by Quentin 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks

    Quentin? Why didn't you post yesterday? Do you have something to confess tell us?

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    There's a person in my place of work that tried the electronic cigarrette and has had tremendous success with it.

    I sincerely hope you conquer smoking and that your health improves.


  • Quentin

    Quentin? Why didn't you post yesterday? Do you have something to confess tell us?

    No, slept most of the day. The battle continues. DY will check out the electronic cigarrette, Terry had suggested smokless cigarrette's. Gum, patchs, and other things don't work with me. Seems Cold Turkey is the only way. Taint easy they call to me....

  • beksbks

    Cool!! 5 days!

  • Quentin

    And counting....they say if you can get past ten days you will make it complete....we'll see....

  • jwfacts

    The people I have know that were most successful went cold turkey. The person I sit next to at work was smoking hourly and chain smoking at the pub, and had done so for 25 years. He gave up cold turkey 6 months ago due to health concerns with very trouble. It comes down to how much you want to stop. If you are completely convinced that you have to and want to, then cold turkey is possible.

  • goodship

    Quentin, good luck, also since smoking was a habit, you need to form another habit, food is great, but be prepared to put on weight for the first few months, taking up walking or running will also help, rember form rotines, and walk every evening if you can and breath deep.....change your funiture around too, it cant act as a trigger that way, and let us know how you going

  • Mary
    Here in UK we can get Champix on prescription - they're great - after 8 days or so you really just dont want to smoke

    Yep. My sister tried the Champix and it helped her enormously. However, depending on where you live, it can be quite expensive. Most insurances don't cover "smoking cessation" products, even if they're prescription medication.

  • beksbks

    Wow, it's been a month Quentin. How are you doing?

  • Quentin
    Quentin excuses, but more later....thanks for asking....

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