Water cloud over the earth? Anyone remember this teaching?

by QuestioningEverything 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    The Watchtower's doctrine of the "waters above the earth" can be found, as has been mentioned, in the book FROM PARADISE LOST TO PARADISE REGAINED (1958), and before that in the book CREATION (1927), and before that in the book THE WAY TO PARADISE (1924). It is also present in AID TO BIBLE UNDERSTANDING (1971).

    It is important to realize that this is not a new idea that the "inspired" writers of The Watchtower received from a whispering angel. It is an old, old, old doctrine that probably goes back to early Judaism if not even earlier than that. (I will invoke the intellectual powers of our mighty LEOLAIA for substantiation or falsification of my statement.)

    For an organization that keeps shouting "Babylon the Great has fallen!" the Watchtower certainly relies on a lot of Babylonish Protestant and even non-Christian "pagan" teachings.

    They depend upon an ignorant and uninformed customer base to buy the crap they're selling. The truth will set you free.

  • ProdigalSon

    Isaaac Newton Vail first proposed the Canopy Theory in 1871, and the Watchtower teaches to this day that this is where the floodwaters of the deluge were stored. In the meantime, the theory was disproven decades ago when meteorologists figured out that the barometric pressure from only 40 feet of water in such a canopy would have heated up the earth to a slightly uncomfortable 800 degrees F. At least 30,000 feet of water would have been required to cover the top of Mount Everest by fifteen cubits.

    Whenever the deluge occurred, and it certainly was not global nor was it anywhere near as recent as the Bible's version of it, the Bible itself says that the water came from the "watery deep", where it was sealed and pressurized under the earth's crust (Genesis 7:11; Proverbs 8:28). It is amazing that the Watchtower wizards never figured this out.... or maybe they did, and didn't want to have to explain to everyone that the earth a much more stable ecosystem before the deluge, and that all the wicked weather we have today is because Jehovah decided to ruin his earth instead of blaming himself for what was wrong with man.


  • easyreader1970

    The Watchtower no longer officially denies that there was a Big Bang, but they do credit it as a First Cause. I was at the convention this summer and I was actually shocked when I heard this.

    The problem is that scientifically things are getting harder and harder to deny. You wind up sounding like a moron.

    In this talk, the speaker acknowledged the scientific belief that the universe was 14.7 billion years old, a number that was realized by determining when the Big Bang was. However, the speaker went on to discuss that this was no random event, but a First Cause by Jehovah.

    A year or two ago, they printed in a study edition of the Watchtower that the organization supports all scientific understanding UNLESS it opposes what the Bible (or Governing Body) says. So while the planets evolving from accretion isn't far fetched, human evolution is because the Bible clearly says that God made Adam from the dust and Eve from Adam's rib (which doesn't jive - why not just make Eve from the dust as well instead of ripping Adam open?).

  • notverylikely

    "Why do you hate miracles?" Because I am an intelligent creature with reasoning skills beyond that of the common housecat or monkey. I see science, not god, in every day life. It is miraculous in the sense that it is a wonder to behold. From the tone of your question, it seems that miracle=intervention from a deity. That is another Tooth-Fairy I've outgrown.

    Really? Did no one see the "I may have been making all of that up" at the bottom? The puposeful misuse of refracts and reflects?

  • nugget

    remember the teaching all rubbish. Glad I never tried to explain that one to someone with a brain.

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