I raised my hand...I was the only one who hadn't smoked

by crazy2try 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • HintOfLime
    I have what seems to be an in-born aversion to anything smoking related.

    Who said you have to smoke it? I just want to understand what movies made in the 60's/70's were about... Like Heavy Metal (ok... 81.. still trippin), and that clock thing...

    - Lime

  • chickpea

    total stoner here... didnt drink the k00l-aid til 30's

    significantly habituated, significantly under-acheived
    and now 2 decades clean and sober

    when my youngest kid, last year when he was 16,
    asked me if i could change one thing in my life....

    literally without thinking i said: i wish i had never
    smoked that first joint, because my life would be
    COMPLETELY different now....

    oh well, cant go back and change history...

    dont feel like you missed out on something
    exceptional... the only people who benefitted
    from my getting high were the ones who took
    my money

  • cantleave

    I have tried smoked haddock - didn't do anything for me!

  • Quandry

    And no matter what I am different and will always be....People look at me and know I was raised a goodie two shoes....I guess I can't shake off the JW upraising. It is on my face and in my eyes. I have thought about getting peircings and tatoos,but I don't think that will even hide it.

    I don't know why a person who thinks for themselves is termed a "goody two shoes." It just means that you haven't thrown away your money on drugs that have no benefit (I am not arguing against pain relief for cancer), and may harm you. Also, as people must be aware, by supporting drug cartels they may be contributing to the deaths of many. Please watch some of the news about the border with its violence and drug smuggling. (living here in Texas I am very aware)

    Why be concerned that you haven't developed and been plagued by life-ruining addictions as some of the others have? Just because they laugh doesn't mean these addictions don't cause them continous misery.

    It looks to me like you have dodged a bullet and still have a clear head. Instead of needing body piercings or tatoos, I hope you will get an education and learn about the world around you. This will help you to find your place in it, and define your own ideas and opinions.

    In THIS way you will shake of the "JW upraising."

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Years ago when I found out my wife very ill I wasn't able to sleep for three days so I went to the doctor to get something to put me to sleep. He told me he didn't prescribe sleeping pills because they could cause addictions. I told him that I grew up in the sixties and didn't he think that if I was going to be an addict I would have been one by now. He gave me the drugs.

    About the only good thing that I can think of about me getting involve with the Watchtower was that it got me away from the druggy lifestyle of the early seventies. I smoked a little pot and hash on a few occasion while involve with the WT but they were rare. The last time I smoked any pot was when a childhood friend died and some of his friends went sailing off the coast to sprinkle his ashes in the ocean. I did it as more of a social thing with old friends. I really didn't have any interest in carrying it any further. Don't need it. Don't miss it.

  • wasblind

    I was not raised a JW, considered worldy, I never did drugs of any kind, why do people think only JW's are goodie two shoes

    I know plenty of worldly people who have been taught well, and don't have a need to live a double life. Or lie cheat and steal

  • LV101

    i don't drink or smoke (have never tried smoking anything) --- NOT raised a JW but a baptist. we couldn't dance or drink and were lectured about dating catholics, among others. i don't recall the older folks even smoking. nonetheless, never smoked, never drank and had no desire growing up in a household where my father smoked continuously. I was raised to think alcohol was the devil (parents were far from being religious) but I think those who enjoy alcohol and don't abuse are fortunate. i don't want the extra calories of alcohol although having a lifestyle of socializing and realize how enjoyable alcohol is to many.


  • badcompany


    You didn't miss anything. Weed makes you stupid, hungry & tired. I was in a class all of my own in the "goody 2 shoes" roll. I got rid of it by being the biggest partier I could be. I've done truckloads of about every drug there is and smoked 2 & 1/2 packs of cigs a day. What a waste of life. I do know for a fact that when a person wants to quit they can. OD'd twice/rehab 3 times (court ordered twice/wife ordered once) didn't work. I had to really want it. Quit cold turkey on everything and never looked back.


    You have it spot on. I should have taken that kind of advice 30 years ago. My liver and lungs would have thanked you!

  • mrsjones5

    I've never taken a puff of weed. I did take a puff of a cigarette when I was seven and decided it was too nasty to ever try again. My next door neighbors are extreme smokers and it drives me crazy cuz the smell comes into my apartment by way of the vent in my bathroom. We complained to the property management because it's in the lease that none of the tenants are allowed to smoke in the units but nothing happened, they're still smoking like crazy.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    My wife has Never Smoked weed and NEVER will either, and she has never gone to KH.

    I also have never tried Marijuana Pinocchio

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