HELP REQUEST - Judicial Committee Hearing tonight!

by SweetBabyCheezits 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    The directive in the flock book says that after the first ruling, the elders must wait 7 days for the appeal period to pass before announcing. We would appeal 6 days into it. They then have to get with the CO so he can assign the second JC. I'm not sure how long that would take but I will go with OTWO's thinking that they will be quick about the next steps. Assuming we have another JC meeting the two weeks from tonight they will have to wait another 7 days before announcing. But before that period of 7 days is up, we have one more delay....

    When the disfellowshipping is upheld by the appeal
    committee, there is no further right to appeal. However,
    if an individual persists in believing a serious error in
    judgment has occurred, the appeal committee should
    inform him that he may submit his allegations in writing
    to the appeal committee within seven days for transmittal
    to the branch office.

    The appeal committee will include this statement along
    with the information being sent to the branch office.

    No announcement of disfellowshipping should be made
    until observations are received from the branch office.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    The DF'ing is does not begin until the announcement is made so we should still be able to attend the wedding.... in theory.

  • OnTheWayOut

    You can do that if you want. It should be okay, but you have to go through two JC's (local and the appeal) and you have to persist in believing a serious error occurred. You have to show up and make some argument at each that you should not be DF'ed. They could always throw a curveball at you and say that you have DA'ed yourself at the first one or the appeal, then there is no further appeal. They would be done. They have done this to people. Awakened @ Gilead was DA'ed instantly while he was conversing with elders about his upcoming JC.

    It might be easier to delay the first JC until you know your 7 days carries you past your wedding. But you are welcome to your method. Make sure you say adamently if they hint, "I am not disassociating."

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    One day someone will go to their JC with a mini spy mic, mini spy cam and wireless hookup to the web. On that day we can all watch in real time the Kangaroo Kourt in action.

    The day after that it will be routine for JC's to spy sweep the room and strip search each victim as they enter.

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel


    In the ultimate appeal situation - that is, three layers up to the service desk, announcements are usually delayed until final notice comes back from the branch. With one initial delay of the JC for a week or so and exhausting all appeals until that response - all that should be enough time to make the wedding.

    However my thoughts are more than just the wedding. I understand Cheese wants to leave - but if he's like most of us, he just wants to leave the false belief system behind and get on with a life no longer controlled by another one of countless man-made religions. Still, he may have friends and family that he still would like to remain amicable with. But they would be the ones that are controlled by the shunning policy. Also - it seems his wife was just thrown into this suddenly as well. If she didn't even know she was being investigated it's likely that improprities may have occured. In essence it seems that there is a lot going on here - and Cheeze may be more prepared time-wise on how to handle this than his wife. I don't know - it just seems that the elders have probably spent all kinds of time in reviewing this situation and neither cheese nor his wife have been given the same luxury to prepare their side of the case. Not saying it would change anything - but i think, if either Cheese or his wife would prefer to be able to leave without the DFing - some more prep time on their end could possibly help.

    Two things come to mind that I would research in my prep time:

    1) when it comes to doubts - there is scriptual protocal that elders are required to follow, even by WT standards, about warning such ones twice before taking congregation action. Have they each been officially warned and counseled by elders at least 2x before this JC was formed?

    2) When aksed the infamous question about whether one thinks the WT is God's org - I think there are more ways to address this than just saying yes or no. I've given this some thought and know what I would say while staying true to myself but not allowing them to use my words as some kind of confession. Having served as an elder I am pretty sure my idea would work. Fortunately my plan is to avoid ever being put in such a situation to begin with. But for those like Cheese that at some point have to face the kangaroo court for BS like private emails between one's family members - a well thought-out plan could get you the results you want.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    OTWO, it will be more hassle than I care for but I've already got my witnesses showing up this evening and I'm really doing all of this for them. Worst case scenario, we get DF'd sooner than the wedding date, we still get to attend the wedding (albeit awkwardly) but not the reception.

    At least the circus will be behind us. I've had enough of the harrassment from well-meaning family to last a lifetime. Ready to start living a reality instead of a dream.

  • XPeterX

    QUESTION:Why do the elders ask the person to get out of the room for 10 mins and then ask him to come in during a JC?

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Bethel, you've pretty much nailed our circumstances. We're probably going to walk in and and recite the phrase "we have doubts" in response to EVERY question, including the "do you think this is God's org" bullet. We're going to see where that takes us.

    I think you're right, though.... my wife should at least have reason to appeal considering her first conversation with the elders regarding doubts were when the thought-police showed up. One warning, per se, and then the only clarification that she was being charged was from a phone call that I initiated TODAY.

  • notverylikely

    QUESTION:Why do the elders ask the person to get out of the room for 10 mins and then ask him to come in during a JC?

    They discuss amongst themselves the course of action they are going to take, pray, get some scriptures ready to look up from the flock book, suck each other off....granted that last one might be made up.

  • laverite

    NVL -

    You crack me up! THAT was funny!!!!


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