Most ignored scriptures by CHURCHianity...

by theMadJW 119 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • theMadJW

    GREAT! It's so NICE when we CAN agree!

    Agape, PS

  • HintOfLime
    PS ALL in heaven and earth are before the throne- that's why the wicked try to hide from the one seated by running into caves- all a symbolic picture.

    How utterly... blind to reality. Nobody is hiding in caves from your god. I feel absolutely no fear whatsoever toward him - just as I feel no fear toward Zeus or the ancient Angry Volcano God. They are all one and the same - make believe.

    Humans cover this planet, we are right here, out in the open, huge cities with towering buildings in plain view - you call that 'hiding'? There is no hiding.

    The ones hiding are the JW's - hiding in the fear of their own mortality. Unable to cope with the reality that you are going to die, and it will be forever. You hide yourselves from the 'world' - isolate yourselves and like frightened children and try to convince yourselves that the boogyman will not get you - that YOU are special, and that YOU will live forever.

    You won't. Absolutely, 100% guaranteed. Of the 100 billion humans who have lived, anyone and everyone over 115 years old is dead. Your biological systems will fail, the unique neural connections that comprise you will decompose - and you will be lost. That is the reality of this universe, and I urge all JW's to stop hiding in their fantasies and come to grips with it.

    Only then can you take your life off 'pause', you can stop making up excuses for the bible or doctrines that are clearly flawed - and begin learning and growing again.

    - Lime

  • theMadJW

    So- whattreya HERE for, Hint- to brag about your God "Natural Selection'?

  • Essan

    What are you here for Mad - a professed JW on an ex-JW site? - to brag about your God the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society?

    Take your ORGianity and WATCHTOWERism elsewhere.

    PS. You got your own avatar! :)

  • theMadJW

    Nah- just looking for thinkers: YOU one; or too busy bowing down before the statue of your Lord & Savior Charles Darwin?

  • theMadJW

    The Darwinian Prayer:

    Our Father, Natural Selection,
    Hallowed be thy Name!
    May thy selections come,
    Thy son Darwin believed,
    On Earth-
    As it is in College!
    Give us this day,
    Our daily adaptations,
    And deliver us from
    All Faith,
    As well as all contrary facts.


    (Of course, when faced with the Triune Sadist Gods of CHURCHianity, I would RATHER believe Evolution, myself!)

  • HintOfLime
    too busy bowing down before the statue of your Lord & Savior Charles Darwin?
    The Darwinian Prayer: Our Father, Natural Selection, Hallowed be thy Name!

    For anyone reading, this nonsense is called baiting/trolling. The Theory of Evolution is not a religion, any more than the Theory of Relativity is. Notice his tactics - attempting to change the subject and re-establish the offensive (via mockery and insults) without addressing the alligations against his beliefs.

    My points stand completely uncontested, and Mad reveals the depth and strength of his world view.

    - Lime

  • theMadJW

    "God" is a term describing the Supreme being- OR the most important thing to a person. (Like money, for some)

    Religion is the method one honors that god, one's beliefs about it.

    Evolution is taught as how life got here, indirectly implying endless accidents brought about incredibly complex design- and is what non-religious people usually honor and believe.

    if you'vve been on as many discussion forums as I- you'd quickly discover they are even MORE fanatical and arrogant than churchoids...

    If idiots like you think I'm "baitin" or "trolling" instead of looking for intelligent discussion- get back to Oprah.

  • moshe

    The one where it says you will handle snakes-- Mark 16:18-

    "they will pick up snakes with their hands; even if they drink any deadly poison it will not hurt them; and they will place their hands on the sick, and they will recover."

    Looks like the Bible gave Christians a good way to test the validity of their religion.

  • theMadJW

    Too bad there are SO many people like moshe that think they know SO much about so little.

    Looks like you have done VERY little Bible research....

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