looking for specific misquotes

by Evidently Apostate 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Evidently Apostate
    Evidently Apostate

    anyone know where i can find where the org has used quotes from secular sources placed in thier litrature but were used out of context. i know there are misquotes in the trinity brochure


  • yknot
  • Bangalore
  • possible-san
  • Hadit

    possible-san: Thanks! That is an awesome letter to show their dishonesty!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    If you can't nail them with the quotes you already know about in the Trinity Brochure, quotes from elsewhere will be just as useless to you.

    The quality of the information you have to present means bugger all. The psychological warfare required to present it is what you need to learn.

  • possible-san


    Thank you for your reply.

    That is an awesome letter to show their dishonesty!

    Yeah, indeed.
    Probably, they (GB) have not apologized in the Watchtower magazine.
    We see their "dishonesty" there.


  • Evidently Apostate
    Evidently Apostate

    bangalore and ynkot, thank you for the links. possible sans- that letter shows just how blatent the deception goes and i really appreciate the copy thanks.

    black sheep having been duped for years it feels good to see all the lies, its kind of a cleansing process for me. i realize a dubs lights shut off as soon logic enters the converssation this is more for me right now.

  • LostGeneration

    This is a pretty good one from Barbara Anderson writing about their anti-education agenda.


  • possible-san

    Evidently Apostate.

    Thank you for your reply.

    that letter shows just how blatent the deception goes

    having been duped for years it feels good to see all the lies, its kind of a cleansing process for me.

    Probably, you are telling the matter important to us.

    When we were active Jehovah's Witnesses, we were taught like this.

    *** sg study 31 p. 155 par. 11 Convince Your Audience, Reason with Them ***
    All evidence must be used honestly. Do not take a quotation out of context. Make certain that what you say is exactly what the authority you are quoting had in mind to say.

    But, they (GB) were the worst example in fact.


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