What if JWs are right?!?

by brotherdan 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frigginconfused

    This is the problem with false prophecy. Who says its gonna come from the UN? With everyone looking for it to come from them no one is watching the back gate. And the great tribulation isnt against Gods people. Its against all religion. The weak ones that are in it for the money will fail. I think the ones that make it to the new system will be individuals that set them selves aside from the unfolding drama. "No part of the world".

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I wanted to finish that story of the flying saucer vigil and show how it compares to the 75 fiasco.

    "When morning came with no saucers and no flood, the followers might have been expected to become disillusioned and angry. A few did - fringe members who had not invested much time or energy. But most member became even MORE convinced that ever. The leader proclaimed that the aliens had witnessed their faithful vigil and decided to spare the Earth. Members wound up feeling MORE committed to the leader after they took a dramatic public stance that resulted in public humiliation."

    Dan, after you finish Combatting Cult Mind Control, I recommend you read "Mistakes Were Made, But Not By Me" by Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson.

    If I recall correctly, this same cult is discussed in that book (or one a lot like it). The book is about the power belief has to make us justify our obviously (and not so obviously) wrong decisions and actions. Belief is a very dangerous thing for all of society, when it isn't tempered with reason.

    It isn't focused on religion, per se, but the psychology of justification in order to maintain one's beliefs.

    Good recording of a radio interview with Dr. Tavris here:


  • Libelle

    Most JWs I know hope to die before or during the tribulation so they can wake up in the New System......

    Yknot - I always wondered about this. I mean I sure as hell would hope, if I were a JW, that I died before the big A. I mean that's some shit to go through! I often wonder if this causes any JW to commit suicide, fear of Armageddon.

    But this is my point. 7 Million people believe that this VERY THING is going to happen.

    A handfull made it up, thousands printed it, tens of thousands preached it from the platform, hundreds of thousands believe it, millions go along with it but aren't really expecting it.

    If they're right then those handfull got very lucky.


  • Ri

    What if, we as individuals just worship God and his Son Jesus Christ, and not with a church of any sort? Keeping our belief private. How will the UN know we are Christians?

    Sorry is someone has posted this thought before me

  • WTWizard

    First, I cannot see the UN banning Islam--Islam would prevent that from happening.

    Even if it were to happen, I would not want to go back to being a witless. Even if they were the truth, I would be better off out. To me, death and destruction would be better than living in a world where there is nothing but men--and realize that the opposite sex all died off because they couldn't bear living with me. Worse, that guilt would last forever, not merely until Armageddon. Now that is a guilt trip.

  • rocketman

    I can't see it happening; in fact, I think the Watchtower Society will change that teaching the same way they've changed many others.

    Before the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, I figured maybe it could happen - maybe the UN could knock off religion. After seeing what happened in those two wars - we can't even handle the Taliban without a lot of trouble, and they're still a threat and protracting the Afghan war, there's no way the UN, even with US backing, could somehow ensure that people would not attend religious services. There's not nearly enough reach or scope in the UN or US to do this.

    Islam would probably be the biggest obstacle. It would become completely radicalized as its adherents fought such a ban. The UN and US are having enough trouble containing the small fraction of Islam that is currently radical. I can't imagine they'd want to take on the entire religion. They'd get a jihad like they've never seen.

    I can also not imagine some evangelical US religions ever going along with such a ban.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    What if archaeologists suddenly announce that dinosaurs didn't live millions of years ago, but suddenly appeared a few thousand years ago and lived alongside humans until a global flood occurred about 4000 years ago?

    What if kangaroo fossils were found outside of Noah's ark on Mt. Ararat?

    What if hieroglyphs were uncovered showing that about 70 Hebrews entered Egypt, multiplied to about 3 million in less than 200 years, attended by only 2 midwives, and left the land through the dry Red Seabed?

    What if evidence was uncovered all over the Middle East proving that Babylon destroyed Jerusalem in 607 BCE?

    None of those things are going to happen.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    There's that circular thinking for you. What if there is just a 1% chance that you are wrong and are missing out on heaven? Isn't it worth it?
    It's an easy statement to say to STOP your natural thinking process.

    Pascal's wager.

  • Joshnaz

    I think he's just asking "What if" not that it'll ever happen. but just "What if" and if it did happen it wouldn't effect me at all. For me it would be business as usual. I don't have a religion nor do I believe in god.

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