Satan is the best god to worship because.....

by XPeterX 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • XPeterX

    This is my point of view:

    He has much more followers than God

    His music is better than God's (Metal,gothic,and anything related)

    His power is direct

    His followers' appearance is much more cool than those who serve God

    His servants are free and not bound to an Org and in addittion:

    You can read whatever you like

    You can have sex with as many people as you want/can (or masturbate) without being married

    You can do whatever drugs you want

    You choose your friends

    You decide what to do

    You can think whatever you want

    You can choose whatever job/carreer you want

    You can watch any movie you want

    You don't give a shit about others

    You hate those who hate you

    You live a better life

    You don't have to push yourself

    You are not expected to go preaching/meetings etc

    You can have as many piercing/tatoos as you want

    You can have long hair/beard (for men)

    You can play whatever video games you want

    You can go wherever you want

    I don't know what else to write but that's what I believe anyway

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    You can spend an eternity with him in the warm.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    He's killed less people than god!

  • tec

    He has much more followers than God

    Are you sure about that? Though, I agree that some serve him while thinking that they're serving God. So perhaps this is true.

    His music is better than God's (Metal,gothic,and anything related)

    Who says its his music? I don't listen to anything that bashes God or Christ, but I listen to and love music from every genre (I don't always love rap or country, mind you, but there are exceptions :)

    His power is direct

    How so?

    His followers' appearance is much more cool than those who serve God

    Physical appearance has nothing to do with serving God. Its what's on the inside that counts.

    His servants are free and not bound to an Org and in addittion:

    Christ's brothers/sisters are free and not bound to an organization.

    You can read whatever you like

    Where did God or Christ ever say that you could not?

    You can have sex with as many people as you want/can (or masturbate) without being married. You can do whatever drugs you want

    Yes, you can. It might not be wise to do so, though. There are physical and emotional consequences. (I'm speaking of sex/not masturbation - MAN has said you cannot masturbate) As for drugs, what you can do and what you should do are two different things - for the health and safety of yourself and others.

    You choose your friends. You decide what to do. You can think whatever you want.

    Those who follow Christ choose their friends too, but love and show mercy/kindness to all. In fact, love compels this.

    You can choose whatever job/carreer you want

    So can a follower of Christ. See above.

    You can watch any movie you want

    So can a follower of Christ. See above.

    You don't give a shit about others.

    This is a good thing?

    You hate those who hate you.

    I'll give you this one. Someone who knows Christ does not have hate in them.

    You live a better life.

    That would depend on what you consider better.

    You don't have to push yourself.

    You act on what you are inside - it doesn't need pushing, though perhaps grants you a desire to grow and help others. However, you don't have to push yourself for an organization, is what I think you mean.

    You are not expected to go preaching/meetings etc

    Everyone is given different gifts. Some the simple gift of kindness. Some the gift of 'preaching'. Again, you do what compels you.

    You can have as many piercing/tatoos as you want.

    Again, its what's inside that matters. Not what's outside.

    You can have long hair/beard (for men)You can play whatever video games you want. You can go wherever you want

    I'm beginning to see that you're really just talking about a bunch of rules made up by an organization. What makes you think they aren't serving the one you seem to think is more fun? (see without knowledge from the beginning)

    Following the WT is not the same as following Christ, despite their sayings to the contrary. I hope you realize this - or if you don't - that you one day, will.


  • ex-witness

    (ATTENTION: I'm not "preaching for Satan" but, since this is a site dedicated to truth, I like to impart some.)

    Peter.... let's take a look at the actual "Nine Satanic Sins" written by Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan.

    1. Stupidity - Stupid people do not succeed and are easily manipulated.
    2. Pretentiousness - Taking pride in YOUR achievements is encouraged. Making empty claims leads to self-deceit.
    3. Solipsism- the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist. Solipsism is an epistemological or ontological position that knowledge of anything outside one's own specific mind is unjustified.(wikipedia)
    4. Self-deceit - Worse than having someone lie to you is to lie to yourself.
    5. Herd Conformity - Only when it suits your needs. Otherwise, self-expression and individualism is exalted.
    6. Lack of Perspective - Remember your own important place in the world, without forgetting the world is bigger than you.
    7. Forgetful of Past Orthodoxies - A whore yesterday is a whore today, it doesn't matter how new the dress is.
    8. Counterproductive Pride - Never be embarrassed of your own accomplishments, but if it prevents you from getting things done with other people, it should be set aside for the time being.
    9. Lack of Aesthics - Beauty and balance. Not what society dictates as beautiful, learn to identify true beauty.

    I wouldn't say that following these is a bad thing, but to say "Satan is the best god to worship" seems a bit of a stretch. Why worship anything? Just be.

  • cantleave

    Why worship anything? Just be.

    Well Said!!!!! However, If I had to worship anything, it woud be Satan as opposed to a group of tyranical men in Brooklyn.

  • camari

    He's killed less people than god!

    Oh, the irony!!!! (Way too funny)


    wow... is that author an ex-JW? This sounds so much like the crapl I grew up with(and am STILL mentally recovering from)

    Unfortunately, b/c of ex-witness's enlightening post, I'd rather become an atheist.... Satan sounded like the better deal until that 'Satanic' list was posted; it reads word for word like the definition of the Org....

  • StAnn

    XPeterX, I think you're deluding yourself if you think you'd be better off worshipping Satan. After all, he started up this whole WatchTower Bible and Tract Society thing, dictates through unholy spirit all kinds of crazy ideas and then forces people to follow them or be shunned, he won't let people take life saving blood transfusions. Even worse, he makes you go out door to door selling magazines nobody wants. To me, Satan is so controlling that I just can't see why anyone would want to be a Jehovah's Witness, I mean Satanist.

  • ex-witness

    That list was like the 10 Commandments, for Satanists. TRUE Satanists. Not the cat killing, wearing all black because you think goth is cool type. Those who like the Morning Star, have NO NEED FOR capricious wishy-washy deity.

    And atheism is great. :) Trust me. No imaginary friend/foe checking over my shoulder. No judgement. And guess what? I'm still a decent, honest, loyal (well, now I know where to REALLY place my loyalty) hard-working person.

    Richard Dawkins said it best when (to paraphrase) he stated that why is atheism so taboo? I'm monotheistic, minus one. :)

  • camari

    I still stand by what I said: it describes them perfectly.... I was in there since I was about a year old(when my mother was brainwahsed, I mean began studying) and finally got the hell out of there when I was 16... thankfully I was smart enough to question what I was taught even as a child, but the whole everyone-but-JWs-will-be-destroyed-and-so-will-you-if-you-don't-do-what-you're-told ideology really screwed me up big time, and 13 years later I'm still trying to get a grip on reality so to speak... If Satan is real, than the Org is a perfect example of his handiwork because I'm sure no loving God, if He exists, would want to put innocent children thru that hell.....

    I love the way he put that lol

    But I notice that people look at me worse when I tell them I don't believe in God than when I tell them I was raised in a JW family... always thought in the 'no god' versus 'nutcase beliefs' convo, that would be the lesser of two evils.... go figure...

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