Please help me with two things:

by trebor 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird
    I appreciate and understand if you do not see it that way, and I truly am grateful for the response.

    I certainly understand the place from which you are coming.

    What keeps my faith and hope alive is the recurring theme of restitution that weaves its way through the Bible.

    I am enjoying this discussion.


  • trebor

    Please, let me explain my intensions more and some background. I have been out of Jehovah's Witnesses for a while now. A brief summary of my story can be found here:

    Blame it on my upbringing and environment, or whatever else, but I am truly still seeking (Although not as aggressively or eagerly as I use to) questions to life/beliefs, where the two prominent views which are mostly on my mind are Christianity and Atheist. I honestly want to believe in Jesus and the whole story which really appeals to me...Even more so than the Watchtower crap I was exposed to for 30+ years. I know the contradictions and problems with certain aspects of Christianity; including 'the story' and 'the bible'.

    Then again, I have moments where Atheists seem to be my belief, yet I have issue with what I have brought up in my opening post.

    Many may laugh or balk at either stance, but for me this is where I am at with life's journey and understanding. I would say I'm more Agnostic than anything else at this point...Or more like a weak Atheist/strong Agnostic or/and a 'cultural' Christian. Respecting Atheism and Christianity the topics at hand are the most burning unanswered issues from my perspective and personal beliefs system.

    I'm hoping this thread will stay on course and focus on the two stances and help me acquire answers to the questions surrounding those areas. An answer of we/I don't know is more than acceptable as well, as that of course is my answer(s) at this time; hence, my questioning.

    I have more than made peace with there never being any satisfying answers to these questions and topics (At least not in my lifetime), but I thank all nonetheless for assisting me. I truly appreciate it.

  • JWoods
    Let me try this limited illustration: Say, for instance, President Obama is coming to your area bearing good tidings of plentiful jobs, excellent health care, adequate housing, etc.

    Based on his having done this numerous times in the past, I would be highly skeptical.

  • RosePetal

    Hi syl I am so glad you're back. Love you sis.


  • snowbird

    Go on somewhere and set down, JWoods.


  • snowbird
    Hi syl I am so glad you're back. Love you sis.

    Much love to you, also, Rosie P.


  • trebor

    Syl, I am glad you are enjoying the discussion. I hope others may benefit in one way or another. I'm skeptical about receiving satisfying answers (for me), as I believe at one point or another it's just going to boil down to literally/ironically having faith or a strong conviction one way or another without a 'true' answer.

    I hope otherwise, and desire to know the answers to what I posted at the start of this thread, but it just may not be the case. Thanks though for contributing.

  • leavingwt

    Deputy Dog:

    So then He has mercy on whom He desires

    The rest, he predestines to burn in Hell for all eternity.

  • snowbird

    Nobody has received any concrete answers - yet - otherwise, imo, there would be no need for faith.


  • leavingwt
    Nobody has received any concrete answers - yet - otherwise, imo, there would be no need for faith.

    Sylvia -- There are quite a few Fundamentalists among us who do proclaim certainty. It's as 'concrete' as concrete can be, for them.

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