I was never DF'ed, I wasn't abused, I never lost a loved one to the ban on blood

by OnTheWayOut 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Tec - I think you are a nice person. But, really? Don't Jesus' words, if they even are his own words, apply universally?

    I mean anyone could say that any religion was being warned about by Jesus. They all similarily assume Jesus is there, many or most of them warn that the end is near [in their own ways at least]. If I were to take those words seriously, I would believe that he was warning us to avoid what is known today as 'Christianity' in it's entirety, if those words have any meaning at all in the world we live in.

    Jw's use those words to 'warn' others about other religions. Other religions use that scripture to warn about Jehovah's Witnesses or the Baptist church down the street perhaps.

    Those words simply have no meaning - they were far too general to have any meaning - other than the interpretation that men wish to overlay.

    I mean it - I like you tec. I do not attack you for saying this. But I find no particular direction clear by reading those words. I find that true of most the Bible in fact. Men read it - interpret it - attempt to enforce their interpretations upon the sheeple they can get to follow.



  • OnTheWayOut

    Just to chime in with Lady Lee, I suppose my lingering "bitterness" is from WTS giving me a higher purpose in life as if it were from God. That was that "few pills and a time out until [I was] no longer at immediate risk of committing suicide." The doctors didn't do any follow-up, but I thought God got me where I needed to be. When I found it was all a lie, it brought all that bitterness. It gets better as time goes on.

    Anyway, to agree with her, plenty of us have various issues. I imagine (though no polling data could really be taken) that a higher percentage of posters here have those lingering issues with WTS because someone without issues would move on and move away from JWN.

    Thanks for the thoughts, LL. It has been nice letting the bitterness fade away.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Ditto to AK-Jeff's comment. Better said than my response.

  • notverylikely

    OTWO, ring me up tomorrow.

  • wantstoleave

    When I express my doubts or roll my eyes at certain things, all I hear is 'don't be bitter'. I'm not bitter. Far from bitter. Just disappointed and feel as if I've missed out on so much in life due to my upbringing as a JW. It's not that I am jealous because I'm not....I would just like to live the rest of my life 'normally'. I've experience both sides of the 'love' thing....couple of bad congregations, one good and yet I now don't believe any of what I was taught to believe. I guess it may take the rest of my life to undo the brainwashing.

  • tec

    (OTWO if you want me to move this to a new thread, and find this in the next 30 minutes, let me know and I will - also, I apologize for breaking everything up to answer each point individually - I didn't know how else to address all the points I wanted to address)

    Tec - I think you are a nice person. But, really? Don't Jesus' words, if they even are his own words, apply universally?

    Of course they apply universally. (and thank you; I think you are an honest and thoughtful person, yourself)

    I mean anyone could say that any religion was being warned about by Jesus.

    Possibly. I don't know enough about them all.

    They all similarily assume Jesus is there, many or most of them warn that the end is near [in their own ways at least]. If I were to take those words seriously, I would believe that he was warning us to avoid what is known today as 'Christianity' in it's entirety, if those words have any meaning at all in the world we live in.

    I know of few denominations that claim Christ has returned and is here. But this seems pretty clear: At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ! or, 'There he is!' do not believe it. I remember glossing over when I read this scripture during my study, because it was exactly what the WT was saying, and I knew it - I just dismissed it. And yes, many warn that the end is near (some, however, are appalled at this) - but I pay NO attention to that (although it is hard to let go of the WT teachings sometimes), because the end will come at a time when we are not expecting it. (according to scripture) (according to scripture and reality, if we just do what we're supposed to do, then it won't matter to us when the end comes, because we will have nothing to fear from it)

    Jw's use those words to 'warn' others about other religions. Other religions use that scripture to warn about Jehovah's Witnesses or the Baptist church down the street perhaps.

    Perhaps. Are they both doing it? If a Catholic Priest (or any other man/cult leader) says I can't get to God except through him, then I'm not going to believe him either. "For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man, Jesus Christ."

    Those words simply have no meaning - they were far too general to have any meaning - other than the interpretation that men wish to overlay.

    "Watch out that you are not deceived, for many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he', and, 'The time is near.' Do not follow them."

    None of the scriptures I quoted seem general to me... general in that they applied to anyone saying these things, yes, but not general in what they were saying - especially considering that we have people literally claiming both.

    I know you're not attacking me, Jeff. No problems, there. I hope you understand that I'm also not attacking you - or OTWO for that matter. I feel a great deal of compassion for you both. I also agree with this:

    Men read it (bible)- interpret it - attempt to enforce their interpretations upon the sheeple they can get to follow.

    Its just up to us whether we follow them or not. The bible (and Christ) says to follow Him, not men - and even warns against many such men.


  • AGuest

    Oh, Lordy. I told myself, "Don't open that thread; there's nothing in there that pertains to you." And yet, my Lord said to me, "You know better, child. You're in there, so open and read." And so I did and lo, and behold:

    just as the WTS will argue that it doesn't apply to them, I could apply that same "There is the Christ" thinking to AGuest and those that hear the voice of the Lord, then they will argue endlessly why it doesn't apply to them.

