The evidence AGAINST evolution.

by nicolaou 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    The thread got stuck so I will post my answer again to get onto page 2.

    Although there is no evidence against evolution that you will accept, I know we were created because the Holy Spirit whispered the truth into my ear.

  • whereami

    Sir82 wrote:

    "However, by the way, probably within our lifetimes we will observe "non living matter turn into a living organism" - or at the very least, close enough to spark lively debate over what it means to be "alive"".

    We're getting close my friend:

  • notverylikely

    Although there is no evidence against evolution that you would find acceptable, I know that we were created because the Holy Spirit whispered the truth into my ear.

    Sorry dude. That was me whispering in your ear. I was drunk and hot for you.

  • TD

    Isolation of breeding groups results in genetic drift.

    Genetic drift results in reproductive incompatibility

    Look at what this process has done to the number of chomosomes in family Canidae:

    Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) 78

    Maned Wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) 76

    Golden Jackal (Canis aureus) 74

    Bat Eared Fox (Otocyon megalotis) 72

    Gray Fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) 66

    Fennec Fox (Vulpes zerda) 64

    Bengal Fox (Vulpes bengalensis) 60

    Kit Fox (Vulpes macrotis) 50

    Racoon Dog (Nyctereutes viverrinus) 42

    Tibetan Fox (Vulpes ferrilata) 36

    Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) 34

    Even though these animals are all closely related and share much of the same genetic information, the differences in the way that information is structured and organized results in sterility between these species.

    Of course, this doesn't prove that all the manifold diversity of life on earth arose via the same process, but it is direct disconfirmation of the notion that new species do not come into existence via natural processes. Even by the "Biblical" definition, these are different "Kinds."

  • OnTheWayOut

    Although there is no evidence against evolution that you would find acceptable, I know that we were created because the Holy Spirit whispered the truth into my ear.

    Sorry dude. That was me whispering in your ear. I was drunk and hot for you.

    I always said there was some alternate explanation for hearing that voice. Never mind.

  • notverylikely

    I always said there was some alternate explanation for hearing that voice. Never mind.

    It's the honcho 'stache, bro. Very manly :)

    (not really gay for OTWO or any other guy. Ladies welcome)

  • zannahdoll

    I'm still hanging on as a theist... I don't see any proof against evolution exactly, however I also do not see evolution as contrary to the concept of God. Evolution does not disprove the existence of God, it may give trouble to religious teachings, however, over all a theist can believe in Evolution, only that it is God who started off the Big Bang... a first cause.

    I've posted these videos a few other places on this board (sorry for the repeats) but I don't know if anyone has looked at them: here is one guy's attempt of explaining evidence of God through science... He claims he was an atheist who became a theist... I've heard some critiques about him: that his facts are inaccurate and that he never was an atheist, however I find him convincing...

    Evidence of God: Physics

    Evidence of God: DNA

    Evidence Against Darwin

    The Fossil Record Proves Creation

  • wobble

    The reason that most religious people who oppose Evolution do so, even in the face of the overwhelming evidence, is that they believe the Bible, or the Koran, are the word of God.

    Many Christian groups read the bible as literal "truth" and therefore they read the Creation stories (plural) in there as literal, and the Noah story too.

    Boy, do they have a problem. Or hundreds of insurmountable problems more like.

    The silly thing is that reading the bible that way, as inerrant and the inspired word of god is a farely new idea started in the late 19th Century .(Although Protestants before this had leaned that way)

    If they would just accept the bible for what it is, the maunderings of un-educated farmers, sheep-herders and fishermen from times long in the past, not inspired, not the word of god, they would not have to engage in the mental gymnastics and cognitive dissonance necessary to justify their silly position.

  • zoiks

    Yikes, Lee Strobel uses so many creationist canards, it's hard to know where to begin. Let's just talk about the fossil record for one second. The fossil record does show transitional forms. Everything alive is a transitional form. Every time a transitional fossil is found, creationists say, "Now there are more gaps! One before this fossil, and one after it!"

    Current life forms did NOT all spring into existence at once. The relatively short '60 seconds' that Strobel speaks of is in actuality about 50 million years of the Cambrian period. There are fossils of multicellular life before the Cambrian, but forms of life with more modern 'body plans' did 'spring up' over that 50 million years. They are nothing like what you would see today, though. No reptiles, amphibians, birds, mammals, etc. Life evolved tremendously after the Cambrian.

    As I said in a previous post, creationist literature speaks volumes. Reading creationist literature, and finding all of the mistakes, misrepresentations, and outright bald-faced lies is what got me to investigate evolution. These guys won't shut up, though, because they say what many people want to hear.

    Ugh. Gotta go to work now.

  • jookbeard

    the evidence for creation is so overwhelming you wouldn't expect to leave bricks/cement/timber and then expect the house to build itself would you?

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