A letter to my parents stating I dont believe in the Org anymore.

by cyberjesus 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • zannahdoll

    It makes me sick to think you have to go through this. I can't imagine loosing the family I love. I am happy that you have found a greater joy in living an honest lifestyle and I hope you are filled with peace, love, laughter and dancing. I am here for you when you need a friend.

  • Mattieu

    Really nice heartfelt letter...

  • WhereWasI

    I hope love will prevail. Good letter.

    (ps CJ u rock)

  • BizzyBee

    That is a wonderful letter, CJ. Brilliant, in fact and a great template for others to communicate with their families. Full of love and totally non-confrontational.

  • Quillsky

    DNCall, are you serious?

    Your letter should be Exhibit "A" to the contention, mostly advanced in Europe, that Jehovah's Witnesses undermine families.

    The fact that he even HAD to write that letter shows that the religion undermines families.

  • cyberjesus

    Thanks for your comments. Here is the update. My dad wrote back:

    "Your Mother and I read your email very carefully. We have an answer for you, if you wish to receive it send me your home address where you can receive our reply letter (we do not wish to answer by email) as soon as we receive the address we will inmediately answer. Thank you very much for addressing our petition."

    I wrote to them so I could get on with my life. I dont want to hide from them or hide my pictures or my life. This is something they might never understand. However the letter did cause some commotion and for that I am happy. My father told my aunt that I had written a letter that was disguised as a very loving letter but that in fact it was poisonous. That I was misled and that I wasnt acting like a christian anymore (he was right on that one). He told her to stay away from me and to not contact me personnally, that they would consider the letter all together..... oh well

    However that aunt called me today to say hello and to assure me of her love, that religion would never break our bonds....(take dad WT) she was Df at one point but went back. She is the first person I ll go visit when I go back to Mexico. Another Aunt here asked me to send her the letter that she wanted to read it. ... (take that WT). We will see what happens next.. :-)

    so you seem like such a nice guy. Why do you behave so shitly to ex-Dubs on here who don't believe in "the Lord"?

    Quilsky: Thanks its maybe because we havent gone drinking yet... After a drink or two everybody is my friend :-)

  • clarity

    CyberJesus .............................

    If this took forever to read ....... I would read it.

    If I were your parent ........... I would fall to my knees at seeing this...........

    ((You Little son that loves you,))

    Your Parents are so blessed but seem so willing to write you off because of what men command! Leaders of a cult!

    Christ has not commanded it.

    You have not rejected Jesus or the Holy Spirit. Isn't that what "sinning against the Holy Spirit" is ... a rejection? That's not what is happening here.

    I hope you eventually get your family back, Cyber. It is your birthright.


  • watson

    Be sure and scan/translate their reply.

  • MrFreeze

    What a great letter! You have expressed everything I have thought about this religion in a way that's beautiful and non-argumentative. Surely your letter has to at least struck some sort of chord with them.

  • cyberjesus

    OK Here is the update. My sister who is ultra religious basically said that I was an arrogant prick and that she had anything else to say to me and removed me from facebook. My dad was in fear mode and told my family to stay away from me. All of that happened right after the letter.

    3 weeks ago my Grandpa who lives here had a stroke and I had to take care of many things regarding his health. My whole family got involved and my dad planned to visit. He came last week along with my mother and i decided just to enjoy spending time with them. I brought my children along and the first day was uneventful. A little ackward but uneventful.

    Then they requested to have a conversation with me so we agreed to meet last tuesday. We went to dennys and had lunch, a very long lunch (we stayed for seven hours) they starting by telling me that they were gonna be faithful to Jehovah above all and that it was time for me to return. My dad called me arrogant and not humble. They were crying because they were in pain for not having me with them.

    I took notes and told them that i wanted to address every issue they mentioned and that to me it was very important to hear everything and understand it thats why I was writting it down.

    I started by telling them that i loved them and that no matter what I would continue to do so regardless of their religious position. Then I read the whole article about Science and Faith from the January 2011 Awake. That was awesome. They couldnt deny that what I was doing was exactly what the magazine recommended. they couldnt refute that. Then I told them that after a deep year of research i came to the conclussion that all was just a farce and a lie. that armageddon wasnt coming and that there was no paradise. I was able to contain their desires to leave or to change the topic because they do love me so I could somehow steer the conversation back in topic.

    I requested my dad to listen many times, he asked me why was i getting upset and I told him that it wasnt anger that it was a strong desire to speak clearly and directly. That above all my love and sincerity. He then asked my was I obsessed with searching... my reply? because it was very important to me. He asked for how long was I gonna continue searching the truth.. I told him : until i find it. I was able to quote several magazines and told them straight out that the JWs dont have any truth and that thier fruits are just as good as the fruits of other honest people.

    I told them I was willing to change if they show me I was wrong.... then I asked them, would you? My father said he would. They opened their minds for a little. I told them that I understood how they saw me. That I knew it when I wrote that letter and that it took my soo long to write it. We didnt talk much or at all about doctrine. I told them that If I was wrong then they would lose me at armageddon and that the crows would eat my eyes. but if I was right there would be many implications and complications. And that for them it was better not to do any reseach at all. That I preffered for them to see me as a fallen son and to save them the trouble of losing their religion, their faith and 45 years of their life.

    We all kiss each other and left. They promised to study the bible alone. I only mentioned 3 issues. The fact that the NWT was modified by adding the name Jehovah in the NT, that 607 was false and that the constant changing of dates for the end of the world.

    Yesterday I spent half of a day with them and right by the end I mention about the ash experiment, group comformity and milgrams experiment. Oh it was good. I know they are in pain right now and they are suffering congnitive dissonance. But i think their minds are starting to work. I can feel it. I will keep you updated. Tomorrow I am going back to see them again. maybe I will show them the wave. or more mind control stuff.

    sorry for the typos and grammar I wasnt planning on writting today. :-) Feliz Navidad.

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