Find refreshment in spiritual things - this weeks tower.

by Cook My Socks UK 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Magwitch

    4 years since my last meeting. I remember those martinis I had to down when I got home were so refreshing

  • agonus

    And we all know there's nothing more spiritual than reading and underlining propaganda then sitting with a bunch of other people to read the propaganda again and then read what you underlined about the propaganda.

  • agonus

    The more they squeeze your soul, the less room for the spiritual.

  • ambersun

    The paragraph says in part " Jehovah's Witnesses find genuine refreshment through up building Christian fellowship".

    The reason the WT keeps repeating this 'required' reaction throughout its literature is to ensure the rank and file continue training their minds to react accordingly, like good little puppies. Thus, at the end of every meeting you will hear a chorus of dubs exclaiming "Oooooh wasn't that a LOVELY meeting! I feel sooooo refreshed!!!" or words to that effect.

    Try asking most of them what the best part of the meeting was for them and I guarantee you will be met with a sea of blank expressions. If only there were visible thought bubbles above dubs' heads during meetings I would be willing to bet most of them would include images of work, recreation, concerns about family members, what to cook for tea, what's on the TV that night etc. etc. and a LOT of X rated stuff!! The rest of the dubs would have butterflies and bunnies flitting around in their cloud filled heads as their brains automatically switched to standby mode 2 minutes after the introduction. Of course there will always be the exceptions to the rule who sit there taking notes throughout as examples to all, with their halos shining brightly. The backbone of the Cult bless them!!

    In my opinion the only thing that has been 'refreshed' for the majority of the dubs is their collective cognitive dissonance.

  • WingCommander

    I must say that as a born-in, having grown up a JW, that this is total horse shit!!!!

    As many, many, posters stated above - the best part of the meetings/assemblies/conventions, was the END!!! Instead of looking forward to the meetings and the "spiritual encouragement" it always seemed more like a chore that HAD to be done, no matter what.

    Fast foward to 10 years ago when I met my now non-JW wife and her family. While she isn't all that religious, her sister and family are. I watched my two neices aged 6 and 10 at the time, grow up and attend an Advent Lutheran Church. Wow....I couldn't believe what I saw. Those girls actually WANTED to go to church, and they still do and still WANT to attend. They WANT to be involved in the youth activities, charity functions, services, etc. It wasn't thrust upon them, but the social interaction, sincere Christian spiritual attitudes, etc drew them in and have helped them become fine young Christian women. They are in stark contrast to the cliquish, mean-spirited, haughty, materialistic little JW bitches I was around growing up in the JW's, or any other JW's for that matter.

    This whole time frame plus my own experiences growing up and then out of the religion has really shown me how fucked up this religion is, and how it is all nothing but a showy display, white-washed graves with no fruitage of the spirit, no harvest reaped for the amount of work put into it. They are warped and pretending to be Christians, that is all.

    - Wing Commander

  • yknot

    Fine, I will be the one to cop 'refreshing'.......

    Yea my KH also has cliques and there is a lot of labeling too...

    But I like many away from the KH where they feel comfortable to be themselves.

    I also get theocratic buzz when at larger events (spiking the ventilation system with koolaid maybe?)

    This said I think it is a steady trend in most KHs to be more of a collection of similar believing persons then the once 'spiritual family' we all had back in the book study groups. I also think the Orgs descision to go 'clampdown' has had many demoralizing effects that include general detachment from each other due to tattling or fearing 'bad association'

  • peacedog

    "Jehovah's Witnesses find genuine refreshment through up building Christian fellowship"

    Funny thing to say, when you stop and think about it. Why does the WT$ find it necessary to tell *JWs* what *JWs* think or feel?

    The Society prints garbage like this a lot. The point, imo, is to make the average JW believe the problem is theirs and theirs alone; that their feelings of discouragement and unhappiness are NOT the norm.

  • Soldier77

    WingCommander, I couldn't agree more with your statements. Great experience about your neices too, it's amazing to hear that they actually want to be there.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    After a meeting, I was left with a vague sense of having been let down, that the anticipation far exceeded the reality: ("what's the point? I didn't learn anything new"). Almost nil spiritual enlightenment. And after the closing "amen," most of the post-meeting chatter among the friends focused on the mundane to the exclusion of the material on the meeting, ie. women talking gossip, families, and exchanging recipes, etc. with the men talking about work and/or sports.

  • WTWizard

    Genuine refreshment? Hardly. First, I am expected to dress up in a suit that is not comfortable. They are bound to hound me for not doing more field circus. More likely than not, it will be nothing but men anyways--which I do not need. And I hardly find it refreshing to be bashing things that are everywhere and totally harmless (Christmas, anyone?).

    Nor do I find it refreshing to be around people that want me to just meet other men. And, my "teacher(??)" ended up trying to cut me off from the opposite sex, and I suspect that he may have wanted me to become sexually attracted to his 8 year old nephew (for whatever reason, I don't know). The worst part of that, had I not turned apostate, I would never have even suspected something like that was possible--at the very least, that dingbat wanted more than anything else to ruin my whole life. Genuinely refreshing

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