Watchtower Meetings: Catholicism and Collapse?

by metatron 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewYork44M

    the correct quote: "We pretend to work and they pretend to pay."

    As long as the society pretends a payment of life in the new order, the workers will pretend to work.

  • Terry

    The core value is gone.

    That core value was the engine that drove the Organization.

    At the time Pastor Russell started his Bible Student groups, the trend in America was End Times speculations and a driving enthusiasm to spread the message of Armageddon by interpreting world events personally.

    With the failure of specific chronology, Divine Plan Charts and Pyramidology gizmos to PROVE themselves as prophets, the Watchtower turned to

    visiting attacks on "false religion" and government under Rutherford. The anti-establishment tenor of Witness propaganda created a climate of tension and purpose through the war years of WWI, WWII.

    Freddy Franz kept the focus of peace time witnessing on the drumbeat of END TIMES although Nathn Knorr tried to tame the beast by making educated clergy out of them with the Theocratic Ministiry School.

    The enormous fiasco of 1975 (white-hot focus from 1968 throu 1975) exploded the religion into inert pieces of dazed humanity nursing its failures and disproved beliefs.

    At first the Watchtower tried to Stonewall. Then, grudgingly acknowledged a teeny bit of blame. But, soon turned into a prickly monster of attack on any who dared bring the subject up.

    Bethel coughed up the hairball of Ray Franz and went Dark with cover-your-ass hardcore protectionism.

    From that point forward the Society has endeavored to retell its own Theology as a MYTH.

    They insist you believe the Myth at all costs (or you'll be disfellowshipped and die at Armageddon.)

    The Myth is that they've always had the only True explanation of everything!

    The complete failures and repudiation of previous dearly held theology now rancid and expired MUST NOT BE DISCUSSED!!

    It is all about OBEDIENCE!

    The message has died.

    The engine is dead.

    End Times cannot be restarted with conviction until the generation that saw the failure is in its collective grave.

    They are biding their time by temporizing.

    The poor shmucks caught in the net of pre-1975 End Times preaching work are flopping on the deck of the Watchtower's fishing vessal gasping for air.

    Nobody dares eat them or toss them back. They must fend for themselves.

  • truthseeker


    I agree - remember talk #2, brothers had to have introduction, reading, comments and conclusion - now it's a 4 minute reading.

  • Mythbuster

    I was wondering what the statement "this will be on the review" was all about. They take tests? LOL

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