have been either an apostate infiltrator ("a vomit-eating dog", soon to become dogmeat at Armageddon according to the jW's idiotic, God-demeaning beliefs and therefore worthy of nothing but hate and contempt) or a weak "sheep" (good jW theocratic term) available to do slave work after Armageddon. Or something else. Who knows. I am sure glad I do not live inside that kind of a "mind" ;-)

    "You could always clean my toilet. I HATE doing that...LOL"

    The frightened jWs did not even protest at this outrageous insult. They just sort of side-stepped it. After all, God's People are United (LOL!!!)

    This was a MODERATOR person writing, note. Could he be the "mad padlocker" (clearly some term that has special hidden technical meaning, understood by at least two wise ones?)

    "You could always clean my toilet. I HATE doing that...LOL"

    Ask yourself - what sort of a person could write that? 100 seconds in the company of such a truly uncaring a one sounds too long for me - so 300,000,000 times longer than that must sound like Hell...

    Actually, God might be quite smart. We all get killed at Armageddon and go to Heaven. The jWs are left on earth with eachother as punishment for their wickedness.... ;-) LOL!

    "You could always clean my toilet. I HATE doing that...LOL"

    Check it out at


    Good Jehovah's Witnesses policy. What they don't like you to see and what really lies behind their Great Lie...

    Now in a post a couple of days ago I listed 260+ Classes into which the crazy Watchtower has subdivided people - looking just at the reign of their first President Russell. If I were to modernize it I can see I would have to add to the existing First Class of jWs (anointed) and Second Class of jWs (others, sorry, no heaven, no access to Christ) which anyway was going to have a hundred subdivisions, there is a

    Toilet-cleaning Class of jW

    Charming people, these Watchtowerites.....

    "You could always clean my toilet. I HATE doing that...LOL"

    Hilariously, the story gets better. Unknown to virtually all on Witnet, I have been assisting them by providing fine spiritual food at at the appropriate time using non-angelic (but "angelic") non-inspired (but inspiring) and "prophetic" (but not prophetic) channelling... (all hilarious jW magic words). To my horror, this has caused dissension amongst God's united people. I think the slow realization that one's such as I exist deeply within the breast of mother is more than some of these confused people can take... ;-))

    Ah well... such is life. Even for the toilet cleaners (myself included!).

    Certain things were caused to happen in a certain way with Jah's help (that's my poodle's name) and the next we know is that we have:


    Which is UNMISSABLE.

    Topic: Are you mixing in company with these...

    Now, the same dork, who thinks it is fine to abuse his "Brother" with no cause whatsoever with filth like:

    "You could always clean my toilet. I HATE doing that...LOL"

    has found that the power he was claiming (shutting all sorts of threads as soon as there was a whiff of anything he did not like .. which left little remaining - LOL) via the "New Direction" sub-version of "New Light", was - ahem - subject to "Sic transit gloria mundi"... ;-)

    I shall draw a veil over other occurrences, for the time is not yet ripe for it. So a quote must suffice (same dork):

    ".. 1Cor 5:11 'But now I am writing you to quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a REVILER or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man. Look up the Synonyms. {vituperate, scold}. A reviler openly criticizes or spreads negative information about. Publicly debating and name calling has been the nature of the day in the 'Main Forum'. [..] Brothers and Sisters this is not how we have been admonished to act. From this point forward I am not mixing in the company of these...are you?"

    Of course this said he could hardly add more (after all he was no longer mixing in the company.. ;-) ). Not to worry, dear little suggestively-posed ("is she wearing anything at all??") wifey (also "moderator") comes in to his defense. Her pathetic whine is:

    "FYI, this is [..] about people who are reading our words and posting about it elsewhere. We have been getting lots of hate mail and apostate email lately."

    Presumably from the Toilet-Cleaners' Union's lawyers? Hardly surprising if hubby writes in such an arrogant, un-Christian way... LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! And fails to apologize humbly (or at all).

    "You could always clean my toilet. I HATE doing that...LOL"

    "Our friends have informed us that focus and I have been mentioned on other web sites."


    Actually, there is a website ALL about them (well, really, she is a LOT cleverer than dork, so it is mainly about his rantings). So "mentioned on" a web site hardly catches the flavor... ;-)

    "Does anybody want to remember to keep your senses? We are supposed to be brothers and sisters, not pot stirrers. We are supposed to show love."

    Typical BRAINDEAD jW IDIOCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Her very statement comprises pot-stirring!!!!!!!!

    Also. lots of "show love" and "keep[ing] your senses" in what hubby had written two weeks earlier:

    "You could always clean my toilet. I HATE doing that...LOL"

    And now we come to the crux. What is important to this creature "of God": Keeping the divisions private. Out of public view. So the public can get taken in at the door by all the "the happiest people in the world" crap? But .. Honesty and integrity? Oh sorry I forgot:

    "a lie [is] a false statement by one to another one who is entitled to hear and to know the truth, and which false statement tends to work injury to the other" {RICHES 1936 p177, a Watchtower publication} [Doctrine often repeated since, see my sig for quotes in proof - so it is NOT a lie even if it is false, unless the recipient was entitled to hear the truth AND not hearing it did him harm]

    And I somehow don't think "the likes of apostates" are included amongst those who have a right to hear the truth (whether or not we are done harm by this). Strange that when we look up the dictionary dear hubby uses THREE times in just one post (mainly to add insult, suggesting those who oppose him are less than literate - quite funny actually, given the nature of some of his earlier "efforts" ;-) ) for the word "lie" we get:


    "lie n.

    A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood. Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression."

    Nothing about whether the recipient is entitled to hear it and other qualifications.... LOL!

