Donations to The Watchtower

by Little Imp 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    In the UK we are encouraged to make our donations by bank Direct Debit. I just wondered if anyone knows if a Direct Debit is stopped whether the local KH the doner attended gets informed?

    My husband stopped his donation some time before we completely ceased attending meetings and he has always wondered whether the Elders knew. One day whilst he was supermarket shopping he bumped into an Elder who asked if he could ask him something and when he said "yes" the Elder then said never mind and we have always wondered whether it was to ask by he had stopped his donation.



  • Voices

    this is new to me...but i've been out for 11-12 years. I don't know if they do that in the US

  • ssn587

    That idea is control at it's best, direct deposit donations to the borg. It's a wonder it has been adopted here in the US of A. I am sure they probably knew when the deposits stopped, all they would have to do is compare it with the sheet from the bank that shows deposit of that kind and then they would know who dropped out so to speak, and who in their mind (of course) isn't giving their idea of a proper amount.

  • BluesBrother

    I would very much doubt that any d/d donation to the WTS is relayed back to the local congo..After all, they would much rather that you put it into the K Hall box for their own benefit. D/d' go staight into the WWW Fund

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    With direct-debet it is seen when the money arrives. If nothing arrives, the brother doing the accounts may notice that it is missing. Initially they could assume it is because you are overdrawn, but if they miss it a number of months (again if the brother doing the accounts pays attention) it may get noticed.

    However, I did the accounts a while and never passed any information about who deposited what or didn't deposit and the elders never asked.

    In summary, only if the brother doing the accounts paid attention and passed it on to the elders would it get noticed.

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    Thanks for all your replies. I reckon by the number of people on this site a lot of donations must have been stopped in the past year or so.


  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    Yep. Had a standing direct deposit of 75 Euros each month. One of the first pieces of information I found that lead to my departure was the child abuse and a 2007 payoff of $12.5 million and thought "I'm not paying for that" and immediately stopped the direct-deposit.

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    Good, shouldn't have to be used for stuff like that. There are many more deserving places for hard earned money to go!


  • cantleave

    Little imp, the STO are shown on the congregations Bank Statements and the secretary / accounts servant will know that that the "Gift Aid" element has stopped.

    We stopped our donations last year just after I stepped down (it was a relatively substantial regular donation), nothing was said to us, but our fade from that point was very rapid.

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    Yes, we faded quite rapidly too. We have since moved 150 miles too, just to be on the safe side!!!


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