Im finally leaving my jw husband.

by littlebird 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • littlebird

    Lady Lee, I feel like you wrote that for me, thank you. I have never thought about it that way.

    jamie I havent taken the test yet, I guess I have to register for it.

  • Quentin

    Vingar in Freedom tastes better than Honey in Slavery.....any kind of abuse is a form of slavery, it dosen't take much to move from mental abuse to physical...I do hope that has not and will not occur...being on your own is scary, you will be moving from the known into the unknown. Yet, for your sanity and saftey, it is a thing you must do. Be glad your sons are grown, hopefully they will be of comfort to you, their mother. People on this board will come out of the woodwork to comfort and support you. All of us in one way, or another have gone down this road.

    Best to you and, get out there and live.....

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    littlebird I think very very few people think about it that way. Glad it helped you see things from a different perspective

  • Mattieu

    Hi Littlebird, Thinking of you and I know emotionally you will be in a better place soon. Chin up, suck in the fresh air and take the time to smell the flowers! Cheers, Mattieu

  • littlebird

    Thank you Quentin Im also glad my sons are grown too. They are supportive of me leaving their dad.

    Thank you mattieu! I appreciate the support so much.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Good luck Littlebird,

    It looks like you made a wise choice. He sounds like a typical hardcore JW. It's a shame that they ruined his mind in that way, but I am glad you are able to breakaway.

    Better times are ahead. I am sure of it.

    The Oracle

  • littlebird

    Thanks oracle, I look forward to better times, for sure.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    little bird,

    everything will be okay just concentrate on healing yourself believe in yourself and enjoy peaceful moments listening to your favorite music or spending early mornings waking up with the world.

    it's a new beginning and as kahil gibron says "ready am I to go and my eagerness with full sails await the wind only another breathe will I breath in this still air only another loving look cast backward"

  • moshe
    I will be happy about not having to walk on eggshells around him anymore,

    I got tired of that, too. My JW wife could say anything she wanted, too, but I had to filter everything, every comment, to make sure it didn't upset her JW mind.

    Did she find that perfect JW spouse later? Noo-- she went out to C&W bars with a new worldly girlfriend, she dated only worldly men and she ended up quitting the KH and marrying a worldly man who was addicted to prescription painkillers and had mental issues. Go figure.

    Good luck littlebird- get a good lawyer- after having a consultation with all the good divorce lawyers in town first. That way your husband will only be able to hire a mediocre one.

  • RebeccaChi

    If you meet a new guy, be sure not to let your ex-husband find out for a loooong time. Let him enjoy the"Joy of Singleness" for a while.

    My prayers are with you, but I'm sure you'll be fine! Give it a few months.

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