    Do tell hubby to look it up... ;-)

    Ah but her next statement gives the whole game away .. maybe she is not that much smart than dorkus:

    "Then the likes of the apostates would not get their jollies over the goings on at Wit.net."

    Dear lady - look up "hypocrisy" somewhere, this is how hubby does it:


    and check out the Greek translation for:

    "You could always clean my toilet. I HATE doing that...LOL"

    And before any of you classify me as an Apostate - even by the demented and God-insulting WTBTS definition - I'm not one. I am still amongst you .. philia, my brothers and sisters. Perhaps one day I may have the pleasure of disfellowshipping you .. ;-)

    Damage control then steps in to the thread. But, it will flare up somewhere else. I told you we were busy and that there was nothing for me on H2O. There AF, NH, JH, Kent, Farkel and a-possel :) of others have the jWs in permanent confused retreat - no wonder One-Brown stays well away, and chooses to carry on his spiritual-crimes here in UseNet where he has a PB sorely hampered by remailer delays of up to a week (unless I wish to risk duplicates (which has happened recently, sorry) :( and post-loss rates of 75%+ to hinder him.

    Back to Wit.net - though they revile and hate us - you can almost see the foam there among the words I've quoted.. we should pray for these poor lost souls (or if you don't believe in God, just wish them freedom for the "self" (lol))... they need all the help they can get. Oh, and:

    "You could always clean my toilet. I HATE doing that...LOL"

    Do you think this couple is just a rare example of "bad association"? Hardly. Such demonstrated arrogance and contempt for others is found all over the place in "God's Organization" (LOL! LOL!). Not surprising where there is NO charity outside, there is precious little inside too...

    However, I am imperfect and fall short often. I am not of the mind that I am superior because I feel that I have an open spirit. I have much to improve on. However, I do enjoy not getting balled up over little things and not have to defend myself from ones that are dead set on their negative views and imposing them on others. It is not easy to give up ones longtime nickname and be the REAL person you are for all to see.. My saying even the simplest of things grates some that have it in for me. I do not want to be a management situation constantly as these ones will not desist from their negative stance and are waiting to jump me only to have yet another situation develop over nothing. I don't know for certain what I will do. Big surprise huh? But at some point everyone throws in the towel.

    In the same thread, yet another so called "moderator" (God help us from the immoderates, then) pipes in with "Thanks [..] you make a wonderful point as always. [..] as of now, I'll have to agree with [the one who tells another he is but fit to be his toilet cleaner in the New Order, with no smiley] I'm not 'mixing in company' with these ones any longer either.".. Wow. You see how deep this mindset goes.. LOL! This one sides with the one who insults others with:

    "You could always clean my toilet. I HATE doing that...LOL"

    Even more absurd is if you surf to


    where you find the same "moderator" who 24 hours and 13 minutes earlier had written "thank you .. you have provided Jehovah's Witnesses from all over the world a place to go to and associate safely with other Witnesses -- you've done a wonderful job .. I am fully confident that all changes made to this site are positive and for in everyone's best interests"

    In the confused Cultic world, with rapidly flashing and crazily flickering New Light overturning doctrines every now and again, and shunning everywhere (not for believeing the wrong thing, but for believing the right thing too early because Jehovah was too slow and you ran ahead of God - LOL!), such turnabouts are common. The successful theocrat has to be a gymnast. Check out "Animal Farm" for "doublethink" and "blackwhite" and it soons becomes clearer.... ;-)

    The Watchtower and the Creed of the Jehovah's Witnesses is a SHAM and a LIE and a FRAUD and a SCANDAL and a DAMNED OUTRAGE from start to finish.

    Which is not to forget:

    "You could always clean my toilet. I HATE doing that...LOL"

    Loyal 2nd class JDubs, see what awaits you in Paradise-Club-JehooBah!! A New Direction - right down the toilet.

    The most amusing thing is - a band of them on Witnut have started a "what color is my toilet bowl" thread in quiet protest at their fascist-like overlords...

    (You could always clean my toilet. I HATE doing that...LOL Obi-Wan Class)

  • Focus

    More old light can be found at:


    Inevitably, search for:


    And in the long rant reproduced above, search for:

    Perhaps one day I may have the pleasure of disfellowshipping you

    Truly prophetic words spoken by the Bethelite Viprous Class several years ago! But, it is well known that Satan makes better predictions than God's footstep followers who lean on Jehovah for inspirationunderstanding of "the hidden things of God". How they contrast with the calm, fine words of counsel that might (or might not) be available from:

    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    or at:


    At whose table are you feeding?

    I have posted this to answer any questions, and have attempted to be as clear as possible in the circumstances.

    And - she was wearing clothes in that thumbnail you wish you saved. Socks.

    (Out-of-line Friends of California Class)

  • cynergy

    You Can Be Edited Out of Paradise On Earth...

    They swaped Kats out of the GC home pic!

    (edited for image problem)

  • Prisca

    good pick-up, cynergy!

    I noticed that the shirt on the black lady on the left has changed from green to red....

  • cynergy

    ...she must have changed tops in between re-takes!

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    oh focus; you dont know how close to the truth you were with the toilet thing! a few years ago at a convention we were told on entry to the loo...
    only flush if you HAVE to sisters; and part way through your flow there would be a BANG on the door asking if youd FINISHED yet111 Bloody rude! and as i was getting BANGED(not literally you understand)MORE AND MORE I COULDNT PEE....the peeing petrol sister nearly hyperventilated as she couldnt keep her queue equal to sister 2 .Inearly died laughing on the way out.BLOODY MAD ,ALL OF THEM!!!!!

  • cynergy

    Shucks. Crit must be reading JWD threads because he changed his web site since that URL was posted! Too funny. So is it really true Obed?

    Lazy Cynergy

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