    Now, why is MY name in this thread at all? No other name mentioned by the poster but mine. Why is that? Why couldn't the poster just state "I could apply that [same thinking to] those that hear the voice of the Lord" and go on from there? Sigh. Well, I have to say that I am glad you acknowledged that we DO hear Christ, dear OTWO (peace to you!)... and not just "claim" to hear.

    Okay, so why am *I* in this thread. The word of my Lord is that the TRUTH that I pointed out to you... that you ARE bitter (and I would wager more than just a "bit")... which you have previously denied, but apparently are willing to now admit here... is "bothering" you. Because you have never considered yourself a bitter man... or one that could be so affected by something such as a religious institution. I understand: it's not "comfy" when we "see" ourselves as we REALLY are, I know. Take heart, dear one: I had my own "nakedness" revealed to me, too, some years ago... and it wasn't pretty, either. I've been working on it ever since. At least you now know what you need to "cover", yes? Let me tell you: love WILL "clothe" that wobbly bit.

    Dear one, it has never been my intention to offend you, no more than you probably intended to offended me. But you know how the saying goes, "If you can't take it, don't dish it out." I have weathered your accusations of mental instability, dishonesty, even charlatanism. None of which are very nice things to be accused of. And I responded to all that you stated to me in the kindest, mildest manner I know how. But I also responded in truth: you are bitter... and it is manifest in your responses... to me... and to others. For example, your response when another asked a simple question as to what a few letters ("bttt") meant was mean-spirited and unnecessary. You're "angry" with me, but you have spoken abusively to others... because of me. Others who have done you absolutely NO wrong.

    I realize that the WTBTS may not have affected you directly... but it has absolutely affected you. It has affected ALL of us, to some degree. If not, we wouldn't BE here. But not all of us run around treating others the EXACT SAME WAY "they" do... while trying to convince others that "I'm not really like them." Those of us that do are only fooling ourselves. We may think we are different, but our "fruits" may show that we are JUST like them, yet.

    So, where do we go from here? I am MORE than willing to leave you to what YOU believe... and not stand in YOUR way when you share such beliefs, other than to share what I believe that may agree or disagree... and what I am directed to share. But ALWAYS love and peace. Indeed, I rarely open, let alone post, to your threads. I only did so here because... as I stated, my Lord said I would be "in" here.

    Before closing, though, I would like to say this, and I really hope you hear me on this, because it is MY truth:

    I will NEVER again let ANYONE of earthling man... whether ex-WTBTS loyalist... or current... or any other belief/non-belief... tell me what I can... cannot... should... or should not... believe... or who I can... cannot... should... or should not... put MY faith IN. Ever. NEVER... again.

    And I am NO different than you and virtually every other poster on this board in this. You... and those who believe as you do... do not want others telling you what to believe... or not believe. Or to ridicule or slander you for what you DO (or do not) believe. And I don't tell you: I simply share what I do and as I have always said, the choice is ABSOLUTELY yours. You do NOT have to listen to me, agree with me, pay attention to ANYTHING I post. Not at all. Indeed, you SHOULDN'T, but should put your faith in the One who speaks from the heavens, whose servant I am.

    But truly, you don't even have to open my threads. If you CHOOSE to do so, however, I only ask that you treat me with the same regard and respect that I treat you. Yet, even if you cannot bring yourself to do so, I hold nothing against you. Because, I am not sharing it for the sake of converting you and working out YOUR salvation... but mine and that of MY household.

    Now, it's late and I gotta go to bed. But I wish you the greatest of love and peace, truly. And ears to hear the things that I do, if YOU wish them.

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Quando

    Upon my point of freedom "mentally" , because that truly is the only thing we own I simply let go and let GOD.

    The Bible says "God is Love"

    That is all I need to know.

    There are so many poster's to this board I can't even begin to name, and I will in time (I hate time) begin to acknowledge you.

  • sabastious
    I actually find it a bit lame (sorry everyone!) when people leave for reasons like "I noticed a lack of love".

    It's not the lack of love by itself that stands out. It's that coupled with their staunch determination that they are the most loving people on the planet, and have the audacity to refer to their way of life as "a tranquility unknown to the outside world."


  • Hadit
    I actually find it a bit lame (sorry everyone!) when people leave for reasons like "I noticed a lack of love".


    I found that comment odd. It certainly is not lame to ones who did leave for lack of love. I do believe the IDENTIFYING mark of Jesus' true disciples was LOVE. If there was a genuine, Christlike love emanating from the GB, the elders, and the amongst the ones in the congregation then at least you would have that. Doctrines can be wrong, but when the love is not there then there is a really big problem.

    They SELL themselves as the ONLY true religion that has Christlike LOVE. How could a lack of that love not be a huge red alert?

    This lack of love has nothing to do with human imperfections being elsewhere too. It goes much, much deeper than that. The foundation is false therefore the rest of it must be too.

    I fail to see how lack of love is any more or less lame than leaving because of false doctrine. We all have our reasons that touch us personally. If there was genuine love then the pedophile problem would not be the issue that it is. If there was genuine love then they would not lie and deceive. If there was genuine love then they would not enforce the no blood rule, etc. . .

    I mean really - if there was love . . . there would be no shunning and most of us would not be here because we would be receiving unconditional love from our families and friends. We wouldn't have to be here hiding and getting support by ones who have also been hurt by this lack of love.

    Sorry . . . back on topic now . . .

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