I just got a phone call from the branch office....

by ex-witness 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • asilentone

    (never mind)

  • LouBelle

    it is because of posters like lionpaw I hardly come on this site. They throw out statments with absolutly no thought behind them and if there was thought...well...it couldn't have been much. Posters like this seem not to understand the dynamics of the JW cult or that individuals will have their own way of wanting to leave. An elder stood up and gave a talk to state his case, some write letters, some go to judicial committees - all for their own personal reasons. Why not just leave it at that.

    Ex-witness - you're allowed to handle the way you want to exist that cult in any way you see fit!

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    My take on the phone call from the branch is it was because ex witness wrote to the branch. They would not just take ex witness at his word in writing without secondary confirmation that the request was genuine and confirmed on something as serious as DA. (would you?)

    After all given the numbers of witnesses, i reckon it likely that in the past that people would have written in to the branches stating they do not want to be witnesses anymore when it is in fact an unbelieving mate, parent, relative etc who has written in to cease that person from being a JW anymore often against their wishes or without their knowledge.

    So the phone call makes perfect sense to me, even if it was unwanted, I see it as inevitable given the otherwise lack of verification available in this set of circumstances.

    Most DAs go thru the local BOE and are verified that way.


  • ex-witness

    I actually didn't write to the branch office or the local BOE (who I don't know), I wrote to 25 Columbia Heights. Perhaps that is why they called, to give it a local confirmation. I moved away from my home town and the congregation I grew up in over 12 years ago. I didn't really know where to write, so I sent it to the headquarters.

    Thanks for the clarification Fury. It makes more sense of why they would call.

  • grewupjw1969

    Lionpaw I think you were quite harsh. Writing a letter of DA is the proper way to do it. And it was their choice. Who are we to judge? I forgt JW

    's do that...Hmmmmm

  • wobble

    Cameo-d said "they still have your power of attorney", I do not see what legal decisions the Wt or its representatives can take for me , even though I am not DA'd or DF'd.

    I do agree that it takes more backbone to DA formerly than to simply walk away as I have done.

    But, I do not see any advantage to me that outweighs the problems that DAing would bring me.

  • cantleave

    Ex-witness, you are not counted as a member unless you are publishing.

  • Scully

    I love the line that Michael Douglas uses in his new movie: Wall Street - Money Never Sleeps

    "Stop telling lies about me, and I'll stop telling the truth about you."

    I think that should be our official ex-JW motto regarding the Watchtower Society.

  • Billen76

    I believe that when we were baptized had said yes to entering "the Truth" for LIFE. Thus, they still consider us members, wether we DA ourselves or just disappears silently (if possible). The WTS just changes our status: "Apostate", "Disffelowshipped", "Disassociated", "Inactive", "Active", "Irregular" aso.

    A far as I know, the elders are still to visit DS'd "members" once every 5 years. That just shows, that once in, they intend to never let you go.

  • Billen76

    It may be, that if you wish to enter politics or join various buisness circles, you are asked to disassociate yourself in writing before being admitted.

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