Ignorant Judgemental CO's and DO's

by Scully 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • DaCheech

    This Circuit overseer every time he came, 3 weeks before it

    would be announced that any person making them food could

    not cook it in aluminum bakeware/cookware!

  • DaCheech

    This same Circuit Overseer in a District Convention public talk

    called Christianities Babilon the Great "a Bitch" in very crude language

    It shocked my whole row he used such a curse word!

  • Bangalore

    Great thread.


  • hoser

    I remember Wayne Johnson. He was a CO in the mid 70's

  • slipnslidemaster

    What a great thread to resurrect!

  • hoser

    I thought so too


  • millie210

    Mick Wood. Worst C.O. ever. He lies and is a shameless self promoter. Loves the green handshake, this one.

  • tootired2care

    Lious Razor - He said that women should sit in the back of the hall while on their periods, and let the brothers know so they can be understanding and supportive...LOL you can't make this stuff up!

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run


    You were not long in the Witnesses, were you?

    I've mentioned before but we attended a convention in Novia Scotia when my youger sister was three. She lightly brushed her feet against the chair in front of her. A Bethelite seated next to her, took off his belt and handed it my mom. He actually thought she should beat my sister. The person in front did not even notice. Like my sis, I was bored out of my mind and watching her feet when it happened. Her feet were my only distraction. Mom handed it back to him.

    I was reproached for short skirts and maxi coats in the 1960s. Oh, I also had a shag hair cut that was cut in Greenwich Village. The same place Jane Fonda used. My KH short dresses were very long compared to my mini skirts from Paraphernalia, a British store in G.V. When the CO visited, he was met by my Beatles posters. My time was very limited......

    Of course, I was the only cousin not be knocked up under age 18. Same way with the rest of the KH crowd. I was never disfellowship for sexual misconduct. Of course, my family protected me. I was told to ignore them and NEVER to respond. There was always a Bethel option n the worst case scenario. My mom refused to let me baptized at age twelve. My cousins were dunked and I was so jealous. Bethel was my dream. Ha! I could see moving in with my rock albumsn, antiwar posters, and incense. And Greenwich Village was only a few subway stops.

  • Scott77

    marked for later.

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