Well, I Guess There IS One Good Thing About the WTBTS...

by AGuest 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    If you're the kind of person who would rather convince yourself that someone isn't "deserving" of your help... which may include your money... even an amount as small as $3.00... the WTBTS was the right group to be a part of. Because they have every excuse under the sun for not giving to the poor... not helping out someone in need... not even giving a hungry one a meal (because we know, don't we, that every one of them is an alcoholic and/or drug addict... and everyone knows... particularly the WTBTS... that those folks... those sinners... don't deserve to eat at all...).

    Looks like some of have learned well from them. Quite well. Unfortunately, it also looks like such ones haven't really gotten ALL of her 'dirt' off of them.

    Too bad. And so very, very sad.


    A slave of Christ,


  • coffee_black

    "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." Hebrews 13: 2

    My mom, a jw, always declined to give to charities or give of her time to collect for them. To anyone who asked, my mom said that all of the family's contributions went to the wt. When my dad developed kidney disease, and much of his dialysis was covered by the kidney foundation when it maxed out his insurance, my mom was truly ashamed. Here were strangers who helped my dad in his time of need. The next time someone asked her help, she was out there collecting for charity...though a jw.

    I'm not surprised by the reaction of some here. Last year when my grandson walked from Orlando to Washingto DC to call attention to the huge number of homeless children in this country...you would not believe how much hatred was expressed toward him (not on this forum though) He had threatening emails..and some of the responses to newspaper articles curdled my blood. He didn't ask for money... he just asked that people volunteer their time and help to the local needs of the homeless...wherever they lived. He followed through in spite of the harsh criticism...and continues to be involved in helping homeless children. He's 15 now...and wise way beyond his years...with an amazing heart. I guess that's what's important.... if you are moved to help someone...just do it. Forget the naysayers. Be true to who you are and show love to others every chance you get. I emailed him the experience you posted. He will "get it", I can guarantee that.


  • thenoblelodge

    I think many of were guilty of not giving to charity when we were 'in'. I can remember talks where we were encouraged not to give because the people in need didn't get anywhere near what was donated. Give to the Watchtower they will distribute funds to where the need is great....oh my why did we buy into that.

    I give to whom I choose now.

  • Voices

    I try to do my best in 'giving' to the homeless. i mean seriously...the Master was 'homeless' for 3 and half years, at least. I doubt there were 'hotels' and 'motels' that he slept in each night with his 20 billion dollar denarri! I mean seriously, I remember giving money to the homeless and people get offended over that. 'WELL THEY'RE JUST GOING TO SPEND IT ON BOOZE OR DRUGS. I WONT SUPPORT THAT'...

    And my reply to that is: ok...if you really care about not 'killing anothe rperson through drugs and alcohol' ...go to Jack in the Box..get two chicken sandwiches for $0.99 and give them the food. You're money is going where it should be (towards food) and you're making SURE that you have given them FOOD and not 'booze and drugs.' I mean 2 chicken sandwiches...is a whole days meal to the homeless sometimes. Sometimes they barely get to even GO into stores and BUY something cause people reject them!

    It's ridiculous and extremely unreasonable. Fact is...most people that usually get upset over situations pertaining to the homeless have:

    1) never been homeless themselves

    2)never had people look at them like a piece of shit cause they're homeless

    3)don't really know what 'hunger' really is

    4)are just genuinely not caring individuals and attempt to use 'alcohol and drug' as a way NOT to give money but in reality, they just don't care or want to care

    But I will say what pisses me off about the homeless!... ok So I get off the freeway and i see the homeless man with 'hungry please help' ... I drive off into the distance and find the nearest fast food joint... i wait in line for 15 mins through the drive through, get the food , pay for it, and drive through traffic and have to go a mile or two in the opposite direction in which i came off the freeway...so i can exit the same ramp...only to find out that the homeless person has MOVED to the OTHER side of the OTHER exit! ....so i gotta get back on the freeway...drive another 2 miles down in the same direction...get off...wait at the light...make a left...wait at the freeway enterance light...get back on the freeway...drive another 2 miles down...and exist and finally get to give him/her the food, if She/he hasn't disappeared or left again!

    Now I try to bypass it by rolling up to him and saying 'dude, don't go no where, i'm gonna go get you some food, i'll be back in 20 mins' ...which seemed effective! thank god I mean i guess it's a small price to pay...gas and time to have someone get food in their stomach...but it's kinda fruistrating at the same time...i spent like 30 mins one time, trying to get a hold of one person lol eh...it was worth it i guess. Anyway.

    Someone once told me something and said 'what if it was an angel...manifested as a homeless person...who was smoking a cigrette...would you still refuse to give him food because of the fact that he's smoking? he doesn't deserve to eat just cause he's smoking? or drunk? or whatever? '

    If Christ periodically came and disguised himself as a homeless perosn...and all these jehovah's witnesses went right by, and ignored him, ...i mean seriously...what IF Christ was indeed disguised as a homeless person...and everyone just thought 'i don't want to give him any money cause he's probably just going to spend it on BOOZE AND ALCOHOL'


    *sad face*

  • Voices

    "what you do to the least of these, my brother, you do unto me'

    Or something like that. I'm terrible with verses. uh... Bible book something Chapter something, verse something. There's your reference! HA! ...

    See how ed-u-med-icated I am?


    Actually i'm not medicated..i'm just bored. hell...maybe i'll go shoot some heroine and go rob a liquor store. ...in slow motion..

    "heeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy gggiiiiiveeeeee meeeeeeeeeee alllllll youuuuurrr mmmoooonnnnneyyyyyyyy...and a pack of dorritos.."

    jk..i'm a nurse i can't afford to do drugs. ..except maybe viagra

    lol sorry i kinda have a weird sense of humor. GO POWERPUFF GIRLS!

  • tec

    Matthew 25:40


    (I googled it, btw... I never remember chapters and verses either - except John 3:16, from some sunday school classes, and Hosea 6:6 because I reference it a lot)


  • Voices

    Thanks Tammy for the scripture!

  • snowbird

    Hosea 6:6 I want/desire mercy, not sacrifice ... most Bible translations.

    Hosea 6:6 I want you to know God, not go to more prayer meetings. MSG

    You knew I would go there, didn't you, Tammy?


  • AGuest

    I love you guys... each and every one of you. Hopefully, someone that needs to "hear" YOU... will (since they didn't hear our Lord and don't want to hear me, not that I am anything). But, thank you... and the greatest of love and peace to you. Each of you and your households. May JAH bless you... and yours... to time indefinite.

    A slave of Christ,


  • clarity

    AGuest, ...well you certainly picked up some wild & crazy people(good crazy) with that line. For sure I agree...for the most part we can be pretty 'cheap' when it comes to donating our money to the poor . A circuit servant(used to call them that) gave a talk to the cong, shortly after I was 'taken captive'. He said that we "Should Not give to the Charities, because if we did, then the governments would not fork over any money, they'd just let us do it!" So giving ...NOT GOOD! Gave me the "right" attitude right off the bat. Right from Mother! ...... Glad to say, this never sat right with me, lol.


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