What was it that first got you thinking that the Society was WRONG in how they INTERPRET the BIBLE?

by UnDisfellowshipped 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • serenitynow!

    Yeah the fact that everything always came back to JWs as far as prophecy. I used to think, "how do they know that"?

    Then the whole writing a letter to free an ex-spouse to remarry? My father tried to get my mom to sign one after he obtained an unscriptural divorce after commiting adultery. Then my aunt was like, if she signs that it should only be if he pays my mom X amount of money. I was like WTH are you all talking about? I told my elder uncle that accord. to my understanding of the bible such a thing was not scriptural. He insisted that it was and that he would "get back" to me with the evidence. That was a couple of years ago, and I'm still waiting.

  • DaCheech
    if she signs that it should only be if he pays my mom X amount of money


    spirit directed? elder arrangement spirit directed? gubberning body selection spirit directed?

    remember spirit directed is diffrent from prophet (little loophole in NOT being false prophets)

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