Greetings, yet have problems

by Dubby 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dubby

    Hi all! I'm new here. I'm married, have a wonderful, but "unbelieving" wife. I have three kids, all of whom are honor students and very responsible.

    Now my dilemma: none of my kids are the least bit interested in being JW's. I took them all to meetings even as babies without the help of my wife or anyone else in the congregation. My wife has been supportive , but not interested either. I feel very isolated because of the cold nature of the people in the cong.

    On top of this, I've done a lot of research showing very unfavorably on the Watchtower Society, and have not let any in my cong. know how I feel. At this point I feel like I've wasted my time as a JW. I feel like I've been following men(FDS)instead of Christ. This feeling makes me literally sick. I wake up every morning with a feeling of dread at the way I feel about the Society, being trained that if I leave, I'll die forever. This fear I have also for my wife and kids. Why should a "loving" organization make me feel this way? Sometimes I feel that I don't belong in this world any longer.

    Well, I've unloaded. That much is off my chest.


  • Seven

    Welcome Dubby! You feel isolated and alone because
    those in your congregation wouldn't know real Christian Love if it up and bit each one of them in their kiester. Sad but true. It's not their fault-that's what I keep telling myself. If the wife and kids don't want to be a part of Jehovah's
    organization so be it. I never had a choice. I think my love for Jehovah is what makes me feel so
    guilty. NEWS FLASH!!!!We have been serving men, not Christ. I'd use this as the lead article for my own publication-"Awake-AT LAST." Guess what? I'm not going to die forever either, even if there
    are days like today that I wish I would. I have an
    old book given to me by my mother-"Make sure of all things, Hold fast to what is fine." It's full of scripture quotes that could be used to answer those who question our faith. One heading caught my eye today-Not to Love Everyone and Everything.
    My parents must have interpreted this to include me their unbaptised daughter. I'm reading over what I've written so far and I don't believe I've said anything that might be of help to you. I'm sure someone else will.


  • Dubby

    Hi, Seven.

    I appreciate your response. Sounds like you were raised a JW. It's amazing that an org. that professes so much love can give so little, and take so much. Btw, You are very pretty.

  • Seven

    BTW that's not me it's my celebrity clone. I'm afraid to post my real likeness but I don't think I'm fooling anyone I know that lurks here. My family didn't come into the truth until I was fourteen. I am in my twenties now. I have found this an excellent place to vent my frustration. I
    hope you will too.

  • Frenchy

    So, Dubby, have you found 'the truth'? What are you going to do?

  • spectromize

    Please Dubby don't feel you have wasted your time. You just have to adjusts your concepts.

    Human imperfection plays a large part in humans trying to lead you to God or humans trying to lead you to themselves.

    There have been both faithful and unfaithful slaves serving at one time or another at the society's headquarters.

    The Master spoke about this when he gave his illustration about branches bearing fruit. You have to recognized that in your journey to discover truth, God allows you( not causes) to be disappointed.

    This is to make your heart and reasoning faculties better. It is Jehovah God we put our trust and give our worship. Failure to recognize this will make you a slave to men. There are good imperfect men and women at the society's headquaters that would give their very life for you, while there are other ones that would like to lead you to God for profits.

    If you have been disappointed you are not the first, it is better to use good or bad knowledge as a teacher . For once you have true knowledge of that teacher, in time could liberate others without becoming a stumbling block.

  • spectromize

    Please Dubby don't feel you have wasted your time. You just have to adjusts your concepts.

    Human imperfection plays a large part in humans trying to lead you to God or humans trying to lead you to themselves.

    There have been both faithful and unfaithful slaves serving at one time or another at the society's headquarters.

    The Master spoke about this when he gave his illustration about branches bearing fruit. You have to recognized that in your journey to discover truth, God allows you( not causes) to be disappointed.

    This is to make your heart and reasoning faculties better. It is Jehovah God we put our trust and give our worship. Failure to recognize this will make you a slave to men. There are good imperfect men and women at the society's headquaters that would give their very life for you, while there are other ones that would like to lead you to God for profits.

    If you have been disappointed you are not the first, it is better to use good or bad knowledge as a teacher . For once you have true knowledge of that teacher, in time could liberate others without becoming a stumbling block.

  • Dubby

    Hi, Frenchy.

    I don't know what to do. The only truth I know now is that the "truth" is not the truth that I thought it was.

    When I was a new JW, I had this crazy notion that the WTS was a clean org., like it says it is. Oh, I knew that the people are imperfect, but I thought the org. was far and above different than other religious orgs. Well, if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.

  • Dubby

    Hi, Spectromize.

    I'll will use good and bad knowledge as a teacher. What I've been taught is that organized religion like the WTS, is no different than others, and worse in a lot of ways. I think My mind has been liberated as a consequence, though. This gives me new hope.

  • Frenchy


    Perhaps 'truth' is a journey rather than a destination. If we take the Bible at it's word, God is and will be forever beyond man's comprehension. To me that means that you will never know the 'truth' fully. Truth then becomes a never ending quest. From time to time we may think that we have found it only to experience something later on that presents an exception to what we had deemed to be law. The Bible is full of such 'contradictions'.

    An example of such 'contradictions' is that fact that we are told in the Bible that God is love and yet we read of instances where he ordered the wholesale massacre of women, children, and even domestic animals. How do you reconcile the two? There is no simple explanation except to a simpleton and yet the two must somehow be reconcilable. This is one trip you can stay on for quite some time.

    I believe that this is one of the lessons God is trying to teach us. The Bible itself is not a dictionary of 'truth' but rather a rough outline. Each of us is an individual and so, by definition, we are all a little different from one another. The outline will develop slightly differently for each of us. To attempt to mold everyone into one, simple 'truth' is an attempt at destroying individuality and freedom. The old saying is true, "Where all men are free, the are not equal. Where all men are equal, they are not free."

    I wish you well on your journey. Remember that in the end, we all stand before God alone. We and we alone shall answer for what we have or have not done. I believe I would rather make my own mistakes inasmuch as I will be the one paying for them. I welcome advice but I shall not be driven.

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